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Here's a question: To those of you who played football, how did you motivate yourself to get through the grind everyday? I've played 7 years now and I'm struggling to get into right mindset for the first time.


Think about what your opponent is doing.  Is he slacking or is he pushing himself to beat your ass?


Who's knees are going to buckle if you hit pad to pad?


Push yourself and dominate.

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Think about what your opponent is doing. Is he slacking or is he pushing himself to beat your ass?

Who's knees are going to buckle if you hit pad to pad?

Push yourself and dominate.

That's the thing, being so undersized for a linemen I've had to work 10 times as hard as anyone to get on the field and in the past it has worked, but during our version of "OTAs" I've played like absolute ****. Maybe it's the lack of pads and a new position hurting me, but it seems like my 4 days a week on the 1000$ weight set I bought since November has meant nothing. I think it will be better in August with 3 more months of work and conditioning, but damn does it suck now. I really gotta shake this pitty party attitude ASAP.
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That's the thing, being so undersized for a linemen I've had to work 10 times as hard as anyone to get on the field and in the past it has worked, but during our version of "OTAs" I've played like absolute ****. Maybe it's the lack of pads and a new position hurting me, but it seems like my 4 days a week on the 1000$ weight set I bought since November has meant nothing. I think it will be better in August with 3 more months of work and conditioning, but damn does it suck now. I really gotta shake this pitty party attitude ASAP.


Mental toughness is forged.  Start now.  You will get through this.  You will meet your goals.  You will start at your new position because noone has more fire or determination.  What you lack in skill, you will make up for with hustle and nastiness.


To think otherwise is self defeating and not worth your time.  Keep hitting the weights, change up your routines to confuse the muscle and continue to build.  Remember flexibility is as important as strength.


You can do this brother, keep your nose to the grindstone and push through the pain.  "Pain is Weakness leaving the body".

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Here's a question: To those of you who played football, how did you motivate yourself to get through the grind everyday? I've played 7 years now and I'm struggling to get into right mindset for the first time.

Think about why you play the game. Are you playing it because you want to play it. Are you playing it to get something out of it, (scholarship, make it to the pros, etc.), or are you playing out because you love the game?

To take the words of our franchise QB, once you "know your why", it could make going through all the pain a little easier knowing what you're doing it for.

It's like me going to school and work. I get out of the bed with the mindset of I'm doing this to make life better for my family, and to be an example for the younger people in my family. It makes it easier for me to get up knowing that I am on that mission...

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The city that I spent a year defending.  We buried 27 men trying to gain control of another country's 2nd largest city.


We won, pushed them out of Iraq and chased them under the rocks they crawled out from underneath.


And they just walk away and give it back.  What a slap in the face.




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Here's a question: To those of you who played football, how did you motivate yourself to get through the grind everyday? I've played 7 years now and I'm struggling to get into right mindset for the first time.

At what level are you playing? Why are you playing? For fun? For me, whatever sport I play, I play my hardest. I'm terrible at basketball, but I give max effort. I don't think I can give a helpful answer, the only sport I played competitively was soccer and I stopped cause I got burned out. It became a chore, plus I hated when my dad critiqued my performance. It mad me hate soccer for a long time. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is at the end of the day you still have to enjoy it, try to realize why you love the game. If you still know why you love it, than hopefully that will motivate you again.
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The city that I spent a year defending.  We buried 27 men trying to gain control of another country's 2nd largest city.


We won, pushed them out of Iraq and chased them under the rocks they crawled out from underneath.


And they just walk away and give it back.  What a slap in the face.




I know I can't feel your sorrow, but I've got your anger. Especially toward the people I know who were "pro-Iraq" and don't even recognize the story, the city...or your unit/company/battalion's losses. You & your brethren are precious, never forget that.
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So many really good things in Airplane.

Did you get the thing about the guy splashing water on his face, every time he tries to drink? It took me a while to get that joke.

Nope. I thought he was just trying to calm himself down from stress. Also notable are the random breasts during the chaos scene, inflatable copilot and jive grandma

Good movie

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I hate when people come into the change the name thread, that obviously have not read through it.


Educate yourself...Many times they bring valid arguments. However most times they have already been discussed.


If you want people to agree or disagree with your take on the topic read through the thread and learn what has already been hashed over.


Then make a new point of discussion to add to it, not detract from it.

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Nope. I thought he was just trying to calm himself down from stress. Also notable are the random breasts during the chaos scene, inflatable copilot and jive grandma

Good movie

The splashing in the face is because he "has a drinking problem".

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I know I can't feel your sorrow, but I've got your anger. Especially toward the people I know who were "pro-Iraq" and don't even recognize the story, the city...or your unit/company/battalion's losses. You & your brethren are precious, never forget that.



I tried explaining it to my co-workers.


"Its as if we liberated France from the Germans, only for them to give it back in 1953"


I appreciate your words.  I don't feel as it was all for nothing, we won.  We did what we were sent to do. 


When we got there, there were no lights on after 9pm.  The insurgents controlled the power grid.  When we left, you could not differentiate the skyline and light signature from any other major city at night.  We installed 2 hospitals, tons of other infrastructure like sewage treatment facilities, upgraded schools, etc.  The humanitarian work we did was equal to or greater than the fighting we did to beat them back.  I remember when the engineers came in and built the soccer field for this little ghetto area my platoon was responsible for.  (Million dollar homes on both sides and these people lived in mud huts) We dropped our weapons, armor, and played with the kids for hours.  (We got our butts kicked, those kids were good) 


And they walk away.


I just don't understand that mentality.  You traded your children's future, the future of your country, for your life.  To me that is cowardice, unjust, and they are scum.  I can't believe there are no men or women in that city who share my feelings, my dedication to country, freedom, and my fellow man.


I pray for their children.  They are the future of that country and all their hopes lie in them.  The old men are too far gone, too hardened from years of tyranny and oppression to change anything.  Please God help those children.

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