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Watching Jurassic Park...forgot how awesome this movie is

Awesome indeed. One of the first movies I remember my dad taking me to go see. It's crazy how long ago that was, now. Almost 20 years, and yet, that's probably as real as any movie like that will ever get, with the animatronics. The realism, even now, is amazing, when you consider the amount of CGI that gets used now. That scene when Timmy and Lex are hiding in the kitchen scared the hell out of me, as well as the Dilophosaurus (sp) attack. I must've watched that movie at least 100 lines, and can almost recite every line.

And John Williams' score was fantastic.

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Awesome indeed. One of the first movies I remember my dad taking me to go see. It's crazy how long ago that was, now. Almost 20 years, and yet, that's probably as real as any movie like that will ever get, with the animatronics. The realism, even now, is amazing, when you consider the amount of CGI that gets used now. That scene when Timmy and Lex are hiding in the kitchen scared the hell out of me, as well as the Dilophosaurus (sp) attack. I must've watched that movie at least 100 lines, and can almost recite every line.

And John Williams' score was fantastic.

Funny you mention the kitchen scene, I'm watching that part right now. The CGI holds up incredibly well and looks pretty sweet in HD

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I bought my two year old son a Redskins Dream Lite today. I just turned it on in his room and it was fantastic. It's like there is a bat-signal on his ceiling... but it's a Redskins logo instead. How freaking awesome is that?

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Awesome indeed. One of the first movies I remember my dad taking me to go see. It's crazy how long ago that was, now. Almost 20 years, and yet, that's probably as real as any movie like that will ever get, with the animatronics. The realism, even now, is amazing, when you consider the amount of CGI that gets used now. That scene when Timmy and Lex are hiding in the kitchen scared the hell out of me, as well as the Dilophosaurus (sp) attack. I must've watched that movie at least 100 lines, and can almost recite every line.

And John Williams' score was fantastic.

The first T-Rex scene still looks better than anything in movies today. I can only imagine what JP would look like if it were remade. Pure cartoonish CGI garbage I'm sure.

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The first T-Rex scene still looks better than anything in movies today. I can only imagine what JP would look like if it were remade. Pure cartoonish CGI garbage I'm sure.
The first Dino scene, when they are in the Jeep in the Valley, and they pan up to see the Brachiosaurus. queue the John Williams score....Wow.

Yep and yep. I have no problems using CGI where it is an absolute must (like filming a large stampede, or any other type of situation where you need more than 2-3 animals in a shot, or you need a full body shot), but it is amazing how real things can look with animatronics. That T-Rex scene was as real as anything I've ever seen. Now it would look like nothing but a PS3 cutscene.

It's why I hold movie like Congo (where they used real actors who could mimic a gorilla's every movement and put them in the gray killer Gorilla suits, making them more than believeable) and Alien in high regard. It gives more substance, when (as an actor) you can see and touch, and react to something that is really there in front of you, on location, and not standing in a greenroom playing make believe. All of the up close Dino shots (especially the velociraptors) were very well done.

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The first Dino scene, when they are in the Jeep in the Valley, and they pan up to see the Brachiosaurus. queue the John Williams score....Wow.

epic bro....EPIC

I remember seeing that movie the Friday it opened at White Flint Mall near Rockville Pike....musta been like 1992 or 93....sheesh. I was blown away. The kitchen scene with the veloci's is definitely intense. T-rex to the rescue. :)

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Yep and yep. I have no problems using CGI where it is an absolute must (like filming a large stampede, or any other type of situation where you need more than 2-3 animals in a shot, or you need a full body shot), but it is amazing how real things can look with animatronics. That T-Rex scene was as real as anything I've ever seen. Now it would look like nothing but a PS3 cutscene.

It's why I hold movie like Congo (where they used real actors who could mimic a gorilla's every movement and put them in the gray killer Gorilla suits, making them more than believeable) and Alien in high regard. It gives more substance, when (as an actor) you can see and touch, and react to something that is really there in front of you, on location, and not standing in a greenroom playing make believe. All of the up close Dino shots (especially the velociraptors) were very well done.

The Alien movies had the best props and costumes of any monster movie ever. Amazing how it's almost 30 years later, technology is so advanced it can almost be considered magic, and yet somehow movie monsters have become less realistic.

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epic bro....EPIC

I remember seeing that movie the Friday it opened at White Flint Mall near Rockville Pike....musta been like 1992 or 93....sheesh. I was blown away. The kitchen scene with the veloci's is definitely intense. T-rex to the rescue. :)

He ****ed those raptors up :ols:

Then the epic banner comes down while he's flexing

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That Marley tribute was nuts.

It almost brought a tear to my eye when Jr. Gong came out at the end. The only person missing was Ky-mani.

I thought it was way too short. The only reason I stayed up that late last night was to see Damien, and then he was only on for like 2 minutes. I hate that Bruno Mars song.

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So it's 2/11, and apparently, my friends are convinced it's Steel Reserve Day. Because it's "Steel Reserve 211"... This **** is getting me ****ed up FAST! I hate the taste, but I know it will soon disappear...

I've never felt like more of an alcoholic...

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The Alien movies had the best props and costumes of any monster movie ever. Amazing how it's almost 30 years later, technology is so advanced it can almost be considered magic, and yet somehow movie monsters have become less realistic.

Sorry I missed this post...

But LOTR too. Those Orcs/Uruk-Hai were absolute freak shows. I can appreciate hard work (I can't imagine how long it takes to put all of that stuff on) and great acting, instead of a CGI fest.

I think too many movies nowadays (mainly adventure/fantasy movies) are shot on such a grand scale that you lose a lot of what made all of those movies back in the day truly unique. ET is more believable as an alien than anything you'd see in Avatar, District 9 (though I loved that movie) or Battle Of Los Angeles, and Yoda in the first trilogy is 1,000x more believable as a damn puppet that hobbles around on a stick than the flying, somersaulting, light saber dueling wildman that shoots lightning bolts out of his forehead in the second trilogy. Pet Semetary, Hellraiser, Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween.

You see people in costumes and makeup in horror movies from the Boris Karloff era, and it legitimately disturbs the hell out of you, with the way they looked, and the way they moved. You just don't get that anymore.

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If you're taking a dump in a public restroom, and you're almost done when someone comes into the bathroom, do you wait for them to leave before you come out of the stall? Or do you just barge right out and say a big hello! To the guy as you're washing your hands?

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