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All of those things.

Skins tone and skin attributes basically.


---------- Post added May-12th-2012 at 11:10 PM ----------

Have you ever been in a convenience store that had a huge jar of pickles (or sometimes pickled eggs) next to the cash register? Who in the **** eats these things? Do they give you a free prescription of antibiotics?

True story, I was in a convenience store a few weeks back and my curiosity got the better of me...I asked the attendant if I were to buy a pickled egg, how was I to get it? Roll up my sleeve and dig for one? She said "oh no, we've got a tool for that". She proceeded to root around under the counter and produce a pair of dirty tongs. Well at that point who could say no? Yum. :doh:

---------- Post added May-12th-2012 at 11:29 PM ----------

For all of you people who think this country is going soft, let me invite you to spend some time in Lawrenceburg Tennessee. I'll introduce you to the smoky mountain toothpick guy.

The backstory- I was there on business and struck up a conversation with a guy who installed metal roofing. One of his helpers was with him... This guy was 6'3", sunburnt to a crisp, and had skin roughly the texture of a football. Maybe 3 or 4 teeth. At first I thought he'd been drinking but I think it was more just a permanent glaze over look in his eye. His hands looked like baseball gloves.

Well, to make a long story short it turns out they buy their bulk metal from a customer of mine. So we knew the same person. After I tell them that I live in east Tennessee, the helper turns to me and says "I wuz down thar few months back and got me one a dem smoky mountain toothpicks. Hell I don't use it for much other than stickin' boars"

Huh? At the risk of sounding like a gentrified *****, I asked him to clarify what he meant. First of all, a smoky mountain toothpick is a novelty knife that is roughly the size of a medieval sword. Think crocodile Dundee. As for the "sticking boars part", turns out this guy is an avid wild pig hunter.

Some of my follow up questions

-wait, don't you shoot the wild pigs?

"Naw, I hunt with dogs"

-so does the dog hold the pig down while you "stick him"?

"hell naw, I kill a dog that messes up a pig. They just corner it till I get there"

-well how in the hell do you kill a wild pig with a knife? Are you crazy?

"ain't nothin to it. You get up behind the pig and grab its haunches and twist. The pig is then on its back and slittin' its throat is easy". (at this point, he's genuinely wondering if I am ****ting him in some way. Are there really people who don't know how to stick a boar?)

-(WTF). Do you eat them?

"course I do. I don't much care for dem big ole boars that's been hardened, but the youngun's is good eatin. But he'll I'll eat em all

This is the guy we should have dropped into Tora Bora. Seriously

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Did well in Access but not so well in SQL

Programming is possibly one of the worst scourges to ever afflict society. I am now finished with SQL for good. I don't intend to use this damn language ever again. Who would have thought a language based on simple commands could be so difficult?

FYI there is no such thing as an easy programming language

Even the "easy" programming languages like SQL or C++ which is allegedly easy involve memorizing tons of syntax. Don't expect me to memorize all your syntax jibba-jabba.

Also, anyone who has EVER programmed knows about debugging. Debugging is absolutely frustrating and will have you literally throw things across the room in fits of livid anger. Copy code from book. Code fails. Code is STRAIGHT from the book. It makes no sense.

I'll never take another programming language again.

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****ing ****, I can't catch a break. I had Lymes Disease six months ago. Now I probably have...*drumroll*...SHINGLES! Ayyye, ****ing awesome. You see kids, this is what happens when you party too hard and too long. There's no ****ing chance I make it past 50.

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****ing ****, I can't catch a break. I had Lymes Disease six months ago. Now I probably have...*drumroll*...SHINGLES! Ayyye, ****ing awesome. You see kids, this is what happens when you party too hard and too long. There's no ****ing chance I make it past 50.

Dude, shingles come from chicken pox. I had it when I was 6, and stand the same chance. A co-worker's father just contracted it, and it's taken over a side of his body. Get help and take care...need you cheerin come RG3 time!!!

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Remembering my COBOL days.

COBOL is a programming language that was specifically designed to look like English. The idea was to make programs as easy to read and to debug and to support as possible.

This means that it certainly can be a really verbose language. For example, the statement from most languages

IF X = 1 <whatever>

in COBOL, is allowed to be written as

IF X IS EQUAL TO 1 THEN <whatever>. 

(I don't think I've ever seen anybody write it out that way. But the language allows it.)

Note that period? It's

COBOL isn't based around "statements". It's based around "sentences". And sentences end with a period. In many languages, a statement ends when you go to the next line, unless you do something special to make it longer than one line. In COBOL, a sentence continues till the period.

In most cases, it's not important. The compiler can figure out where a sentence ends, and will put a period there, for you. You can write

A = B + C
D = E + F

without periods, and the compiler will know that those are two separate sentences, and put periods there for you.

But, if you write

   A = B + C
   D = E + F

G = H + I

then the "IF" statement hasn't ended, yet. All of those statements, including "G =" (and whatever follows it, too) are part of the "IF" statement.

I'd say that probably 90% of the time I've spent going "WTF?" at COBOL code, has been due to misplaced periods in IF statements.

It lets you be really verbose in other ways, too. Like, the statement


is valid, too. (But, again, I don't think I've ever seen anybody write that way.)

But, back to my example of "even when it's designed to look like English, you still have to understand that it's a computer, it follows rules, and you have to know what the rules are".

The IF statement allows programmers to take shortcuts. To use incomplete statements, and have the compiler fill them in. You can say

IF  X < 7 
AND   > 1

(Those two parts of the sentence don't have to be on separate lines. But they can be. And I'm choosing to show them that way because I think it illustrates the point better.)

and the compiler will treat it as though you said

IF  X < 7 
AND X > 1

The rule is that if, after an "and" or "or", there follows an incomplete logical comparison, then the compiler will treat it as though the missing parts of the comparison are identical to the previous comparison.

So when, following the "and", there was nothing to the left of the ">", the compiler assumes that there's an "X" there, because that's what was there in the previous comparison

You can even leave out the comparison operator. The statement

IF X = 1
OR    3

is valid, too. And will be treated as though it read

IF X = 1
OR X = 3

The problem occurs when you're dealing with negated operators.

The statement

IF X NOT = 1 OR 3

is always true. Because the compiler's "assume that the missing parts are carried from the previous expression" causes the compiler to teat that statement as

IF X NOT = 1
OR X NOT = 3

which is always true.

"If x = 1 or 3" works, just like it does in English. But "If x not = 1 or 3" is always true. (You'd have to do it as "If x not = 1 AND 3" to make it work.


And yes, I know that nobody cares. :)

But you got any idea how hard it is to work that bit of esoteric trivia into a conversation?

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Dude, shingles come from chicken pox. I had it when I was 6, and stand the same chance. A co-worker's father just contracted it, and it's taken over a side of his body. Get help and take care...need you cheerin come RG3 time!!!

Yeah from what I understand it's like adult chickenpox. And it's contagious for adults who haven't had chickenpox, especially older folk. I was supposed to go to church today with my mom for Mother's Day but that was nixed (at least I'm getting something out of it--jk). Lots of old people at church.

Man, looking at pictures of shingles, this could really, really suck. Damn. I didn't realized how ****ed up this could get.

Thanks for the well wishes

Edit: Looking at the causes, I bet this is related to the Lyme Disease too. Weakened my immune system. ****ing ticks

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Yeah from what I understand it's like adult chickenpox. And it's contagious for adults who haven't had chickenpox, especially older folk. I was supposed to go to church today with my mom for Mother's Day but that was nixed (at least I'm getting something out of it--jk). Lots of old people at church.

Man, looking at pictures of shingles, this could really, really suck. Damn. I didn't realized how ****ed up this could get.

Thanks for the well wishes

anything you need to know, and all the best for you & your family.


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Remembering a line from M*A*S*H, when Klinger got the Measles:

Funny thing about Measles. You get them when you're a kid, you don't get them when you're grown up. You get them when you're grown up, then you don't get kids.

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Remembering a line from M*A*S*H, when Klinger got the Measles:

Funny thing about Measles. You get them when you're a kid, you don't get them when you're grown up. You get them when you're grown up, then you don't get kids.

Only step-daughter... not nuts enough to produce.

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Man I swear these stadiums/arenas need a crash course in how to play **** other than the insanely played garbage that's been recycled for the past 20+ years. Please stop playing:

Welcome To The Jungle

Crazy Train

Enter Sandman

Hells Bells



Right Now

Seriously, those aren't the only songs you can use to amp up the crowd/atmosphere, yet almost every stadium plays those songs.

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note to you...

drinking is awesome

Note to you...

I'm not actually sure what happened last night after game 7...

I remember asking 2 cops how much if the only way to get a public intox is to piss them off. And there was an incredibly hot redhead....

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Well no more education for me at least for the summer

Feels good to be free

A free man

Eventually I might have to come crawling back to school, because I pretty much have been in school most of my life, and the world outside of school is a cruel world I'm scared of

But right now it feels good to be free

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