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Just finished the NY/NJ Bar Exams [Updated Shamelessly Again]


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Hey Guys,

I've sort of been away for awhile--or at least haven't been posting that much. :)

I just wanted to thank (publicly) Tarhog, zoony, HeHateMe, and Die Hard for their personal well wishes for my success on the Bar.

It was pretty awful. I hope I passed.

Looking forward to returning to Extreme on a pseudo full-time basis.


I am so f-ing tired.

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Congratulations! I'm sure you passed with flying colors. Enjoy the next few days.....There is nothing like the days after the bar...The relief and extreme fatigue plus ample libations and sportscenter out the ying yang.

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Thanks guys. We don't get results until November which makes the waiting a little painful.


First off, congratulations. Secondly, although it's probably easy for me to say, don't stress too much over finding out what the results were. At this point, all you can do is honestly ask yourself if you have put forth your best effort. If the answer to that is yes, then you have done all you can do. The rest is out of your hands.

Be proud and best of luck in your future endeavours.

- CH

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Guest Gichin13
Originally posted by Predicto

Congrats! Now the long wait begins....

Then come take the California Bar - it sucks even worse!

I have heard California and NY are the two worst, followed closely by Virginia (mostly due to number of subjects in Virginia).

iheartskins, good luck on the results and congrats on completing it. The bar exam is a pain and truly a ritual.

Just finished a four day jury trial on a wrongful death case here in Virginia, jury is deliberating. The hazing rituals are only beginning :laugh:

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Congratulations bro.

I know what it feels like.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Walking into that huge Jacob Javits Center was a nightmare.

Then when they close the doors down and basically lock you in, you know its on.

Not to mention sitting in the back near the bathrooms and seeing people run to them, and then hearing some of the loudest puking Ive ever heard.

Oh, and seeing the empty chairs in the afternoon after many people just gave up? Priceless.

Good job taking NJ too. It can only help you. Plus there is no way youll ever want to study like you just did for the past 3 months.

By today, taking the NJ portion was basically, "lets just get it over with". That last ten minutes of the afternoon session was one of the ten minutes of my life. Then handing in your exam, well, only those who have been through it can know how we feel.

Im happy to know you didnt need me throughout the process. Not hearing from you led me to believe you were just fine. Not that I ever doubted you. :)

Well, for now, as Tom Petty sang it best, "The Waiting is the Hardest Part..." It really is. I mustve hit up the BOLE website about 1,000 times from August to November.

Oh, and then youll hear the rumors from your friends that results are coming out...yep, your heart stops and stomach drops. It sucks.

But dont fret too much, once you get your MBE score from Jersey (comes out about a month before NY) youll have a good idea of if you passed.

But I digress.

Congratulations my man. You did it. Im proud. NY Bar is a total you know what. And you took it on headfirst. And beat its a$$. I know you did.

PM me when you get a chance to tell me about it.

Hope all is well, and just relax for about 2 weeks. Minimum. You deserve.

And dont I know it.


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Originally posted by HeHateMe

I know what it feels like.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Walking into that huge Jacob Javits Center was a nightmare.

Then when they close the doors down and basically lock you in, you know its on.

Not to mention sitting in the back near the bathrooms and seeing people run to them, and then hearing some of the loudest puking Ive ever heard.

Sounds like the time I paid good money to see 'Zoolander' in the theaters :doh:

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