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Just finished the NY/NJ Bar Exams [Updated Shamelessly Again]


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Thanks steveo. I just saw "Good Luck, Good Night"; it was pretty good, I think you'd like it. Well executed with solid cinemetography and good plot direction.

I agree. I saw it last weekend. GOOD movie!One of the better ones to come out this year. I could tell you some stories about what Clooney had to do to get it made. One thing I know you will like is "Entourage" starts filming in three months and have hired more writers for a longer season. :)

Congrats again! :applause:

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Congrats! :cheers:

Thanks J. :)

:thumbsup: :2drunks: congrats my brother,

your family must be proud!!!!!

and your a MOD too, what a year for you!!!!! :notworthy

Definitely a big year. Lots of good thing have happened--I'm really lucky.


Now don't just sit there! Sue somebody, fer cryin' out loud! :)

The pleadings have already been filed--and the defendant is The Cheif! I kid, I kid. :)

Congratulations! There was never a doubt in my heart.

(Disclaimer: Please don't feel the need to respond individually to this post--at this rate, you won't have any time for lawyerin'. :))

Thanks AtB. There was definitely a lot of doubt in mine because the actual MultiState was in a completely different realm of difficulty as compared to practice tests. As my friend Michelle says: I knew 10 answers were right and I guessed on the other 190. :)

Congrats man...from everything I hear that is a hard test. You should be proud! I'd buy you beer, but...this will have to do! :cheers:

Thanks jrock. :)

I agree. I saw it last weekend. GOOD movie!One of the better ones to come out this year. I could tell you some stories about what Clooney had to do to get it made. One thing I know you will like is "Entourage" starts filming in three months and have hired more writers for a longer season. :)

Congrats again! :applause:

I can't wait. SteveO: coming through with the inside information once again. :)


:cheers: :logo:

thats awesome...congrats!!!

Thanks guys. :)

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So the manner in which I heard is actually kind of funny.

This whole week all my law school friends have been talking about how the NY results were going to be released at 9:00 AM sharp today. As we got all got closer to 9, everyone became more and more nervous. So this morning I arrived at work at 8:30 or so, the usual time but I was reluctant to start checking to see if the results were up early. Luckily, I got a call from my boss and I drafted some documents for him which took me until around 8:58 or so. I went online to check and the nybarexam.org website was down. I realized that this was probably due to the 12,000+ applicants all checking at the same time (plus some others, to be discussed below). Then I tried to open Google which also didn't load.

Then I realized that our whole office's internet was down and that I was going to have to wait until tonight to figure out the results. The time was 9:02

Then another partner snatched me up and I went and witnessed a will.

I got back to my desk at 9:09 to see the red light up on my voicemail. I check it and it's a ....


Apparently my mom had been furiously checking along with my step dad with the 12,000 other applicants (and apparently also the parents of said 12K applicants).

All in all, not a bad way to find out.

So I've only in the last hour or so gone to the website and checked for myself.

What a relief! :)

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:cheers: :writing: :adoration


Thanks BD.

Again, congratulations!

I'm sure you'll be having a nice celebratory weekend.


Tonight I'm going out for steak and scotch.

Congrats iheart! ... I hope I'll be there too a year from now.

TJ, I have little doubt that you'll ace the exam and be featured on the PMBR List of Honor.

Congrats Esquire Iheartskins! Welcome to the brotherhood!

Did they teach you the secret handshake and show you the private lounge? Say Hi to Kitty for me.

Kitty sends you kisses. What's this I hear about having to meet at the courthouse at 2:30 AM in a track suit? Something about a paddling? I'm sure it's nothing...

Congrats again Iheart. That has got to be a pretty cool step forward in your life.

Thanks J. It's a major relief. I can't imagine having to go back and start studying again right now.

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