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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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Who Owns Ron DeSantis?




In recent months, Ron DeSantis has received a load of bad press focused on his slippage in the 2024 polls, shake-ups within his organization, and less-than-stellar campaign finances. Yet the Florida governor is one of the most prodigious political cash-chasers in recent US history. When he successfully ran for reelection in Florida in 2022, DeSantis, who was first elected to the Sunshine State’s top executive position four years earlier, raised a whopping $211 million for his state political committee and set an all-time record for gubernatorial fundraising. Along the way, he collected huge bundles of campaign money from eccentric billionaires, magnates who had run afoul of the law, corporations that seek lucrative contracts from the government he runs, and even a prominent businessman once identified by law enforcement authorities as associated with a Mafia crime family. 


What made DeSantis’ money-grab such a feat was that most of the candidates he surpassed were tycoons who had poured their own fortunes into their campaign treasuries. (Businesswoman Meg Whitman dumped $144 million of personal funds into her unsuccessful quest in 2010 for the California governorship.) DeSantis topped them all by hitting up corporations, fat-cat donors, and political action committees for super-sized contributions. Gargantuan donations in the six-, seven-, and eight-digit range poured into his political pockets. Of the more than 200,000 contributors to his 2022 effort, 313 handed him $100,000 or more, with 11 slipping DeSantis $1 million or more. These $100,000-and-above donations accounted for $113 million, or 54 percent of his total take. 


Florida imposes no restraints on the size of political donations to state political committees. (In a presidential race, a contributor can only give $3,300 directly to a candidate, but an unlimited amount to an independent-expenditure committee, better known as a super PAC, which supports the candidate.) DeSantis took advantage of Florida’s wide-open campaign finance system to bring in a never-before-seen amount of dollars, swamping his Democratic opponent Charlie Crist, who collected a measly $32 million. Despite DeSantis’ current financial woes, the 2022 contest demonstrates that he can pull in the big bucks. It also shows who has their hooks into DeSantis.


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Good read on the Colorado case appeal to get the orange turd removed from the ballot. 



I have obtained a copy of the plaintiff's 67-page appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court to keep Trump off the ballot pursuant to §3 of 14th Amendment of the Constitution before it hits the docket.

As soon as I have a link to a court-stamped copy, I'll provide it. For now, I wanted to share with you some of the more powerful passages of this appeal.

As you likely already know, the court ruled that Trump engaged in insurrection as defined by §3, but the court also found that the President is not an "Officer of the United States", and that the Presidential oath to "preserve, protect, and defend" the Constitution is not an oath to "support" the Constitution.

"This holding was reversible error."

So you're aware, the lower court made a FACTUAL finding (that Trump engaged in insurrection) and a LEGAL finding (that POTUS isn't an Officer of the US and the POTUS Oath doesn't say "support" like the 14th Amendment does). FACTUAL findings are tough to overturn, but LEGAL findings are more easily reversible. So that's what the plaintiffs are arguing for here. The stated issue now before the Colorado Supreme court is: "Did the district court commit reversible error in ruling that Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which disqualifies people who engaged in insurrection against the Constitution after taking an oath to support the Constitution, does not apply to Presidents who engage in insurrection or to insurrectionists wanting to be President?"

"The court held that Section 3’s disqualification rule does not apply to insurrectionist former Presidents, nor to any insurrectionists running for President—in effect, that this office alone is above the law."




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The "WAP" hitmaker, who participated in Biden campaign promotion when he was a presidential candidate, took aim at the Democrat in a 10-minute live session on Instagram, and vowed that she would never endorse another aspiring president.

Bronx-raised Cardi B, whose real name is Belcalis Almánzar, posted the video following last week's announcement by New York City Mayor Eric Adams that there would be a 5 percent cut affecting several services in the Big Apple. The police, public libraries, schools, and sanitation are among the departments affected





Responding to the news, an incensed Cardi B said on Instagram over the weekend: "I'm an angry b**** right now... I need y'all to spread this video, and if something happens to me, it's because I'm speaking the truth."


"In New York, there is a $120 million budget cut in New York that's going to affect schools, public libraries, and the police department... And a $5 million budget cut in sanitation," she went on. "B****, we are going to be drowning in f****** rats."


"I'm not endorsing no f****** president no more," 

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6 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:



The "WAP" hitmaker, who participated in Biden campaign promotion when he was a presidential candidate, took aim at the Democrat in a 10-minute live session on Instagram, and vowed that she would never endorse another aspiring president.

Bronx-raised Cardi B, whose real name is Belcalis Almánzar, posted the video following last week's announcement by New York City Mayor Eric Adams that there would be a 5 percent cut affecting several services in the Big Apple. The police, public libraries, schools, and sanitation are among the departments affected





Responding to the news, an incensed Cardi B said on Instagram over the weekend: "I'm an angry b**** right now... I need y'all to spread this video, and if something happens to me, it's because I'm speaking the truth."


"In New York, there is a $120 million budget cut in New York that's going to affect schools, public libraries, and the police department... And a $5 million budget cut in sanitation," she went on. "B****, we are going to be drowning in f****** rats."


"I'm not endorsing no f****** president no more," 


New York Mayor Joe Biden? New York Governor Joe Biden? 



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20 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


New York Mayor Joe Biden? New York Governor Joe Biden? 



she goes into detail about how it affects Biden and why she has become disillusioned. 



In an apparent attempt to explain why much of her self-described anger was aimed at Biden, Cardi B told her 169 million Instagram followers that they face similar budget cuts across the U.S.

"Little by little, it's gonna go [on] in y'all states," she warned.

Calling out internet users' focus on "celebrity drama," Cardi B said "that's little compared [to] what's going on right now. The world is in f****** shambles."

"These leaders, they don't have our best interests [at heart]," she concluded. "I'm always gonna speak for the people.""



An NBC poll released on Sunday showed that Biden’s approval rating has declined to 40%, the lowest level of his presidency. And the survey showed that strong majorities of all voters disapprove of his handling of foreign policy.

The steepest declines of support came among voters aged 18 to 34 – 70% said they did not approve of Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza.


Honest truth is, yeah, the election's still a year away. But don't discount these polls. 2 Wars going on, approval ratings low...he can rebound, sure, but it's the 2nd worst (only to Carter) in terms of approval rating at this time of a presidency. That in itself is disturbing. The only saving grace for Biden fans is that much of the alleged "fear" and "red waves" have not come true in midterms, and as seen, 2023. Is this also something to discount too? Stay tuned.

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Problem with this country in a nutshell.


Airhead entertainer influencing elections with idiot logic, and people will listen to her. 

You want your peeps to vote for a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, narcissist, wanna-be authoritarian dictator?


**** off Cardi B, and stay in your lane…****!

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26 minutes ago, Long n Left said:

Problem with this country in a nutshell.


Airhead entertainer influencing elections with idiot logic, and people will listen to her. 

You want your peeps to vote for a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, narcissist, wanna-be authoritarian dictator?


**** off Cardi B, and stay in your lane…****!


Where does it say she wants folks to vote for Trump?


One of the biggest problems with the Dems is when there is some mass criticism of one of them folks try to translate what they saying.


I, too, would like to understand why NYC is doing across the board budget cuts instead of racing taxes on the wealthy to help balance their budget.  That does sound like something the GOP would do instead, so what gives?




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20 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Where does it say she wants folks to vote for Trump?

There’s another option?


Guess there’s RFK Jr.


I get being pissed off about the cuts in NYC, but then to use some ridiculous, convoluted logic to assert your claim, and say “they gonna do it in your state too?” And to tie it to Biden? 


Uh, last I checked, the GOP were the one’s doing that ****.


As for NYC, I think Adams is in over his head, and was a poor choice by the NYC dem party.


Far too many young people in this country get their “news” from TikTok, YouTube and the like. Social media influencers with huge amounts of followers, like Cardi B, should not be spouting off about things they have no clue about. But…internet.

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This is America, she can spout whatever she wants @Long n Left


Dems can ignore what she's speaking to at their own peril.  I don't expect a David Brooks level break down from her, so I'm not gonna shoot the messenger here.


If she endorsed someone else that's one thing, but it sounds like she doesn't want to endorse anyone.  Thats frustration, folks are frustrated.

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On the one hand, NYC budget issue is a cascading effect from a national issue, the broken immigration system and the incoming volume of illegal immigrants.  National solution (from NYC's perspective) would require either a massive immigration reform (not happening since it would require a massive bipartisan agreement) or a massive federal support for NYC in terms of funding.  (Arguably, you could also stop incoming illegal immigration through the southern border, but I don't see how that happens without a militarized southern border and willingness to treat illegal crossing as an invasion.  Good luck with that).


On the other hand, the NYC budget problem is self-inflicted.  While Right to Shelter Consent Decree is still valid, NYC mayors over the years have fought to make the rights more restrictive.  Also dumb for NYC to not legislatively override the consent decree and provide their own standard (which the NY State Constitution plainly allows).  Lastly, Adams is being irresponsible as a the mayor.  I think Adams should have vigorously fought the notion that illegal immigrants who have no ties to NYC other than selecting it as their chosen destination after the border crossing have any rights under the state Constitution.  Given how post Callahan cases have gone in favor of NYC, I don't think it would have been difficult a case for the city.  Instead of crying to Washington for more money or handing out leaflets to try to dissuade the illegal immigrants from coming to NYC, make it so that any aid provided to them is discretionary, not constitutionally mandated.  It is dereliction of his duty as a mayor and nonsensical approach to the problem.


One note to add is that someday, and I hope in the not too distant future, politicians have got to get their head out of their asses and reform immigration in this country.  Legal immigration needs to be expanded, be merit based, and made so much easier.  Asylum should be restricted by narrowly construing persecution and be conditioned on making themselves readily available for deportation upon denial of application.  Standard for asylum should be to apply at a port of entry where entry may be expeditiously granted based on a preliminary hearing and a prima facie evidence of asylum entitlement (allowing them to remain in the US while full adjudication is processed).  Illegal entry should be a presumptive bar to all immigration benefits including asylum.  


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Gallego Is Ahead of Lake, Sinema in New Poll on Arizona Senate Race


New polling out of Arizona shows that Rep. Ruben Gallego (D) is ahead of both Republican Kari Lake and incumbent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I) in a three-way contest for the state’s U.S. Senate seat in next year’s elections.


Gallego receives a plurality of support from voters, though not a majority, according to the statewide Noble Predictive Insights poll that was conducted from October 25-31. He leads the three contenders with 39 percent backing from voters in the state. Lake comes in second, with 33 percent support, while Sinema is close behind with 29 percent.


Data from the poll shows that Sinema was pulling more Republican votes away from Lake than she was Democratic votes from Gallego. Other polls — including one commissioned by Republicans around the same time — also show Gallego with the lead among the three.


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President Joe Biden’s poll numbers keep getting worse.

November started with New York Times/Siena College polls showing Trump ahead in four of the six swing states, but more indicators of Biden’s electoral peril soon followed. The president’s standing in head-to-head matchups with Trump is falling: Among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden’s position is worse than their previous polls in all but two of them.

It’s not just the Middle East — Biden’s been slipping in the polls for months.

It’s common to try attributing any change in a president’s poll numbers to recent news events, such as Israel’s war with Hamas. But for Biden, the reality is a little more complicated.

FiveThirtyEight’s average shows a fairly steady decline in Biden’s approval rating dating back to May. RealClearPolitics’ goes back to April.

Meanwhile, Trump’s average favorable rating has actually been steadily increasing over the past two months, rising from 39 percent on Sept. 1 to 42 percent as of Wednesday afternoon, according to FiveThirtyEight.

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Yes the polls have been telling a consistent story for years. They exist much more as a device to assist media as endless filler for stories to amplify both the volume and "importance" of what the media has to say.


Trouble, the unknown, and fear = $$$.


As some sort of a tool of precision prediction, or even of useful accurate depiction of what are moments in time or longer term trends, the best of them (a very small group of three or four) are marginally better than tossing raven's bones on the ground.


Just examine their methodology. Asking people stuff. Quite commonly over landline phones, and their other typical info-gathering techniques would be considered laughable by anyone familiar with rigorous study and analytics in even the more "soft" sciences.


Especially doing it years/months away from an actual event. Polls. Yeah that's the ticket.


(I am most def  not someone who dismisses valid data or credible pertinent information on important matters because I don't like the findings).

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35 minutes ago, Jumbo said:


(I am most def  not someone who dismisses valid data or credible pertinent information on important matters because I don't like the findings).


I thought you were fond of telling us you would willingly throw people in a wood chipper because you don't like their findings. 




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