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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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38 minutes ago, bearrock said:

Unfortunately there's very few solutions to short memory and stupidity. 

Add to it - in a two party system, the dems try to be everything to everyone, and it’s a foolish plan that will never work (from a long term big picture)


(unless the only other option continues to spiral downward the way it is, but I assume at some point something new will replace it)

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6 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:




Edit..here's a Prop 13 shenanigan. Say I bought a house 25vyears ago for 100k. The prop taxes on that would be based on a value that could not go up by more than 2% each year. So I'd be paying prop taxes on a home valued at 164k whose real value was 800k+. My neighbor, who bought last month, would be paying based on the new value they purchased at (800k+). AND, I can leave the house to my kid and the assume the ultra low value for prop tax base (no reassessment of tax base of home).


Prop 13 disincentivizes home sales.


As someone who doesn't live in Cali, is this directly impacting the building of affordable housing?


This is same question we asking here in DC area, some parts are changing zoning laws to get more multi unit housing over single family homes, like Arlington.  Cities like New York are just now cracking down on airbnb, but them and Chicago are still a mess from rental law standpoint.


He needs good answers in lieu of the incoming lack or refusal to understand Prop 13.  Frankly a lot of potential dem candidates do.

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1 minute ago, Renegade7 said:


As someone who doesn't live in Cali, is this directly impacting the building of affordable housing?


This is same question we asking here in DC area, some parts are changing zoning laws to get more multi unit housing over single family homes, like Arlington.  Cities like New York are just now cracking down on airbnb, but them and Chicago are still a mess from rental law standpoint.


He needs good answers in lieu of the incoming lack or refusal to understand Prop 13.  Frankly a lot of potential dem candidates do.


Where are you going to build? I don't mean that as snark, but most of the Bay Area is built out. 

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39 minutes ago, bearrock said:

It's not the bases' job on any party to be nice to other parties and win them over by compromise and kindness

um. I’m not suggesting it is. 

but that doesn’t mean you just ignore reality. You can recognize Bidens age is a problem, even among dem supporters, and still think he’s the best option.  But pretending his age isn’t a problem is just being naive and/or ignorant. 

but to your specific point - if you don’t have power then it doesn’t matter what your platform is. So, there’s repercussions for telling everyone that disagrees with you to **** off. For the dems specifically, you generally have a voter turnout problem and the Bernie bros decided to vote for Trump or stay home. The horse dems ride around on isn’t as high as they think it is, and their platform doesn’t represent as many people as they think it does. 

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4 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


I hope that's not his answer when he gets on stage.


The Governor would likely spout stats on available land, traffic impacts, CEQA, and other more nuanced arguments. From past experiences, he's more of a scalpel guy than a blunt hammer. 

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39 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Yall what want to replace Biden who are your top choices? 

That’s an unfair question. As is well understood, no one of consequence even entertained running in the primary because doing that against an incumbent would torpedo your political career with the dnc. RNC does the same thing. 

so who knows who would be a good candidate - the Biden campaign team and the DNC made sure we didn’t get to see the options (RNC would and does the same thing too)

36 minutes ago, bearrock said:


I don't want to replace Biden as I think time is running out (it would almost have to happen within a month probably?


Time already ran out. This decision was made and finalized a while ago. Barring something happening to Biden (health or family emergency), he’s the candidate. 

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Just now, The Evil Genius said:


The Governor would likely spout stats on available land, traffic impacts, CEQA, and other more nuanced arguments. 


Saw your comment on snark, I didn't take it as such.


Our countrys cities are tearing themselves down a diving new people in everyday, even Madison, Wisconsin is going through this quite painfully, I was just up there earlier this year.

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25 minutes ago, bearrock said:

Very few positions where VP would be considered a step down, but I would think Governor of California is one of them.  Definitely would love to see Newsom, Beshear, Pete, and Whitmer all in the mix in the next Dem primary.

CA would be a top 10 economy if it it was a country (I think it would be 5th but can’t really remember)


yeah VP would be a step down. 

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1 hour ago, hail2skins said:

Again, it'll be interesting to see who Trump picks as his running mate. My assumption is that he'll pick someone relatively normal (at least by current GOP standards) and not some kook like MTG, Lake, Tucker, or Vivek.


But one would think that the "normie" is going to have an interest in getting elected themselves in 2028, and might push back if Trump tries to go to far with the second-term crazy, fearing the backlash. Does Trump remove the VP and install a loyalist at that point?


Buckle up..................


True story.


Last night in Great Falls, in the red state of MT, I watched two guys who looked like ranchers from central casting get into a brawl in a diner parking lot with three chud's, one wearing a maga hat, after arguing loudly by the chud's giant Tonka pick-em up truck fully decked with trump-as-rambo and don't tread on me flags.


Despite the odds, the ranchers had it all the way. Cops showed up and some other folks came over to talk to the cops(Sheriff), I assume as witnesses. I continued to watch as the maga guys were taken away. Ranchers got into an actual work pickup and drove off.


As a man of science, among other things😁, I decided to take this as a prophetic omen of election year 2024. 😛


I had a wonderful time. Great meal, great show!

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25 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

As for SF crime, that's a local issue and I suspect the Governor of any state would have little oversight on a local issue like that. 


And just imagine the retorts he could deploy if Donald Trump (currently indicted for 90+ felonies) tried to hit him for not preventing crimes. 

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absolutely nothing surprises me about that story. 

I don’t know how to describe it. But there’s a weird phoniness, for lack of a better word, about the MAGa type. Just like there’s projection. They’re not badasses, they tend to be sissies. Whatever they’re accusing someone of, it’s something they have done or are doing themselves. 

people like to lecture on using stereotypes but the truth is some of them exist cause they are true …

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29 minutes ago, tshile said:

um. I’m not suggesting it is. 

but that doesn’t mean you just ignore reality. You can recognize Bidens age is a problem, even among dem supporters, and still think he’s the best option.  But pretending his age isn’t a problem is just being naive and/or ignorant. 

but to your specific point - if you don’t have power then it doesn’t matter what your platform is. So, there’s repercussions for telling everyone that disagrees with you to **** off. For the dems specifically, you generally have a voter turnout problem and the Bernie bros decided to vote for Trump or stay home. The horse dems ride around on isn’t as high as they think it is, and their platform doesn’t represent as many people as they think it does. 


But isn't that precisely the point? Voters are stupid and have short memory.  If they could be swayed by policies, courting, compromise, then they wouldn't be stupid.  Dems have been chasing the pipe dream of if we just do a little bit of this and a little bit of that, we can build a big enough tent to house all the young, old, Bernie Bros, never trumpers, moderate, liberal, compassionate conservatives, and the list goes on.  People vote for who they want to vote for the most idiotic reasons one can imagine and look for excuses to justify it.  What could Hillary have done to court the Bernie Bros?  Could she have done it without alienating her base that have been scorned till kingdom come during the primary?  What strategy would you have Dems employ to turn out these mythical voters who would have turned out or switched votes had it not been for the conceited Dem elitists?

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5 minutes ago, bearrock said:


But isn't that precisely the point?

Well. Hold on. I think we’re on two different topics here. 

I believe this started over Bidens age and whether it is or isn’t an issue. I took issue with pretending it’s not a problem. 

but right now I don’t think democrats should do anything, really. 

from a strategy aspect - if the other guy is gonna punch himself in the face my suggestion is let him. Between Trump and abortion… I’d say the dems should just chill and do what they’re doing. 

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19 minutes ago, tshile said:

I believe this started over Bidens age and whether it is or isn’t an issue. I took issue with pretending it’s not a problem.


Yeah well, I think it's another one of those where outcome is the same regardless of what the Biden team really thinks.  Not like the team can start doing some kind of age image rehab for Biden.  The worst thing they could do is dwell on it because he can't actually get younger.  But to a rational person, Biden at 81 should not be an issue against Trump at 78.  If a person says I would have voted for Biden, but boy he's too old so I'm gonna vote for the 78 year old, I think the chances are that person would have found some other reason to vote for Trump anyway.  Dems' attitude or handling of the age issue has no effect on that outcome imo.

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Biden could live to 90 or 100. He could also drop dead tomorrow. Being old sucks but it's kinda the main goal of life. 👴🏻


Look at Jimmy Carter. He's still going on that magical Jesus power. Dude's defying all odds. How many people y'all know that have gone into hospice for like a year and a half? 

Edited by Captain Wiggles
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11 minutes ago, bearrock said:

Dems' attitude or handling of the age issue has no effect on that outcome imo.


I don't think this is entirely true.  One way to "handle" the age issue is to invest time and effort into rehabilitating Kamala's image.  Rightly or wrongly, she is perceived as a poor presidential choice.  Given an honest assessment of Biden's age, she simply is not helping in getting a lot of independents across the finish line in being comfortable pulling the lever for Biden.  That needs to be worked on.

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Biden win out from a crop of candidates at different age and eventually crushed all of them with the last one standing being older then him in the primaries.


I understand a big part of that was because of trying to pick a candidate to beat Trump, but guess what, Trump is back.  While I agree Dems should ignore the drive for younger candidates, they should be reminded of the change in House leadership to address this and reality they choose Biden on the first place even with all the age talk back in 2020 primaries in what became a blowout from a nomination perspective.


Now is not the time to replace the most powerful person in the party with someone younger.  Make clear that time is coming and folks need to make their choice known in the voting booth, not social media.

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59 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Biden could live to 90 or 100. He could also drop dead tomorrow. Being old sucks but it's kinda the main goal of life. 👴🏻


Look at Jimmy Carter. He's still going on that magical Jesus power. Dude's defying all odds. How many people y'all know that have gone into hospice for like a year and a half? 


Or that willingly placed themselves into a nuclear ractor to save the world?


4 minutes ago, Larry said:

I think Biden should challenge Trump to a physical fitness test. Maybe a cognitive test, too. 


Maybe get Chuck Norris or The Rock to moderate?  


I said it months ago. One arm push-ups at the debate, ala Jack Palance. 

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Hillary sure took a hit in the media regarding "deporables" line. 


Trump's speech referring to his enemies as"vermin", and saying his politocal enemies are worse than North Korea, etc... basically going full naked facist.... 


How did that get covered?  The guy just echo'd the worst...  


You think the media brings it up at the.GOP debate?  I don't think Trump was a topic at the last one.

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