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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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7 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

I’ve got a Young Turks update for @PleaseBlitz…and he’s not gonna like it!





I used to love TYT, absolutely adored them. They were my #1 source of news on YouTube for quite some time. Even when I started to watch other channels more, they were still one of my top sources. However, once Cenk ran for president I couldn't take him seriously anymore. Not only that, but he started bashing Biden over every little stupid thing to point that it sounded personal...like because they were both running for president. I'm still subscribed to TYT on YouTube, but I haven't watched one of their videos in damn near a year.


6 hours ago, Fergasun said:

Oh.  And here's him getting a French Fry certification pin... in front of flattened houses in Western North Carolina....


Dukakis tank vibes.... and he keeps pumping it up.


This is what I don't understand, how is this supposed to relate to the every man? You're supposed to go into their place of work, be appreciative, be humble, human and therefore relatable to the masses. Now, it seems (and they do this a lot with older candidates) they want to SHOW that a candidate can do the job of the peasants as a way to relate. However, watching old people **** up the most basic of jobs is not a good look. Seeing a rich man pat himself on the back and get a medal, pretending to do the job you do every day doesn't win you points. Thats why the only people praising this is the Maga faithful, yelling at us that this makes Trump relatable. The point being, you don't have to tell the masses when something is actually relatable.


Here is Mitt Romney relating with us peasants by telling us that he too likes our poverty meats and hotdog is his favorite meat:



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ABC News:  Trump Again Questions Harris' Racial and Ethnic Identity


"They have a woman who is Black, although you would say she's Indian, but she is Black, but she really -- a lot of people didn't know, which is true," Trump said.  Bet-David responded that he wasn't aware until recently that Harris was Black.  "I learned about it only a couple of months ago," Bet-David said.



Both Trump and Bet-David continued to joke about Harris' racial and ethnic identity, comparing her to baseball player Sammy Sosa, whose complexion had allegedly gotten lighter after he said he applied bleaching cream every night to soften his skin.  "You sometimes have to respect people, right? So I thought maybe she was doing a Sammy Sosa the other way," Bet-David said, to which Trump agreed, saying, "Yeah Sammy's changed. And people change."

Hey, remember how Trump was like, "It doesn't matter."?  



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1 hour ago, hail2skins said:

Cataggio today. Will this be what this forum feels like if (I say when) he prevails in 2 weeks:



yeah. And he’s right. 

And the right will do the same if Harris wins. 

the **** people said when Obama won… I mean Jesus Christ it was so trauma inducing for some they took all the guardrails off their racism and just let that **** fly loud and proud. 

One of the better feelings about politics comes when it suddenly becomes clear who won, and whoever reps the other side begins their childish meltdown. 

and you realize you just aren’t like them, and that’s a good thing. 

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the reality is the vast majority of these people are no where near normal life, if they ever were to begin with. For some (many?) they were pampered children that got a ride to law school, on their parents money or alumni status, and have spent most of their life unaware of what it is to be normal. 

even those that don’t have that upbringing, end up there after becoming  lawyer and then a politician for decades. 

they already have a huge issue with being totally detached from normal life. They gotta do something to kinda pretend at some point. 

There should be a series of physical tests they’re required to go through before making the ballot. And it’s all televised. Think like that summer TV show Wipeout - but a little more serious (but not too much so) 

Edited by tshile
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2 minutes ago, tshile said:


There should be a series of physical tests they’re required to go through before making the ballot. And it’s all televised. Think like that summer TV show Wipeout - but a little more serious (but not too much so) 

I think there should be hours, days even of "constituent questions" to get on the ballot.  If you are gonna be on a dais in Congress and badger some witness, you need to go through the same thing. 

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9 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

I think there should be hours, days even of "constituent questions" to get on the ballot.  If you are gonna be on a dais in Congress and badger some witness, you need to go through the same thing. 

This sounds like when they take calls on sports radio


you know cspan takes calls. Ever listened? For every good one there’s 5 that make you want to either throw your remote through the screen or fall out of your chair laughing. 

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3 hours ago, hail2skins said:

Cataggio today. Will this be what this forum feels like if (I say when) he prevails in 2 weeks:




It's 100% accurate and if Trump prevails, this country splits apart. There is no going back if Trump wins but I don't think he will. I know a good number of GOPers voting for Harris down here in NC, which is why Trump is visiting so much. They know he's in trouble. 

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36 minutes ago, tshile said:

This sounds like when they take calls on sports radio


you know cspan takes calls. Ever listened? For every good one there’s 5 that make you want to either throw your remote through the screen or fall out of your chair laughing. 

I stopped listening for my mental health. CSPAN calls the morning after Obama got elected should be required listening to people who think racism is gone in America. 


Donald Trump running against a black woman has triggered something incredibly disgusting from him. Yet has any news media dared to call him racist?  Because that's what he is.

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1 minute ago, hail2skins said:

Considering at least 60 percent of GOP voters think the 2020 election was stolen, this 20 percent number seems far too low:



It's still millions of rednecks. But maybe some of them are the same yahoos who wanted Obama dead but no one had the guts to try. People love to complain but only a small percentage will risk losing their jobs, families, and lives...most of whom are nuts anyway...but the threat must be taken seriously so we never see another J6.

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This is why we're in this situation.  These people are stupid.  They should have known ahead of time Trump's track record of lack of payment and requested funds upfront.  But the people of this country are naive and stupid and easily manipulated.  Shame on us.  Shame on all of us.


Trump US rallies leave behind unpaid dues, again and again


In the United States, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump faces a growing pile of missed payments for rallies and legal bills during his current bid for the presidency, previous campaigns, and in the private sector.


The Trump campaign’s financial challenges are only underscored by the growing list of parties to whom he and the entities he represents owe money.


While campaigns across the political spectrum have occasionally missed payments, including US Senator Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign in 2016, Trump’s failure to meet payment deadlines stands out due to its long-term pattern.


Trump owes cities across the country for costs associated with staging a rally, including security costs, public safety expenses, allocation of resources and, in some cases, facility rentals.


One of the bills he owes is to the City of Prescott Valley in Arizona. City officials told Al Jazeera that Trump’s campaign has not paid the full costs of his local rally in 2022. The city said it is still owed $25,737.32.


A city spokesperson told Al Jazeera that they had asked the campaign to pay up front for the most recent rally held earlier this month.


This is far from the only outstanding bill the Republican nominee owes in this swing state of Arizona. The city of Mesa invoiced the campaign for an October 2018 rally. Its attorney followed up a few months later, in December, for payment of $64,477.56, but with no success.


“We believe the Trump 2020 campaign should reimburse our city for those taxpayer dollars, and we have invoiced the campaign accordingly,” a spokesperson for the City of Mesa told Al Jazeera.


“Once we learned about the nighttime event at Gateway Airport [in 2018], we took it upon ourselves to implement every measure necessary to secure the area surrounding the airport to keep everyone safe. That included setting up temporary parking infrastructure for over 12,000 people, setting up barricades, setting up temporary lighting and hiring a towing company. The invoice we sent the campaign reflects that,” the spokesperson told Al Jazeera.


The city says the campaign is not legally obligated to pay this invoice.


Click on the link for the full article

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Wanted to see what RFK Jr. running mate Nicole Shanahan was up to.  Her podcast did a lot of health stuff on a few episodes. but she then had Harmeet Dhillon (Fox contributor / CA GOP head).


Harmeet is like, "I wrote for this conservative newspaper and the liberals just wanted to bucket people..."  "Put people in their labels." 


Yes. Harmeet.  I am thinking, "Smart enough to see the racism within conservatism or not"?  


They are either a bunch of white supremecists who are implementing preferred policy under the guise of conservative BS. 




They are too dumb to realize that their policies are inherently racist. 


There's nothing wrong with bucketizing deceny and compassion.  Klan sympathizers or non-Klan sympathtizers... 


The gaslighting is hurting my brain.

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