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6 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

The only way would be if they were refused entry into the process and didn’t sign the NDA.


This is possible.  But BofA, or any top notch investment bank would typically not exclude the third richest person in the world from the process.  They aren’t stupid. And Dan, for all his faults, knows how the deal process works.


If they truly are going to black ball Bezos, first you make him sign the NDA, then you black ball him.  Then he can’t say anything about it.


But his peeps are free to speak to the BofA people once they sign the NDA.


Let’s say they were locked out. And then they say, “hey, whatever your hugest bid is, we’ll offer $250M more.”  Even if he was initially excluded, my guess is after that, he would be included.  

So I’m going back to, literally nobody knows anything and all the reporting is just meant to mess with the fans heads. 


Looking into your crystal ball, who do you think ends up with this team when it's all over? 

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6 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Let’s say they were locked out. And then they say, “hey, whatever your hugest bid is, we’ll offer $250M more.”  Even if he was initially excluded, my guess is after that, he would be included


If he was disliked to the point of being locked out. I don't think 250mill is going to do the trick.

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14 minutes ago, bird_1972 said:


Looking into your crystal ball, who do you think ends up with this team when it's all over? 

No idea.  I know 2 things:


1. it won’t be me.

2. Bezos has $100+ billion dollars.  And could have the cash tomorrow and wouldn’t need minority partners.  

that’s about all I know.  

I guess the third thing is by hiring BofA, and after what Wright said, I think a sale is happening.  

16 minutes ago, Spearfeather said:


If he was disliked to the point of being locked out. I don't think 250mill is going to do the trick.

If there is a bid that’s $250m more than the next then BofA and the NFL could put a ton of pressure on Dan to take the higher bid.


if it didn’t work, fine.  But BofA wants Bezos in the game, that’s really my point.  

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1 minute ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

Does asshole Dan really get to choose who he sells to?  I thought the owners had to vote to approve who was buying the team.  If they want Bezos, it's gonna be Bezos.  Dan can straight **** off.  


He can sell to whoever he wants, the owners don't have to approve anyone but probably would accept who he selects just to get the nerd to go away.

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10 minutes ago, spjunkies said:


He can sell to whoever he wants, the owners don't have to approve anyone but probably would accept who he selects just to get the nerd to go away.

1. It depends on if they have the votes to toss him out and the willingness to do so.  If they do, then they could veto every buyer except the one they want but also force him to sell.  Though, if I’m Dan, at that point, I’m taking the NFL to court which could take years and be really ugly.  

So yeah, basically as long as it’s a reputable buyer it will be approved.


2.  Don’t call him a nerd.  I know a lot of self professed nerds.  Wonderful people.  

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17 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

Does asshole Dan really get to choose who he sells to?  I thought the owners had to vote to approve who was buying the team.  If they want Bezos, it's gonna be Bezos.  Dan can straight **** off.  


That would end with them in some sort of crazy back and forth war, which I don't think anyone wants. Dan would say he won't sell to Bezos, the owners want Bezos so they tell Dan they won't approve a sale to anyone else, Dan then says if that's the case then he's not selling, the rest of the owners then have to go back and try to round up enough votes to force him to sell, then they go back and forth and yadda yadda. It's a huge drama.


They don't want a war, they just want Dan to go away and never come back (just like 99.999999% of us do). As long as he's selling to a vetted buyer who's not Dan Snyder, the owners will approve it.

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Looking back to the Broncos sale, it wasn't finalized until June of 2022 at least according to a ESPN story.  That looks like it was done in 6 months.  That was probably under normal circumstances.  We're dealing with Snyder who's a HUGE d*** and A-hole.  This could an incredibly long and drawn out process given his circumstances.  

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5 minutes ago, NoVaSkins21 said:

Looking back to the Broncos sale, it wasn't finalized until June of 2022 at least according to a ESPN story.  That looks like it was done in 6 months.  That was probably under normal circumstances.  We're dealing with Snyder who's a HUGE d*** and A-hole.  This could an incredibly long and drawn out process given his circumstances.  

I've said this before: the buyer dictates the timeline in a sale.  The seller is motivated to sell ASAP because the faster they sell, the faster they get their money AND the faster they don't have to worry about running the business they are selling.  


It's really doubtful Dan is going to delay getting $5-7 billion dollars.  He's going to press for a quick close.  


The biggest holdup might be if the buyers want to do some type of forensic accounting exercise to make sure Dan wasn't cooking the books.  But again, that's the buyer's prerogative, not the sellers.  


Typically, once a prospective buyer is selected, they enter into a "Letter of Intent" which is a legal document which stipulates the sale price, a whole lot of contingencies, and what diligence will be done prior to deal closure.  These ALWAYS have some specified duration.  In this case, 60-90 days would be the most likely. 


However, if the buyer doesn't have everything done by the time the date comes, they have to negotiate an extension, or the company goes back out to bid. Nobody wants that, but it does happen.  


Anyway, all this to say, if Dan is going to sell, he will want his money ASAP.  The closing timeline is typically dictated by the buyer. 

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Re: reports that Dan doesn't want to sell....


Listen, I don't want to pay my taxes every year. But guess what I did last weekend? Filed my return. I didn't want to do it, but I had to do it because the alternatives were very bad. Same with Dan selling. Sure, he doesn't want to do it. But he has to, because the alternatives with his debt and torched political capital (with the MJW report waiting in the wings to torch more political capital) are very bad.

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9 hours ago, SoCalSkins said:

It’s not a problem for any of them. I was simply pointing out that Bezos would not have the most conflicts. He is the chairman of Amazon. It’s a publicly traded company and he has more shares than any other entity but Jassy is now the CEO. 

There are 2 possible conflicts, neither of which I think are deal breakers, and it's possible the NFL doesn't care about either one:


1. He IS the chairman of Amazon, he IS the largest individual sharehodler, and the league IS in business with Amazon.  So, does owning 1/32 of the NFL AND getting paid by the NFL through contracts with Amazon (indirectly) represent an unfair financial advantage over other owners?  Eh.  Maybe.  But they also might not care.  


2. The Washington Post.  This is one I don't think the NFL cares about, but the Post is one of the biggest media outlet's which covers the team.  That is an inherent conflict of interest.  However, I think it works in the NFL's favor, so I'm pretty sure they are totally cool with it.  Dan might not be, but I really believe at the end of the day, money talks and bull **** walks, and he'll take Bezos' money as hapily as anybodies.  

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On 2/25/2023 at 10:11 PM, NewCliche21 said:


I don't know where the hell you got that last part but due to your lack of posting, not quality simply your time around here, this undercuts your credibility by a lot.


Like you don't think that would've been front and center Day One?  For everyone?

Washington Post, January 17 2023



Bezos’s pursuit of an NFL team could become complicated if he chooses to return to Amazon as its CEO, a role he ceded to Andy Jassy in July 2021. Several business publications, including Fortune, reported this month that is a possibility, based on analyst forecasts. NFL team owners and league executives could view that as a conflict, given that Amazon pays the NFL roughly $1 billion annually to carry the league’s “Thursday Night Football” package. As the owner of an NFL franchise, Bezos would have access to privileged financial information relevant to future broadcast negotiations.

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Sheehan talking about this.  I gather this is him guessing.


A,  He thinks Dan sells.  Everyone he talks to tell him this.


B.  Only way he doesn't is if he can find a minority investor.  Suggesting he needs that money to sustain the ownership.


C.  He doesn't discount the possibility of a minority owner. But accedes that NFL would have to approve that minority owner and that's a wildcard.


D.  He seems to believe that Dan's family wants him to sell.  


E.  He's boxed in on the stadium because its coming out of pocket and he's not that liquid to do it


F.  He does buy the stories about Bezos being excluded for now.  But thinks the league could pressure Dan on this and or its a negotiating tactic from Dan 


G.  He doesn't think the owners would vote him out but Dan must realize that the owners want him to sell


H.  He said he had people he knows tied to the team who told him that the prospectus which revealed their declining sales and the actual "meh" profit numbers is what chased off 3-4 potential owners.  They saw they'd had to spent much on reacquiring fans.


As for point H I find that interesting because some like to say who cares how many tickets they sell, merchandise, etc because its all about the pot of money shared.  If Sheehan among others are right, some potential owners indeed care that the specific money that this team brings in outside of that shared pool money isn't hot and its a real X factor.

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Listening to this right now.


A.  Bezos wanted to participate in the auction.  Hie approached Bank of America to participate in the auction.  Dan said no.


B.  Then after time, Bezos then approached Bank of America again.  Dan said no again.


C.  Dan can prevent Bezos from participating in the auction


D.  He believes Josh Harris hasn't raised enough money to make a bid


E.  Can be a ploy to get Bezos to make a big bid


F.  He was told he didn't give all the financial info to bidders to help them find investors -- some vibe for him that he doesnt want to sell for that reason or maybe he's doing it for other reasons.  But he said he's not been as forthcoming with the financials as some bidders would like


G.  Bezos been working with Allen and company on this for months, its not just a recent thing


H.  He thinks the Bezos leaks which are coming from the Bezos camp is to tell the NFL that he's in this and Dan's not obliging


I.  He thinks Dan's camp is leaking that their are more bidders but he doesn't believe its so from what he hears its just Fertitta and Harris


J. From what he knows Fertitta has a 5.5 billion offer and that is the ony offer he has now.   And he heard Fertitta isn't going higher.


K.  Bezos genuinely wants this.  And wants to make it happen.  Dan is the wild card as for whether he'd do this.  But problem should be solved if Dan sells to him.


L.  Dan insisting on 6 billion.


M.  Harris might have a hard time getting co-investors with Bezos looming.


N.  The NFL might have an interest in helping this process move.  They would like some resolution before the owners meeting


O.  Suspects the NFL isn't happy with this shunning Bezos story.  But realize Dan is Dan.


P.  Fertitta's bid has an expiration date and its soon, he's not sticking around with his bid hanging.


Q.  His conclusion is he still thinks Dan doesn't want to sell.  He believes Bezos believes that Dan doesn't want to sell and Bezos is the one leaking these stories



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11 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

No idea.  I know 2 things:


1. it won’t be me.

2. Bezos has $100+ billion dollars.  And could have the cash tomorrow and wouldn’t need minority partners.  

that’s about all I know.  

I guess the third thing is by hiring BofA, and after what Wright said, I think a sale is happening.  

If there is a bid that’s $250m more than the next then BofA and the NFL could put a ton of pressure on Dan to take the higher bid.


if it didn’t work, fine.  But BofA wants Bezos in the game, that’s really my point.  

Does Bezos have any legal recourse if he's locked out in any bidding process? Dan doesn't need anymore lawsuits against him does he? His attorneys could likely buy his mansion by now.

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Just now, 88Comrade2000 said:

Why waste everyone’s time if he doesn’t really want to sell?  

This looks to be heading towards the nfl forcing him to sell and he believes they won’t actually do it.


I think he sells.  But to play devils advocate he wouldn't be the first person with the mindset of blow my socks off (overpay) and then I'll sell if not I won't.


Also some suspect that this process is for him to scope out minority investors which everyone agrees that he would need to keep the team.


He could go to the NFL and say, see I tried, now leave me alone.


But again i do believe he sells and most of this is posturing from him.

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1 minute ago, kingdaddy said:

Does Bezos have any legal recourse if he's locked out in any bidding process? Dan doesn't need anymore lawsuits against him does he? His attorneys could likely buy his mansion by now.


Nope, he has the right to leave out anyone that he wants. 


Based on listening to this dude on the radio, I don't think this idiot really is trying to make a sell. Dan is playing games. 

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Don't know how good that buisness reporter is on the subject but I'll give him that he had more tidbits than the typical reporter has had.  He claims to have sources on multiple sides of the issue.


A.  He thinks the Snyders are leaking stories that there are more bidders but its BS.


B.  It's Bezos camp that's ramping up the heat on Dan with these stories and is hoping the NFL piles on to put pressure on him to do it.


C.  He suspects Bezos meets the asking price.  


The Bezos side leaking the story doubles down with what Standig said this morning where he flat out said his source to this is from Bezos' camp

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