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Wright was forced on Snyder by the league. Snyder gave him additional duties that he was not qualified for, such as handling the rebrand and Sean Taylor tributes, etc. The smart thing for him to do would have been to hire people who knew what they were doing.


His defensiveness when criticized for those errors did not help him to look better. Holing up for a month after Porta-Pottygate showed he has thin skin.


McKinsey may be good as business consultants but they tend to produce people with little EQ to go along with their IQ...very process focused and not very imaginative.


Didn't McKinsey fire Wright?

Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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14 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

Wright was forced on Snyder by the league. Snyder gave him additional duties that he was not qualified for, such as handling the rebrand and Sean Taylor tributes, etc. The smart thing for him to do would have been to hire people who knew what they were doing.


His defensiveness when criticized for those errors did not help him to look better. Holing up for a month after Porta-Pottygate showed he has thin skin.


McKinsey may be good as business consultants but they tend to produce people with little EQ to go along with their IQ...very process focused and not very imaginative.


Didn't McKinsey fire Wright?

Wright is an nfl imposed hire. His mission is over after Dan is gone. The new owner is definitely going to want his own person in that position. The owner’s person will be the one looking at the entire organization and will be doing the evaluating, to see what changes are needed.  So, Wright is the first person likely to be fired. All they need from him is a status update and then they can be done with him.


GM will be next, though a permanent replacement probably not hired until 24 offseason. I figure will the new owner will have sone Gm type person to evaluate during the season, after the Gm crew is let go. That person will also evaluate Ron.

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55 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

I don't know what to make of Wright. On one hand I think he's a smart guy, but on the other hand he's made some major gaffes since taking over this role. But then again, that just might be the Snyder effect. I think he's likely gone after the new owner(s) take over but I'd be curious how he does under them. 


My caring about what happens to Wright one way or another, is the same as to whether we change the name.  That is, 0 out of 100.


But for those who do care.  And again that's of course is cool, to each their own.  I get the vibe that Dan was hands on with the name.  Granted its just rumor level stuff, not a report, but one person called in 106.7 on a weekend show and said he knew someone who worked there who said Dan pushed that name and some others in the building didn't dig it.  And we know Tanya was hands on with the uniforms.    


True or not, it fits.  Dan who is hands on with everything all of a sudden wouldn't care about being hands on with rebranding?   The dude who worships Sean Taylor, wouldn't be the dude spearheading the ceremony and the cheap "statue". 


Dan, the same guy, who DJ Swearinger said the other day would often ask him for personnel input and would ask him to come over to the house to talk football.


Whether its Jason or someone else as the next business president I don't care.  Jason is fine in my book because I love everything he's said and everything I've read about how he's approaching the stadium which is #1 for me.  Bruce on the other hand IMO ran it like a clown show from what I can tell and I talked about it plenty of times on the stadium thread at the time.  Having said that, i don't care if they replace him as long as that dude has some experience and or smarts about chasing the stadium.


I suspect us clowning on Dan's employees -- personnel people, coaches, etc, won't be nearly as prevalent once Dan is gone.  When the CEO of the company is the clown, its rare for an organization to run well -- Dan's been that CEO.  If this was a regular public traded company, when stockholders are looking for major change, its not about replacing name that underling, its about replacing the CEO, and unfortunately that couldn't be done here, we were hostage to ther CEO.

6 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Wright is an nfl imposed hire. His mission is over after Dan is gone.


It's possible that's true.   Some have said Wright was imposed on Dan from the league.

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To me, the head of business operations for an NFL team should be mostly invisible to the public. Take care of ticket sales, facilities, financials, marketing/branding, that kind of stuff. If he's doing his job right, all that stuff should be able to be taken for granted by the fans--they shouldn't have to notice it.


Because Dan is so toxic, Wright has become way more the face of the organization than he should be. I don't think he's done a great job, but he's also hamstrung by a meddlesome owner who also happens to be a cheapskate (and maybe worse when it comes to the money). He might do better with a better owner, but I suspect we'll never find out. Any of the prospective buyers will want someone they trust in a position like that, and a holdover isn't likely to be trusted very far.

Edited by profusion
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Bottom line is Ron, Jason Wright and just about everybody else in that building are on borrowed time and they have to know what likely awaits them


As soon as the new sheriff comes to town and  gets sworn in (by the league) that bounty on their heads is gonna become active again.


And maybe it won't be  the first order of business but soon this matter will be adjudicated with extreme prejudice.


Look for the sheriff to be deputize a posse to deal with all of those huckleberries...







And these boys aren't the merciful type.



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Wright might be in a harder spot than Rivera to keep his job long term. He'll probably get the 1st year like others will, but he wont have some generic milestone that can save his position like "make the playoffs".


Everyone should at least get a shot a hanging on but yeah... that is a massive uphill battle for all involved.

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1 hour ago, woodpecker said:

the Sean Taylor porta pot pic.

So I want to point something out: that wasn’t a team released picture or done by the team.  It was actually somebody who wasn’t associated with the team, maybe the family, who took it and then it got posted and tagged.  At least that’s what Bram has reported for months.  I get that you have to be wary of the source because Bram works for the team, but he has lambasted them on his radio show for a whole boatload of things they’ve gotten wrong including other things about both of the Sean Taylor tributes.  

So on that one, they might have been a victim of circumstances. 

The rest of the stuff was still a debacle, but I don’t think they planned a photo shoot in front of toilets.  At least according to Bram. 

13 minutes ago, FootballZombie said:

Wright might be in a harder spot than Rivera to keep his job long term. He'll probably get the 1st year like others will, but he wont have some generic milestone that can save his position like "make the playoffs".


Everyone should at least get a shot a hanging on but yeah... that is a massive uphill battle for all involved.

It really depends.  If Harris/Jeff/Steve/mystery guy has a person in mind to run the business side of the operation already, it might not matter.  Jeff in particular might have an Amazon executive who he’s worked with and has enough overlap with running an NFL team from a branding, marketing and sales perspective he might already have his person lined up.  

Or he might not.  It really depends.  

If he sticks around and ticket sales/suite sales and sponsorships jump 50-75% because the Dan factor is removed, it would be hard to make an argument to replace Wright.  

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15 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

So I want to point something out: that wasn’t a team released picture or done by the team.  It was actually somebody who wasn’t associated with the team, maybe the family, who took it and then it got posted and tagged.  At least that’s what Bram has reported for months.  I get that you have to be wary of the source because Bram works for the team, but he has lambasted them on his radio show for a whole boatload of things they’ve gotten wrong including other things about both of the Sean Taylor tributes.  

So on that one, they might have been a victim of circumstances. 

The rest of the stuff was still a debacle, but I don’t think they planned a photo shoot in front of toilets.  At least according to Bram. 

Jason Wright went into hiding for months after that. No interviews. No twitter. No fan engagement. He lied openly to the fans and was discredited by the Taylor family. Jason insisted the number retirements was planned all along and Sean’s brother said a couple days before was the first they heard of it. 

Jason is an outright liar. A polished liar would at least have qualified his statements. He didn’t. He is also a coward for going into hiding. He is incompetent and utterly worthless. He needs to be gone day 1.

Why is it even a debate? If the new owner likes a buzzword droid with no substance he can order a new one from the McKinsey factory. Jason was actually an entry level model without much experience. They have more seasoned ones available. Jason has zero redeeming qualities that separate him from anyone else which would incline a new owner to keep him on board.

It might actually a good litmus test. If the new owner keeps Jason, we might be dealing with a moron like Dan. 

Edited by SoCalSkins
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14 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

Jason is an outright liar. A polished liar would at least have qualified his statements. He didn’t. He is also a coward for going into hiding. He is incompetent and utterly worthless. He needs to be gone day 1.

I’d agree to be honest. Don’t trust the guy. Should be gone with immediate effect post sale agreement.

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14 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

@SoCalSkins so if Bezos buys the team and retains Wright, what level of head explosion is that going to cause you?  

I fully expect Bezos to be the owner but I am not sure how he will structure the business side and the football side. My head won’t explode at all. It’s a possibility he or whoever he has setting up the structure for him might keep Jason. That won’t be a positive for their decision making ability. 

I like the resources Bezos brings as well as his management background in running his companies and the political clout he has. I expect he will build a palace of a stadium that will be an architectural masterpiece in the district. 

The rest of it can have growing pains and bad decisions.  We will see what he does. Bezos is not going to own the team because I like him or I’m some cultist about him. He’s going to own it because he wants it and he has the most money. It’s as simple as that. 

My biggest issue with Jason going forward is the rebrand actually. If Jason has a voice with the decision makers, the chances of getting rid of Commanders diminishes. I despise the name. Anything that makes replacing it more likely is what I want. There is a small window to pull the trigger then it will be too late. 

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14 hours ago, Smooters said:

I think if you put "lol" after it, It's fair game.




Mod  interruption:

No it's not fair game. No political comment means no political comment.


But it was innocent and mild enough that no one gets a temp ban for it. This time.


Gee, I don't know. If no political comment means no political comment, I expect to see the ban hammer thrown down at It's fullest might!

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2 hours ago, spjunkies said:

"Commanders" was 100% a Dan/Rivera selection. Honestly, Dan probably had it in mind as a top option ten years ago lmao.


I agree with part 1.  Dan having a semblance of a plan in place, let alone 10 years, not so much.  The WFT placeholder was a combination of pressure and no plan.  

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12 minutes ago, CommDownMan said:


I agree with part 1.  Dan having a semblance of a plan in place, let alone 10 years, not so much.  The WFT placeholder was a combination of pressure and no plan.  


What you say makes sense, but let's not forget that he wanted to lock down Warriors years ago, I think he went to Commanders as an option after he couldn't get thar so he could pretend to care about the military. 

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3 hours ago, spjunkies said:

"Commanders" was 100% a Dan/Rivera selection. Honestly, Dan probably had it in mind as a top option ten years ago lmao.

IIRC, after the garbage reveal, Farquaad was quoted as saying, to paraphrase, from the beginning, everyone looked around the table and agreed that Commodes was the best option. Of course, we all know that actually means everyone else at the table knew what Danya wanted and immediately jumped on board like that dude Putin scared the crap out of on video. Nobody at that table was going to disagree in any way with Farquaad’s vision.


2 hours ago, FootballZombie said:

Wright might be in a harder spot than Rivera to keep his job long term. He'll probably get the 1st year like others will, but he wont have some generic milestone that can save his position like "make the playoffs".


Everyone should at least get a shot a hanging on but yeah... that is a massive uphill battle for all involved.

In my experience, management team building mostly isn’t a meritocratic process. Leaders are usually most comfortable with building a team with leaders they’ve worked with before. NFL coaching staffs are a prime example of this. This is going to be a turnaround in which the owners will expect money to start accruing to the bottom line ASAP. Under those circumstances, there’s little time for learning strengths, weaknesses, communication styles, values, etc. so, I’ll be pretty surprised if the new owner keeps Wright or hires someone with whom they have little or no familiarity to run the business side of things. 

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Same dude, the puck.com guy who knows Bezos, this time on Sheehan's podcast.  Teddy Schefler, who covers Bezos' career.  On another note, not that I care but its been debated some about Sheehan as to the name.  He talked about it in the podcast, he doesn't like the name Commanders, doesn't like Redwolves, he likes Washington Football Club as a new name.


As to the interview, Schefler...


A.  He thinks Bezos is interested.


B.  If Bezos had to choose between Seattle and Washington, he thinks he'd choose Seattle, that's where he really considers home, etc.  But who knows if Seattle is truly for sale?


C.  He mentioned in another podcast some owners would love to have him, in this one he also added he knows some owners don't like Bezos and would rather not have him


D.  As an owner, he thinks Bezos would be hands off.  That for me is big, because I don't love what I've read about him as to his personality and how he treats people in the work environment -- but I suspected he wouldn't be hands on with this because he isn't hands on with the WP.  This dude suspects the same.  So that's good news in my book.


E.  He thinks Bezos ends up with the team with some figure between 6-7 billion, and it happens in May


F.  Seems like his runner up idea is Dan doesn't sell the team at all and this whole game is a ruse from Dan.


G.  Sheehan pushed him on that point and said he's hearing Dan is selling, less than 1% chance Dan keeps the team, so then Schefler backed off the point and deferred to Sheehan


H.   Sheehan said he knows people who have read the prospectus they gave out to push the sale of the team and talked to one of those people who was not impressed with the finances of this team.  Sheehan's been on this point that what Dan is asking for people to do is overpay and he knows the Harris group already thinks their bid is enough of an overpay.

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1 minute ago, The Sisko said:

In my experience, management team building mostly isn’t a meritocratic process. Leaders are usually most comfortable with building a team with leaders they’ve worked with before. NFL coaching staffs are a prime example of this. This is going to be a turnaround in which the owners will expect money to start accruing to the bottom line ASAP. Under those circumstances, there’s little time for learning strengths, weaknesses, communication styles, values, etc. so, I’ll be pretty surprised if the new owner keeps Wright or hires someone with whom they have little or no familiarity to run the business side of things. 

So, it’s not terribly uncommon after an acquisition the new ownership group keeps management in place if they are impressed by what they have accomplished.  

The discussions Wright is having with potential new ownership groups is akin to extended interviews.  If they like what they see, and believe the business side is on the right track, and will take a giant leap forward when you remove the Dan Factor, they might want to keep Wright in place to see what happens.


And I personally don’t see Wright staying or going having any bearing on the name decision.  If the new ownership group makes a name change decision, it’s going to be 100% money driven: does it cost them more to rebrand or will the rebrand generate more net profit?  If it’s the former, the name stays.  If it’s the later, the name goes.  The new group will not have an emotional connection to the name, so it’s going to be 100% based on the money.  Parenthetically, I think that means the name stays.  It’s going to cost more to change the name (net, including revenue generated by the new brand which will not exceed cost) than it is to keep the name.  

But y’all fools can keep dreaming if you want. 

PS: keep in mind rebrands are massively expensive and time consuming.  The team needs a new stadium and new practice facilities, which are massively expensive and time consuming.  It has to be REALLY financially worth it to do it.  And i am not sure it will be. 

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14 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Same dude, the puck.com guy who knows Bezos, this time on Sheehan's podcast.

Which other podcast did you listen to him on?  I heard him on Standig.  

Seems like about the same story.  I think his main point was “if he wants it, he’ll get it.” 

But couldn’t say definitely he wanted it.


2 of my thoughts:


1. if he didn’t want it, he would have declared that by now. So there is at least some interest. How much and at what level, who knows.  Would he be willing to pay an extra $200M from the highest bidder just because he can? Maybe.  Maybe not.  If he sees it as a massive overpayment and a bad deal, he might not do it.  Or he might not care, he might see it like buying a toy, not an investment.  But there’s no real way to know what he’s thinking, except that he hasn’t backed out yet.  


2. The timing for a Bezos couldn’t be worse.  Which might actual be a thing.  Amazon is in the process of laying off close to 30,000 people.  If he turns around and buys a sports team for $6.5 billion, that’s not a great look. I grant you, one has very little to do with the other.  It’s more of a perception thing than an actual thing.  But it  could be a real thing.  Which might be part of the holdup as to why he might be dragging his feet.


I said this before: bids are not timeless.  The Harris bid will expire, most likely 30 or 45 days after it was made.  Dan has that ling to make a decision. 

Which is why I think this will be decided in the next few weeks.  It has to be done before the Harris bid expires.  ** The reason bids expire is the financials become stale.  After a certain period of time, the bidder gets a new look at the financials and can re-submit the bid with access to new financial information.  

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