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The Democrats are Objectively doing a terrible job running the country.

Forever A Redskin

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With Psaki officially warning america of record level inflation, Americans feeling it at the gas pumps, a Leader that is clearly in cognitive decline, and Americans distrusting the media due to their repeated attempts to write off stories as "Russian Disinformation" that later turn out to be 100% true (like Hunter and Joe's business deals on the laptop)


Do people that voted for this regret it?


For what it's worth, I'm a libertarian. A free speech absolutist. What's happening to this country is really scary.


Luckily there are some signs of hope. Like Elon Musk buying Twitter. There are people that care and want to change the course we are headed down.


At this rate our children will own nothing. The dream of owning a home will be very difficult for them. 


Kids have speech impediments and slur their words because they were forced to wear masks to protect them that many studies show aren't effective. 


It starts at your local election level. PRIMARY the career politicians out of touch with reality. They're ruining America.

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2 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

For what it's worth, I'm a libertarian. A free speech absolutist.


For what it's worth, you're a Republican with delusions of grandeur.  A person who thinks "free speech" means "just make up whatever you want".  


Welcome to the Tailgate.  Where the discussion actually values people who can demonstrate reasoning, and evidence.  Who can state their opinions, and support them.  


I'm looking forward to how entertaining your week here will be.  

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11 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

With Psaki officially warning america of record level inflation, Americans feeling it at the gas pumps, a Leader that is clearly in cognitive decline, and Americans distrusting the media due to their repeated attempts to write off stories as "Russian Disinformation" that later turn out to be 100% true (like Hunter and Joe's business deals on the laptop)


Do people that voted for this regret it?


For what it's worth, I'm a libertarian. A free speech absolutist. What's happening to this country is really scary.


Luckily there are some signs of hope. Like Elon Musk buying Twitter. There are people that care and want to change the course we are headed down.


At this rate our children will own nothing. The dream of owning a home will be very difficult for them. 


Kids have speech impediments and slur their words because they were forced to wear masks to protect them that many studies show aren't effective. 


It starts at your local election level. PRIMARY the career politicians out of touch with reality. They're ruining America.



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16 minutes ago, Larry said:


For what it's worth, you're a Republican with delusions of grandeur.  A person who thinks "free speech" means "just make up whatever you want".  


Welcome to the Tailgate.  Where the discussion actually values people who can demonstrate reasoning, and evidence.  Who can state their opinions, and support them.  


I'm looking forward to how entertaining your week here will be.  


I'm sorry, is there not a thread called the "Sewer that is the GOP"? Why would I only be here a week? You gonna cancel me because you don't like my opinion?


And no, free speech is free speech. What in my post could not be backed up as factual? Or are you still denying Burisma and the other laptop information?


And no you don't know me. I'm not a republican. I'm a Mises Caucus member. But I'm sure you write off anyone with differing opinions as "far-right"



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I am forever grateful that Biden was elected and the Democrats won control of Congress. The Republicans and the Trump cult almost ruined this country. I live in Texas and due to the crap that Abbott and the Republicans are causing here, I'm sorry I live here without means to move somewhere that humans are valued instead of the wealthy, corporations, and the fossil fuel industry is worshiped. 


The bills passed since Biden et al were elected gave funds to We the People from the bottom up, saving us from another depression. I want to see a new voting rights act passed limiting corporations and the wealthy to buy our government. Large amounts of the population is vaxxed against a virulent disease. Those unvaxxed without a medical reason are fools who expose the rest of us. 


Stop watching anything Q related, OAN, and Fox for they are nothing but Russian propaganda outlets. 

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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57 minutes ago, Larry said:


For what it's worth, you're a Republican with delusions of grandeur.  A person who thinks "free speech" means "just make up whatever you want".  


Welcome to the Tailgate.  Where the discussion actually values people who can demonstrate reasoning, and evidence.  Who can state their opinions, and support them.  


I'm looking forward to how entertaining your week here will be.  


Ahhh the tailgate hasn't changed one bit.  Chuck Grassley and Diane Feinstein can exist but Chuck wont last long because of party affiliation. 😆

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1 hour ago, Forever A Redskin said:

With Psaki officially warning america of record level inflation, Americans feeling it at the gas pumps, a Leader that is clearly in cognitive decline, and Americans distrusting the media due to their repeated attempts to write off stories as "Russian Disinformation" that later turn out to be 100% true (like Hunter and Joe's business deals on the laptop)


Do people that voted for this regret it?


For what it's worth, I'm a libertarian. A free speech absolutist. What's happening to this country is really scary.


Luckily there are some signs of hope. Like Elon Musk buying Twitter. There are people that care and want to change the course we are headed down.


At this rate our children will own nothing. The dream of owning a home will be very difficult for them. 


Kids have speech impediments and slur their words because they were forced to wear masks to protect them that many studies show aren't effective. 


It starts at your local election level. PRIMARY the career politicians out of touch with reality. They're ruining America.


Name a couple of ways your life has been impacted over the last year?


Name someone that doesn't have free speech?


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What is expected of Biden and the gas pumps? These companies set the market. Biden has done what he can. Yesterday he even announced allowing more ethanol in the fuel this summer to ease costs slightly. It’s not like he’s laughing and enjoying everyone paying more at the pump. I’m really not sure what else he can be doing.


we have been getting away from Mideast oil for the last decade. We didn’t get much from Russia, about 3% and that’s gone. He’s approached the Saudis about pumping more to help the world economy, but they are refusing.


he has not shut down any active pipelines like Republicans like to claim. The Keystone pipeline expansion was in the works for 20 years and it was shut down, but it wouldn’t be helping anything until at least 2023 sometime if it were to continue. That wouldn’t help now.

people buying new cars have options. They’ve had options. I know someone who bought a new car that is complaining about gas prices, they get around 25mpg. I bought a Prius 17 years ago and it still gets 50. I also got a tax break for it. 

Companies can afford more energy efficient vehicles as well. These companies are raking in record profits off the backs of the citizens of the world, not just America. 

high gas prices is a world problem not just a Biden/USA problem.


Hunter Biden, really? That’s important right now? I want people in our government that are not corrupt and work for the people and we should demand that, but you cannot convince me that it is really any kind of problem in our current government. Didn’t Rudy have proof of the laptop and it disappeared. Then Tucker had proof and it miraculously disappeared and on and on and on. 

Also, after the last government, this situation is a 100%  laughable. I remember 45 after he won the “rigged” election against Hillary spoke with Putin. He then claimed Russia was going to help secure our elections. His kids had no security clearances, but yet they made millions in office and his son in law just made 2 billion from the Suadis who he was working closely with during those 4 years.


im more worried about the connections the republicans have with Russians and other dictators.


Elon Musk…..that’s funny. I was just hanging out with a bunch of people not too long ago that have worked closely with him or worked for him in some capacity. They were all in agreement, hes a P.O.S. 

im in Texas. Our upcoming elections will be screwed as hell. I’m voting, but I am totally expecting a Republican takeover.


Yay, small government putting more laws on our bodies and choosing how we should learn and live

3 minutes ago, Hersh said:


Name a couple of ways your life has been impacted over the last year?


Name someone that doesn't have free speech?


Well duh, if the kids are wearing masks and having speaking problems then they don’t have free speech. There speech is imprisoned by the speech impediments.


joe Biden is not senile. He’s has a speech impediment. Probably from wearing the mask the last couple of years.

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54 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I'm sorry, is there not a thread called the "Sewer that is the GOP"? Why would I only be here a week? You gonna cancel me because you don't like my opinion?


And no, free speech is free speech. What in my post could not be backed up as factual? Or are you still denying Burisma and the other laptop information?


And no you don't know me. I'm not a republican. I'm a Mises Caucus member. But I'm sure you write off anyone with differing opinions as "far-right"




I am happy to give you the opportunity to not be far-right. What did you think of Trump? Were you concerned when China fast tracked Ivanka's trademarks after Trump was elected? Were you concerned by any of Trump's behaviors as it relates to mental decline? 

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Yeah. My own GQP governor repealed our gas tax.  I only drive 5 miles each way, and have been in the restaurant biz for almost my entire life...nothing has impacted me at all. 

And when I say "nothing", I mean it.  (I also believe that I'm blessed to some degree...my donations end up coming back.)

I'm way down on the pole of "people with money" here, but being smart about how we spend it has a lot to do with how it all works out. 


A reality check is in order. 

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I don't know where to start on this.  No regrets for voting for Biden, Democrats, or Obama.  Perhaps Hunter Biden tried to cash in on his name, or another country tried to bribe him. I am really curious how Joe Biden is linked into Hunter's business.  A President installing his own family members, and their spouses into the White House and on his staff is infinitely worse.  As is a political party worshiping a single person for the past 7 years and actively working to undermine democracy.  


You describe yourself as "libertarian" -- I am hopeful that means you are against current efforts to whitewash teaching racism its history and impacts in our schools and the impending (some say it has already happened) overturning of Roe v. Wade. 


I have never believed the President can be blamed for the general economic state, but America has had huge structural economic issues since Reagan that politicians and polotical parties do not want to to talk about.  I don't think "trickle down" -- ie. constant tax cuts for the rich work other than to increase income inequality.   Both parties are in the pockets of big business and figuring out how to get "honest transparent open politicians" on both sides is a huge issue. Only psychopaths and sadists would want to go through the political ringer.  


Income inequality, wealth concentration, the fact that Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos would rather use their seemingly ulimited money to shoot themselves into space rather than bring true competition into areas like health care, education and housing or even stem the growing inequality problem (and the Walmart heirs, Buffet, Gates are all guilty to some extent) have lead me to believe there is no true "free market".  Simply because no one tries to compete against each other (oh but Target, Amazon, Apple, etc. are ruthless to each othee in their own spheres).  Americans are getting screwed on the basics of life, health care, shelter and education.   And No One Cares or "feels our pain".  


The people who care and want to change our course are too busy putting food on the table to get involved in the manned you describe... because they have to work so hard and so many hours to keep up. 

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1 hour ago, PokerPacker said:

This is an idiotic take.  And I have doubts about your claim of libertarianism.


These are common themes among Republicans and especially Trumpers. They are all libertarians in their own minds. Fighting the good fight against the deep state. Next will be the " I usta be a democrat " or " did ya know Trump was a democrat?". 🤣

Edited by Captain Wiggles
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Just now, Captain Wiggles said:

Thes are common themes among Republicans and especially Trumpers. They are all libertarians in their own minds. Fighting the good fight against the deep state. Next will be the " I usta be a democrat " or " did ya know Trump was a democrat?". 🤣

It is quite annoying as a libertarian inheriting the reputation of these people.

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Welcome to the board.  I am going to enjoy watching you try to defend some of the statements in your original post.  And I am awaiting your answers to the questions posed to you by Hersh.


Joe Biden was not my first choice as the Democratic nominee for President.  Or my second. But it is infinitely better that he holds the office instead of Donald Trump, who has shown he is a pathological liar, sociopathic narcissist, serial philanderer, barely literate, business con man and cheater, and a wannabe autocrat who has no qualms about destroying democracy in order to assuage the blow that losing did to his massive, fragile ego.

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2 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:

With Psaki officially warning america of record level inflation, Americans feeling it at the gas pumps, a Leader that is clearly in cognitive decline, and Americans distrusting the media due to their repeated attempts to write off stories as "Russian Disinformation" that later turn out to be 100% true (like Hunter and Joe's business deals on the laptop)


Do people that voted for this regret it?


For what it's worth, I'm a libertarian. A free speech absolutist. What's happening to this country is really scary.


Luckily there are some signs of hope. Like Elon Musk buying Twitter. There are people that care and want to change the course we are headed down.


At this rate our children will own nothing. The dream of owning a home will be very difficult for them. 


Kids have speech impediments and slur their words because they were forced to wear masks to protect them that many studies show aren't effective. 


It starts at your local election level. PRIMARY the career politicians out of touch with reality. They're ruining America.

I neither regret my vote for Biden, nor do I regret my multiple votes for Biden.

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1 hour ago, GeorgiaGirl said:


Ahhh the tailgate hasn't changed one bit.  Chuck Grassley and Diane Feinstein can exist but Chuck wont last long because of party affiliation. 😆


Stick around and change it.  Defend the right wing with facts and persuasion. 


I agree with the argument that the Tailgate has become an echo chamber.  I would like to see some intelligent counter arguments from Trumpers.  Seeing the crowd who comes to his rallies, though, and seeing past drive-by attempts here, I might as well be asking to see a unicorn farting rainbows.

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2 minutes ago, Ball Security said:


Coming off of a pandemic there is naturally going to be an unemployment reduction as people return to work.


Don't really see how anyone could think the economy is in good shape. 


Luckily all of data predicts a Republican super majority or damn near one in the midterms. People are fed up. Especially with all the stuff in our schools right now. 

Edited by Forever A Redskin
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6 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

The Tailgate is a liberal echo chamber.  And that's fine, it's not like the Republicans are really great right now or anything.  


There was a lot of dumb **** in the opening post.  

I don't know what a 2022 "conservative" platform looks like.  Certainly protecting 2nd amendment is there. 


I guess I could go to the Rick Scott, 11 point plan, but I suspect that much of it traces back to the GOP 2010ish Paul Ryan agenda of cuts, closing federal agenies dressed up in 2022 boogedymen.  Point 1: Close the Department of Education.  Prevent schools from teaching about racism.  Point 2:  Let's not even talk about racism anymore. Point 3:  2nd Amendment and more policing / police state, more people in prison.  And since we are "color blind" (Point 2)  we don't care if this hurts minorities.  Point 4:  Build the wall, far right immigration rhetoric.  Keep people in the shadows. Again, I guess nothing new since 2010.  Point 5:  Anti-federal government, even don't raise the debt ceiling.  This is crazy territory.  Its the new "balanced budget amemdment".  Ok, I can't even read the rest of this plan in details but it's basically a "let's destroy the Federal government.  Remember Rick Scott (oh Rick Perry) talking about this when he ran for President?  Trump and the GOP could actually have implemented this by not spending a dime for all those Departments they wanted to eliminate, and forcing them to shut-down. 


That is what a "conservative" agenda looks like in 2022.  It's basically a more honest and open version of Paul Ryan from a decade ago.  



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