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Election 2022 (Dems in charge of Senate. Reps take the House. Herschel Walker headed back home to ignore his children )

Cooked Crack

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Guys, can we just give up on Florida? Florida is like that one kid you have that just can't do anything right and always needs bail money. Sometimes, you just gotta let the kid learn the hard way. Let the GOP **** up Florida to the point where the constituents can't take it anymore and learn their lesson.

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Ohio GOP House candidate has misrepresented military service


Campaigning for a northwestern Ohio congressional seat, Republican J.R. Majewski presents himself as an Air Force combat veteran who deployed to Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, once describing “tough” conditions including a lack of running water that forced him to go more than 40 days without a shower.


Military documents obtained by The Associated Press through a public records request tell a different story.


They indicate Majewski never deployed to Afghanistan but instead completed a six-month stint helping to load planes at an air base in Qatar, a longtime U.S. ally that is a safe distance from the fighting.


Majewski’s account of his time in the military is just one aspect of his biography that is suspect. His post-military career has been defined by exaggerations, conspiracy theories, talk of violent action against the U.S. government and occasional financial duress.


Still, thanks to an unflinching allegiance to former President Donald Trump — Majewski once painted a massive Trump mural on his lawn — he also stands a chance of defeating longtime Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur in a district recently redrawn to favor Republicans.


Click on the link for the full article

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Kari Lake drops an embarrassing bombshell that blows up in her face


It was billed as an exposé, a revelation about Katie Hobbs said to be so appalling that Kari Lake announced she would wait a day to announce it.


“I just got some really painful, hurtful news about @Katie Hobbs,” a clearly thrilled Lake tweeted on Monday. “My team is triple-confirming its true. Tomorrow I will be releasing. Bad stuff!”


On Tuesday, Lake dropped her bomb, announcing that her opponent, Hobbs, fought to keep the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution out of Arizona’s classrooms.


Well, goodness.


That would be terrible. If it was true, that is.


Still, I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Let’s let Lake strut her stuff, in her three-minute video entitled “Katie Hobbs Exposed: Anti-American and Un-Arizonan”.


"You heard that right. As a legislator, Hobbs actually voted to block the Pledge of Allegiance, our National Anthem, our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and even the Mayflower Compact from being taught to the next generation of Americans right here in Arizona.”


Lake, in her video, even showed a document proving that Hobbs … did no such thing.


The only thing this video proves is that Kari Lake doesn’t know how read a bill.


In 2018, the Arizona Legislature passed a bill addressing various American history materials that can be read or posted in Arizona’s classrooms. State law already allowed the pledge, the anthem, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and yes, even the Mayflower Compact to be read or posted, along with various other foundational documents.


Senate Bill 1289 simply added the state motto (“Ditat Deus,” or God Enriches) to that list and clarified the wording of the already approved national motto (“In God We Trust”).


Then-Sen. Hobbs voted against the bill, as did every other Democrat. It's not clear why though critics objected to bringing religion into publicly funded classrooms. 


What is clear is that Lake is quick to jump to erroneous conclusions and doesn’t know even the basics of lawmaking. Proposed changes to state law are written in UPPER CASE (often in blue type) while existing portions of the law are in regular type. 


Click on the link for the full article


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4 hours ago, Forehead said:

For those more knowledgeable, is there any (reasonable) path for Democrats to hold both chambers for the next two years?  I'm normally against the idea of one party controlling everything but I'd make an exception this time around.




Probably looking at a divided government. Dems pretty much have to run the table to keep the House. Expect for nothing to be accomplished and for government shutdown threats to be the norm.

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5 hours ago, Forehead said:

For those more knowledgeable, is there any (reasonable) path for Democrats to hold both chambers for the next two years?  I'm normally against the idea of one party controlling everything but I'd make an exception this time around.



All Dems can do is point out the differences and just how extreme the gop is. Pound that point over and over.


Hope that makes a difference with the people that can be persuaded.


House isn’t likely as extremism works well out the house level. That’s why you get crazies the MYG, LB,Gaetz, etc.


Gop still likely to get house but probably a narrow margin now.


Senate/ Governor/State Sec of State- in many states; you have to appeal to whole state. So extreme won’t play well statewide.


The gop voter or gop leaning voter is going to come home and vote gop; if they are motivated enough to vote. Inflation,Crime , etc.  Are they mad enough to come out; despite the bad candidates?


The Dems hope what Biden passed and the anger over Roe V Wade; will give Dems enough votes over the gop.



We will see. Think Early voting starts in some places shortly.


My guess the Senate stays the same because the gop is likely to flip a seat a two and then have that balanced out by the Dems picking up a seat or two.


Sadly, I do think one or two of those Maga Senators win and it’s likely they get control of at least one state- governor , sec of state, etc.  where they will deny the 24 election to anyone but the gop.

25 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:




Probably looking at a divided government. Dems pretty much have to run the table to keep the House. Expect for nothing to be accomplished and for government shutdown threats to be the norm.

Also, nothing but investigations and multiple impeachments.


Even if McCarthy becomes speaker; he won’t be running things. The crazies will

rule the house.

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