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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

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13 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

I think what is bring referred to is that the deficit in 2008 was still lower than in 2016 (like 450 bill vs 550 bill). A lot of the explosion in the deficit under Bush happened at the very end of his term and beginning of Obamas term due to the response to GFC.


Oh you mean the deficit that came in $1 trillion greater than Bush's proposed budget deficit of $407 billion?  The same one Obama cut down to under $550 billion a year when he left office.  


As far as the actual debt goes Trump increased that by $9 trillion in four years. He said he'd pay the entire debt off in eight years. 🤣

Edited by Captain Wiggles
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7 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

I do wonder how people reconcile the thoughts of "Trump was the worst president of all time" or even "Trump was such a big asshole as president" with also thinking "but the election was definitely stolen."  I mean, really?

‘Because every word of it is bull****.  Just like the “I wrote in George Washington for my vote” anecdote.  

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2 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


Oh you mean the deficit that came in $1 trillion greater than Bush's proposed budget deficit of $407 billion? That one?  Ya know the same one Obama cut down to under $550 billion a year when he left office.  


As far as the actual debt goes Trump increased that by $9 trillion in four years. He said he'd pay the entire debt off in eight years. 🤣

I'm just saying that the GFC threw a monkey wrench into things, like covid threw a monkey wrench into things. The GFC impacted the deficits of both late Bush and early Obama as well as late Trump and early Biden.


Of course, this doesn't absolve Bush from inheriting a surplus and running it up to a 500 bill deficit by 2008. Nor Trump in inheriting a 550 bill deficit and running it up to a trillion even before 2020.

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47 minutes ago, tomwvr said:

Eire county pa

City of Detroit MI

City of Philidephia PA

Maracopa County Az

Burk county Ga

Cobb county Ga

Saginaw county MI

kent county Mi




So you are claiming i was at the capital on the 6th. Sad that you even question that. I never voted for the fool. I am just using history, stats and the eye test to say that there were issues. 
did you even read my earlier post.


Typing on a phone - it was 5.1 difference

I took a look at one of those counties (Kent).  Here’s what I see: a county that has been shifting left since 2000. 59% R ‘00; 59% R ‘04; 49% ‘08; 53% ‘12; 48% ‘16; 45% 20.  

I see a population that is getting less white (83% in 2000, 76% in 2010).


 It’s a county that has experienced population growth. 9.2% from 2010-2020.  

2020 saw a voter turnout increase of around 20% (my math in my head).  Third party votes decreased from 5.9-2.2%.


So what are you finding nefarious for this county?

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Saginaw is another head scratcher of a county to identify as one that was stolen.  It’s gone blue in every election since 1988 until 2016.  In the first Trump election, he got 48%.  In 2020, he got 49%.  Biden was able to syphon off the 2016 third party vote that was at 5.2%  in 2016 and 1.6% in 2020.  

If anything looks off in Saginaw from its historical context, it’s 2016.

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2 hours ago, tomwvr said:

Maracopa County Az


Maricopa is actually easily and hilariously explained.


trump’s tax cut spitefully removed a tax deduction that residents of n.y and ca residents used as a way of attacking the two states that were a huge thorn in his side.


There has been an exodus from California because of that. a lot of residents from there have gone to Florida and Texas, but a lot of them have also moved to phoenix.


Pima (Tucson) and Coconino (Flagstaff) are solidly and reliably blue but have historically been unable to counterbalance maricopa.


Trump unintentionally diluted maricopa by forcing poorer/bluer leaning Californians to move to phoenix and its surrounding municipalities.

He took a solidly red county and turned it close enough to purple that between the demographics shift due to the influx and trumps’s general repulsiveness Arizona elected “2” democrat senators (**** sinema) and lost the state himself due his own short sightedness and karma.





Many Californians face a big financial hit under the Republican tax plan, which would eliminate a major tax break that benefits state residents more than those anywhere else in the U.S.

The federal deduction for state and local taxes allowed Californians to reduce their taxable income by $101 billion in 2014, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Foundation.

Trump lost without any help because he’s a hateful moron who drove a record amount of Americans to correct the mistake of him being elected 4 years earlier.

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5 hours ago, tomwvr said:


1  nuts running for president are dangerous 

2 giving someone like trump an opening to play the i was robbed 

4 we must have a system in place that makes mail in , drop off and other alternative votes secure - for example

i dropped my ballot in a drop box. It should have had a scanner and printer to give me a record that it was received, not just a slot to drop It in.

5 we must limit early voting to 1-2 weeks before any federal election  - the fewer ballots moved around and stored for up to a month can help ensure votes are secure. 
6 we must make a federal standard for a minimum number of voting sites and machines per thousand voters.

in the 1970s -80s in California to ensure people could vote homes had voting booths in garages for each neighborhood.  then in the 90s they changed it - many people then waited hours to vote…



Can't speak for other states, but here in California I received an email when my mail in ballot was picked up from the drop box, and then one when it was received and processed by the SoS. 


Also, garage polling stations still exist in parts of California. Here's a story about them in SF.




Edited by The Evil Genius
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11 hours ago, hail2skins said:

I do wonder how people reconcile the thoughts of "Trump was the worst president of all time" or even "Trump was such a big asshole as president" with also thinking "but the election was definitely stolen."  I mean, really?


Quick answer- they don't

There is no consistent logical thread running through any of it, as a matter of fact they are invested in a complete rejection of logic, facts, consistency, etc. 

Their minds are a kaleidoscope, a pile of broken bits that get shuffled into whatever configuration it needs to be at any given moment, then reshuffled for the next outrage.

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13 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

‘Because every word of it is bull****.  Just like the “I wrote in George Washington for my vote” anecdote.  

Wow so someone cant have an educated and historically backed discussion on an issue and if you disagree they must be lying. Sorry but i guess ill stop having conversations here. Thought people in the dc area were decent enough to have a discussion and not revert to personal attacks.


first i have not voted for a republican or democrat for president since 2000. If you cant believe me there than you are unable to have a discussion in a sane way.

second implying i supported or was involved in Jan 6 is what they call a red herring . Its also stupid to defend your opinion by doing that. Its like calling someone a racist that you dont even know


Dont bother replying i wont be discussing politics here any longer.

13 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:


Oh you mean the deficit that came in $1 trillion greater than Bush's proposed budget deficit of $407 billion?  The same one Obama cut down to under $550 billion a year when he left office.  


As far as the actual debt goes Trump increased that by $9 trillion in four years. He said he'd pay the entire debt off in eight years. 🤣

Trump was a horrible president who spend like a nut.  Did I ever defend any thing he did here?

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9 minutes ago, tomwvr said:

Not at all correct the debit doubled under obama. 

The deficit itself skyrocketed to like 1.4 trillion dollars in the FY that covered some of the last year of Bush and first year of Obama due to measures to combat the GFC. But by the end of Obamas presidency, and thanks to reconciliation, the deficit had gone down to like 550 billion. Not great, but not too much higher than Bush had it at pre GFC.


And can't blame Trump for the covid spending (well, the one at the end after the election, like Bidens, probably not necessary), but he also did nothing to reduce the deficit from 2017-2019. 


I'm far from the biggest Trump critic on policy, but if someone doesn't recognize that his social media behavior and his erratic reaction to covid legitimately cost him reelection, I don't know what to tell you.

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The only nefarious things happening in the 2020 election was Floriduh conning a few people to illegally vote (by telling them their voting rights had been restored when they hadn't) and numerous old GOPers getting caught nationwide double and triple voting. 


Oh, and Youngkin's underage kid trying to vote 2x. 

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12 minutes ago, tomwvr said:


Trump was a horrible president who spend like a nut.  Did I ever defend any thing he did here?

The insinuation you made that the election was stolen from him will raise eyebrows. You yourself thought that he was terrible, why is it inconceivable that plenty of others, heck even 81 million others, did too?

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14 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Obama cut the deficit by like two thirds during his time in the WH. 🤓


27 minutes ago, tomwvr said:

Not at all correct the debit doubled under obama. 



1). Actually, Obama inherited a federal deficit, for FY 2009, of $1,486. (All numbers in billions, inflation adjusted to 2012 dollars). And left with a deficit for 2017 of $617. So he reduced it by 60%, but that's not quite "two thirds". 

2). During that same period, federal gross public debt went from $12,497 to $18,752. An increase of 50%. So if calling a 60% reduction "two thirds" is "completely untrue", what's calling a 50% increase "doubled"?


3). Admiring the way right wing media has conditioned their mouthpieces, when someone points out that the Dems consistently reduce the deficit, is to immediately run to "oh yeah?  Well, they didn't instantly convert the biggest deficit into a surplus for his entire administration!"  

Because, every one of you, when you run from talking about the deficit to pointing at the total debt, that is literally what you're arguing. 

3). And I'll close by once again pointing out a piece of trivia I like:  


The last time a Republican President shrank the deficit (meaning, left office with a smaller deficit than when he came in) was Eisenhower. 

The last Democrat President who didn't shrink the deficit was FDR. 

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I have to admit I genuinely admire the stamina some of the posters here possess.


For years, years, the same conversations have been going on with the same contentions and the same rebuttals and yet some of y'all still manage to gird on your armor and have at it.



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@tomwvr Can you please explain exactly how you think "they" rigged the 2020 election? What were the mechanisms? How many people were involved? How did they keep people quiet? How did they hide the evidence so well that over 60 lawsuits about it were thrown out with no evidence?


I've asked many 2020 election deniers this question and I've never gotten any response other than even more vague conspiracy theory babble.

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Just now, mistertim said:

@tomwvr Can you please explain exactly how you think "they" rigged the 2020 election? What were the mechanisms? How many people were involved? How did they keep people quiet? How did they hide the evidence so well that over 60 lawsuits about it were thrown out with no evidence?

Actually, they weren't thrown out for lack of evidence. 

They were thrown out because Team Denial have never once under oath stated an actual claim of what they claim happened. 

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