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USPS tomfoolery brought to you by Trump and the coward Postmaster General Louis DeJoy

Cooked Crack

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9 hours ago, Destino said:

How long must we play along with these point by point arguments.  This box was locked for this excuse.  That delay was for this other excuse.  This change in policy is for this totally unrelated reason.  The problem here is the cumulative big picture.  The sudden system wide sabotage of the post office when it’s going to be needed most.  

Treating this point by point assists in the spread of endless lies.  


Well, and if you want to zoom the camera out to an even larger picture, this isn't the first time the GOP has attempted to loudly yell that a program should be eliminated, because just look how badly we've intentionally ****ed it up.  

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Im going to sum up this controversy:


Media/Democrats: Mr President are you ultimately in charge of the USPS? 


Trump: Why yes I am, thank you for stroking my ego.




We the people elected this President and this Senate and put them in charge of the USPS. If you don't like the way they run it then fix it with your vote. Next time Trump opens his mouth about the postal service your response is... VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN. 

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3 hours ago, Mooka said:

Next time Trump opens his mouth about the postal service your response is... VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN. 

I thought the concern was that the post office tampering gets in the way of that in the first place.



Christ...what is this:


Edited by visionary
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43 minutes ago, visionary said:

I thought that the concern was that the post office tampering gets in the way of that in the first place.


That is a secondary concern to voting. Actually third, behind voting for Joe Biden. Actually it shouldn't even be in the same ballpark as far as concerns.


Trump simply wants to stay in the headlines, it doesn't matter how or why. Every single anything about the USPS right now is directly because Trump opened his mouth. (GOP and Trump have been openly against the USPS for years....decades) 


If we don't want the President or the GOP meddling then we shouldn't put them in charge of the damn thing. That's our fault.


Some 40% of the people in this country don't vote and its not because all 100+million people have been suppressed by the GOP. (100+ million ****ing people don't vote)


You have to get the people to want to vote before you get to step 2.


We're not past step 1 yet.

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Agree a bit with tshile about what he said in his last post. However, one thing that isn't getting enough coverage is DeJoy having 30 million dollars in XPO Logistics stock. If there's an effort to privatize any bit of the USPS, gee wonder where the conflict of interest is. 

Edited by Busch1724
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Trump has never found anything he can't manage to **** up, and then **** up the un****ing of.


Once again he completely owns himself. If he'd have shut up about it and not essentially screamed out loud over and over that he was trying to use the power of his office to stop mail voting from working in an effort to help his re-election efforts, this probably wouldn't have come to light. At least not nearly in the way that it did to the point where DeJoy had to reverse course.


I really hope someone eventually writes a biography about him simply titled "****ing Moron"

Edited by mistertim
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The first thing that would help would be forcing the Senate to pass the House approved legislation that rolls back the requirement of the USPS to prefund 75 years of retitree health benefits over the next decade. 


No other agency is required to do that, from what I can tell. It was a giant **** you by the GOP.

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They’ve already sabotaged the post office.  Suspending changes now is like saying “we’ve agreed to stop drilling more holes!” after the ship starts sinking.  The damage is done.  

Now they’re moving into trying to get away with it.  Trump pretends to want to save the post office, his goon agreed to stop while lying about the post office being able to handle the influx from an election.

28 minutes ago, mistertim said:

Once again he completely owns himself. If he'd have shut up about it and not essentially screamed out loud over and over that he was trying to use the power of his office to stop mail voting from working in an effort to help his re-election efforts, this probably wouldn't have come to light.

I think that was intentional.  He needed to tell republicans why it was happening so they wouldn’t oppose it.  Remember the GOP depends heavily on the elderly population.  This issue effects them.  So Trump went in TV and let them know this was about defeating the libs.


Now that the message is out he’ll publicly backtrack.  He uses this startegy a lot.  He did it with Covid.  He politicized the response, got his message out, and then backtracked.  He did it with the racial protests too.  

Trump plays the media, over and over again.  Soon he’ll do some outrageous thing to distract from the post office and the damage that’s been done will remain.

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Maybe not all his fault...the timing though does.


"Questions also rose over the removal of blue Postal Service mailboxes, as well as the decommissioning of 671 letter-sorting machines at Postal Service facilities, though those removals predated DeJoy’s appointment.


Nevertheless, the delays and the optics have roiled Democrats who accused DeJoy and Trump of hamstringing the agency in an effort to undermine mail-in voting. "

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4 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

The first thing that would help would be forcing the Senate to pass the House approved legislation that rolls back the requirement of the USPS to prefund 75 years of retitree health benefits over the next decade. 


No other agency is required to do that, from what I can tell. It was a giant **** you by the GOP.


Not really. Two things:


1. Politifact rates the 75 year thing for pensions as "half true" https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/apr/15/afl-cio/widespread-facebook-post-blames-2006-law-us-postal/


I see you wrote health care, so you're on true side.


2. More germane to this, for once this can't really be put on Republicans. The bill was bipartisan. It had Democrat co-sponsors and actually passed the House on a voice vote, and the Senate by unanimous consent which means no one even tried to vote against it.




This one's on the Democrats too. I originally found this out when John Oliver did a piece that covered it, and I'm still not sure why it happened this way.


Definitely NSFW:



Edited by techboy
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3 hours ago, zskins said:

Maybe not all his fault...the timing though does.


"Questions also rose over the removal of blue Postal Service mailboxes, as well as the decommissioning of 671 letter-sorting machines at Postal Service facilities, though those removals predated DeJoy’s appointment.


Nevertheless, the delays and the optics have roiled Democrats who accused DeJoy and Trump of hamstringing the agency in an effort to undermine mail-in voting. "


I would usually give some benefit of the doubt to a POTUS and WH on something like this, but Trump has proven that he never ever deserves the benefit of the doubt. 

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20 minutes ago, mistertim said:

I would usually give some benefit of the doubt to a POTUS and WH on something like this, but Trump has proven that he never ever deserves the benefit of the doubt. 

Quite the opposite, in fact.  He's earned every bit of detriment of the doubt.

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