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Summer of 2020---The Civil Unrest Thread--Read OP Before Posting (in memory of George Floyd)


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His ardent supporters love to shove the 'fear' narrative down peoples throats.  That the liberal media is out to scare you with fear tactics and so on.  They aren't necessarily wrong on that as CNN does love to sensationalize everything and Trump and his buddies consistently provide them ammo to do so.  But what gets me is they don't realize that they constantly peddle fear themselves with everything being a big conspiracy.  The hypocrisy is just too much and it saddens me to see people I know to be decent human beings brainwashed by this crap.  Politics are a hell of a drug.

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46 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:


This guy really trying to get everyone but his fans to hate him

He’s taking a page from the police playbook.  Justify the violence after the fact, by trying to vilify the victim with things that have nothing to do with the confrontation.  I’m surprised they didn’t release something like “a search of the victims house found some marijuana.”  

Even if you assume everything the angry orange man is saying is true, that the ol Martin was indeed ANTIFA and in possession of some scanner.  They still shoved an old man into a near death experience that posed no threat to them.  

People are sick and tired of being given reasons why it’s ok for police to hurt people that offered them no threat.  While this disproportionately effects black men, no one is safe.  We are not inmates living in some gulag, which can be beaten for any minor disagreement with our jailers.  

Edited by Destino
Autocorrect is the devil.
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24 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

 The hypocrisy is just too much and it saddens me to see people I know to be decent human beings brainwashed by this crap.  Politics are a hell of a drug.



we humans with our politics and religions




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31 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

His ardent supporters love to shove the 'fear' narrative down peoples throats.  That the liberal media is out to scare you with fear tactics and so on.



So, Tucker says that “finance moguls” are funding the Black Lives Matter movement and lumps Romney in with unspecified financiers charging “obscene interest rates.” What is he getting at here?



Fox News guest says that Black Lives Matter is pushing a "gay agenda" and that they're placing "black lives in danger" because they want to "disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family"


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I caught the entire interview Cuomo had with the attorney representing Thomas Lane and I was surprised how much info he gave on air.


IMO he's planting seeds and he's going to flip on Derek Chauvin, we'll see.





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5 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

I caught the entire interview Cuomo had with the attorney representing Thomas Lane and I was surprised how much info he gave on air.


IMO he's planting seeds and he's going to flip on Derek Chauvin, we'll see.

I watched it too.  He said that Thomas Lane asked Chauvin several times if they should flip him over to avoid what ultimately happened and was told not to by Chauvin.  Chauvin being the longest tenured and Lane being new to the force.

Edited by BatteredFanSyndrome
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20 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


That's a hell of a take, even for him. Beyond being a loyalty test to watch his cult lunatics defend him, i don't see what he's thinking here. 

He isn’t thinking, this is just who he is. Millions of people in this country rewarded him once despite seeing what a vile, lowlife scumbag he is. And he’s banking on the fact that most of this country is as deranged and vile as himself, where they don’t recognize the obvious signs of narcissistic and sociopathic personality disorder because they likely suffer from it themselves.


We know he’s got about 40% of the vote on lock and he’s doing his absolute best that in the end, it’s just him and his basket of deplorables.

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5 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Not to agree with Trump's tweet, and of course the "guy fell back harder" line is gross, but was I the only one wondering at the time of the attack wondering what Gugino was doing and what was in his right hand?


I think someone who is a position of leadership should say that an investigation should be done in the case. Not accuse someone who was critically injured of faking a fall and being a terrorist. In fact, it’s possible that if trump had of showed leadership right after Floyd was killed in calling for a third party investigation right away this person and others might have avoided injury.




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15 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Not to agree with Trump's tweet, and of course the "guy fell back harder" line is gross, but was I the only one wondering at the time of the attack wondering what Gugino was doing and what was in his right hand?

Looks like a phone.




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20 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Not to agree with Trump's tweet, and of course the "guy fell back harder" line is gross, but was I the only one wondering at the time of the attack wondering what Gugino was doing and what was in his right hand?


Never even occurred to me because once i saw it wasn't a gun, it really didn't matter what he had in his hand or what he said or what he was doing. I don't care if he had 75lbs of cocaine on him and he was blocking police scanners while telling them he slept with their mother...the use of that level of force is unjustified

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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12 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


I think someone who is a position of leadership should say that an investigation should be done in the case. Not accuse someone who was critically injured of faking a fall and being a terrorist. In fact, it’s possible that if trump had of showed leadership right after Floyd was killed in calling for a third party investigation right away this person and others might have avoided injury.

Yep. Bottom line is Trump should not be tweeting, period. And leadership?? We have none. For too many people, someone who **** posts on Twitter and watches Fox News all day and who doesn't do **** otherwise is good enough to pass for leadership.

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He showed up angry at a Black Lives Matter protest. She showed how to stare him down.


<video at link>



A peaceful protest in a small Montana resort town turned ugly Wednesday night when a visibly angry man confronted demonstrators, yelling at them while standing only inches away from their faces.


In a video shared on social media, a man is seen yelling profanities at a group of demonstrators supporting Black Lives Matter in Whitefish, about 60 miles from the Canadian border.


The man, identified by police as Jay Snowden, 51, is clearly agitated and becomes increasingly so as the group starts chanting "peaceful!" to drown out his yelling.


In a powerful image shared by Samantha Francine, who is one of the protesters, Snowden, a tall white man, is seen looking down on a much smaller Francine while she looks up into his eyes, holding a poster that reads "Say Their Names."


Francine, who is biracial, told CNN that in that heated moment with Snowden standing inches away from her face, she felt no fear.


The 27-year-old protester said the words of her white father, who died 16 years ago, ran through her head: "No matter who the threat is, no matter what the threat is, you look them in the eye so that they know you're human."


"In that moment, I felt those words that my father spoke to me from such a young age and I saw fear in his eyes and I knew he wasn't going to hurt me," Francine said. "He was just upset and uncomfortable, so I just stood my ground and it got captured in such a beautiful way."


Snowden was ultimately removed from the scene by police. Later, after police consulted with the Whitefish city prosecutor, he was charged with disorderly conduct,Whitefish police said in a statement posted on social media. He is expected in court on June 17.


"The City of Whitefish is dedicated to protecting the First Amendment rights of individuals to peacefully protest and ask all who are involved to respect each other's rights and protest peacefully," police said.




had in-laws back in the day who lived in whitefish for awhile---beautiful and big tourist town

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"If they saw the full body camera on my client, I believe [the community] would have a different opinion." 


The attorney representing Thomas Lane, one of the former officers involved in George Floyd’s death, says body cam footage will shed new light on what happened that day.



Wondering why "the full body cam video" isn't already a public record.  


Especially if it makes the cops look better.  



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1 hour ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

I think someone who is a position of leadership should say that an investigation should be done in the case. Not accuse someone who was critically injured of faking a fall and being a terrorist. In fact, it’s possible that if trump had of showed leadership right after Floyd was killed in calling for a third party investigation right away this person and others might have avoided injury.


Oh, normally, I would say that the best way to try to defuse things like this would be the immediate announcement that the FBI will be investigating.  


Of course, that assumes that the FBI hasn't been intentionally turned into a branch of the Trump campaign.  Oops.  

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2 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


That's a hell of a take, even for him. Beyond being a loyalty test to watch his cult lunatics defend him, i don't see what he's thinking here. 


Well there's your problem.  He's not capable of rational thought.

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2 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

His ardent supporters love to shove the 'fear' narrative down peoples throats.  That the liberal media is out to scare you with fear tactics and so on.  They aren't necessarily wrong on that as CNN does love to sensationalize everything and Trump and his buddies consistently provide them ammo to do so.  But what gets me is they don't realize that they constantly peddle fear themselves with everything being a big conspiracy.  The hypocrisy is just too much and it saddens me to see people I know to be decent human beings brainwashed by this crap.  Politics are a hell of a drug.


I agree with you 1000%.  This really saddens me....


With this all going on, we do have walk to fine line allowing the people who don't truly "get it" to speak their mind and have a civilized conversation about the issues at hand...  I do hold out hope that if people on all sides are able to talk this through and we can come to a viable path forward...  If this turns out to be who bury and drown out the other side by yelling and screaming the loudest then we all know at the end of the day nothing would have changed...


I do realize that by describing that people on the other side of #BLM does not "get it" might contradictory of what i just said above but I can say this with certainty that most (not all) people even on the people opposing the #BLM movement does not think that Blacks should be discriminated against and treated unfairly.  So actually ALL of agree that Blacks needed to be treated fairly but this political nuanced debate that is put upon by the few is dividing us...


Not going to be an easy path to truly make real lasting change...

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