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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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20 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

I really dislike articles like this because they identify a phenomena without any clear context of its probability. I highly doubt reinfection in a short time span is a real possibility for the vast vast majority of humans. Finding a handful of cases isn’t surprising because some people will have biological quirks that are very rare but might make them more susceptible to reinfection. 

Vox does really bad science journalism.


I didn't see anything wrong with the article. It balanced the knowns, unknowns, and speculations and labeled each as such. It mentions a lot of qualifiers and even says re-infections are not unusual.



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VDH is a great insight for local Covid data. So many numbers, and as a numbers geek I love it. They have a weekly report (attached) that give lots of insights. For instance, the current RO for the Northern Region is 1.103 and it’s up slightly from last week.



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2 minutes ago, Springfield said:

VDH is a great insight for local Covid data. So many numbers, and as a numbers geek I love it. They have a weekly report (attached) that give lots of insights. For instance, the current RO for the Northern Region is 1.103 and it’s up slightly from last week.




What does "Cases Avoided" mean?

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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:


Vox does really bad science journalism.


The other thing that has clearly happened (and to be fair, I've heard authors complain about this in many outlets) is that some editor added a sensationalistic title. "Immune responses may not be as robust as we hope" is not at all the same thing as "so long to herd immunity hopes".

Edited by techboy
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The other thing strange to me about the clots;  early on (and possibly still) wasnt advil (A known blood thinner) associated with a bad outcome with regards to the virus? Seems like it would be the opposite


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2 minutes ago, ggarriso said:

The other thing strange to me about the clots;  early on (and possibly still) wasnt advil (A known blood thinner) associated with a bad outcome with regards to the virus? Seems like it would be the opposite


Inhibits antibody production apparently.  

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5 minutes ago, ggarriso said:

The other thing strange to me about the clots;  early on (and possibly still) wasnt advil (A known blood thinner) associated with a bad outcome with regards to the virus? Seems like it would be the opposite




I found this, from April:


French doctors treating patients with COVID-19 observed that some patients taking ibuprofen were becoming more ill than those not taking it. Some of the doctors published strong recommendations against using ibuprofen for any symptoms that might indicate a coronavirus infection.


But these were only observations, which are easily influenced by bias and not supported by scientific evidence.


Still, what followed were contradictory stories about the safety of ibuprofen. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) initially recommended using acetaminophen instead of ibuprofen. That only lasted a couple days before the WHO position changed. Either could be used to reduce fever, aches and pains in people with symptoms of any viral infection, including COVID-19.






And this, also from early April:


So while you might usually reach for Advil and Motrin to treat a headache or a fever, things are a little more complicated in this current pandemic. More research is needed into whether Advil or Motrin can make COVID-19 worse. While there is no hard scientific evidence to suggest they do, many experts are staying cautious and avoiding these medications if possible, preferring the safer drug acetaminophen (Tylenol) as a first-choice treatment for fever and aches. 


The controversy over ibuprofen began mid-March. A letter published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine reviewed three observational studies of close to 1,300 patients with severe COVID-19 in China. This letter made a number of observations, including a hypothesis that medications such as NSAIDs may worsen the body’s response to the coronavirus infection. They recommended further research was needed to shed more light on the topic.


A few days later, the French minister of health, a physician, cautioned against using ibuprofen (the generic form of Advil and Motrin) to treat fever in COVID-19. He recommended that people with fevers take acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead. This recommendation was picked up by The Guardian, the BMJ, the World Health Organization (WHO), and numerous media outlets around the world.  


Since then, the WHO has moderated its advice, and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has also put out a statement confirming that there is currently no proven scientific link between ibuprofen and more severe COVID-19 illness, but that they would continue to actively monitor the situation.





And this, from June:


Researchers in London have started a clinical trial to test whether ibuprofen helps hospitalized coronavirus patients, according to the BBC.


The trial will use “lipid ibuprofen,” which is a specific formulation that dissolves ibuprofen into fat, rather than the typical pain relief tablets found in stores.


Based at King’s College London and Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospital, the team believes the anti-inflammatory painkiller could treat breathing problems associated with COVID-19. They hope the drug will keep hospitalized patients off ventilators.


“We need to do a trial to show that the evidence actually matches what we expect to happen,” Mitul Mehta, one of the King’s College London researchers, told the BBC.










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4 minutes ago, ggarriso said:


Its unreal, its staggering to me this wasnt man made - if you have a weakness this seems to exploit it - scary


Let’s not get too wild-eyed about it.  COVID can’t carry the jock of Smallpox(among others) and no man made that.


Its just the first time we’ve seen something new like this in a while.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Could people who are already taking blood thinners, fare better than those who don't?

I think so. I remember they were talking about blood thinners seeming to help a few months ago, but there was difficulty finding the right balance. I think some hospitals doctors are still using it as a tool in their box.

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10 minutes ago, wrilbo67 said:

Is anyone blown away (in a bad way) that it’s July 13, were four months into this mess and basically setting records for new cases daily? 

A lot of that is attributed to tons more testing going on.


Having said that, what is discouraging are the great number of people who still say this thing was no big deal. How do you say that close to 140K dead (so far) was no biggie?

Edited by hail2skins
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31 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

I always use regular aspirin.  It's also true that it costs more to make the bottle than the aspirin itself. 

Yeah, I’ve been taking a half-aspirin twice a week for 15 years.  Long term strategy.  Dad had a massive heart attack at 57.


Dont take anything for headaches/hangovers tho, just gut it out...maybe a little pot.

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