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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Beshear: Those who mass gather for Easter will be ordered to quarantine for 14 days


 Kentucky’s death toll due to the coronavirus reached 90 Friday as the state added 242 new positive cases.


Gov. Andy Beshear said the state’s total of cases now stands at 1,693.


The governor said the new numbers should be enough of a warning for Kentuckians not to gather in person for services on Easter weekend.


“I hope everyone knows that even on a weekend like this, we can’t have any in-person gatherings,” Beshear said.


To further protect state residents, Beshear said any person who is caught participating in a mass gathering during the weekend will be ordered to quarantine for 14 days by their local health department.


License plates at churches with in-person gatherings will be recorded and sent to health departments for enforcement, the governor said.


“This is the only way we can make sure that your decision doesn’t kill someone else,” Beshear said.


Click on the link for the full article

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9 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

It was reported early this week the infection came from EU to NYC.

My opinion: probably Italy & Spain. The people round tripped from NYC to EU during a high travel season for seniors (Jan-Apr). Multiple international airports in NYC area - LaGuardia JFK Newark & toss in PHL. Stupid to not have monitored these airports since Mar 1st. 



I don't think NYC has substnatially more international travel LA, even just from Europe, or at least not enough to explain a 10x discrepancy


LA has really crummy mass transit, whereas NYC has packed subways



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9 minutes ago, DCSaints_fan said:


LA has really crummy mass transit, whereas NYC has packed subways



This.  NYC has higher population density and is far more dependent on mass transit.  This virus spreads when people breath the same air.  Close proximity, especially in an enclosed space, is the worst situation to be in and New Yorkers can’t get around without putting themselves in exactly that situation.  

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20 minutes ago, Destino said:

This.  NYC has higher population density and is far more dependent on mass transit.  This virus spreads when people breath the same air.  Close proximity, especially in an enclosed space, is the worst situation to be in and New Yorkers can’t get around without putting themselves in exactly that situation.  

Also it has a bajillion Italians and the can’t talk without spitting their germs all over and flailing about.  Plus they have that whole kissy kissy greeting.

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7 hours ago, Wildbunny said:

Maybe there's a generous soul around here that can explain the "Jim on C Span" thing?


CSPAN is basically national government public access television. It's truly unbiased, by design. They mostly show things like hearings in Congress and seminars, but they do have segments where they'll allow people to call in. It can be hilarious because the hosts are totally deadpan and aloof (truly unbiased), and the most they'll do is ask a probing question or two of the caller, but of course the callers are what you would expect of random people that choose to watch government public access television. It can be fun to watch the hosts die inside at the crazy, and just say... "Okay, thanks. Next is Mary on the independents line... Mary?"


Here's a hilarious video from Last Week Tonight with a compilation of some of those moments:



THAT is who the president is quoting.

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BREAKING: Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly's order limiting religious gatherings to 10 people stands, state Supreme Court rules

No it won't.  The Trump Supreme Court will overturn it. 



Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How.  

>>>For many Americans right now, the scale of the coronavirus crisis calls to mind 9/11 or the 2008 financial crisis—events that reshaped society in lasting ways, from how we travel and buy homes, to the level of security and surveillance we’re accustomed to, and even to the language we use.

Politico Magazine surveyed more than 30 smart, macro thinkers this week, and they have some news for you: Buckle in. This could be bigger....<<<<

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Coming next: Coronavirus- The Weapon or Weapon derived from the Coronavirus pandemic.  I am sure our enemies like China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Terrorists, etc... are taking note on how this virus is impacting the U.S.   I could see infected terrorist cells in the U.S. activated to go out and spread the disease.  Other enemies seeing how this virus shut us down; will develop more deadly diseases and unleash them in the U.S.  Bio-warfare will become more prevalent in the future.

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Those damn emails, won't mean a thing to the Trumpters.  It's just the Deep State; trying to take him down.  Hopefully, enough people who are actually able to vote this fall; will see the truth and vote for Joe. They see, the only thing that Trump cares about is getting reelected and everything he's done and will do; is only done with the goal of making him look good. Look good enough to so enough idiots will vote him in, again.

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That's just New York media destroying the country from within. 


(The funny thing was I had the comment written a couple days ago.)


That is really what people believe.  This virus is destroying the American way of life and our response (public health) is borderline unconstituional.  Businesses are being destroyed.  Let's open up the country and folks can choose if they want to go out or not.  


20% of the voters support Trump because of abortion. 

20% will support because of GOP endless tax cuts and their pocketbooks.  

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3 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:



Coming next: Coronavirus- The Weapon or Weapon derived from the Coronavirus pandemic.  I am sure our enemies like China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Terrorists, etc... are taking note on how this virus is impacting the U.S.   I could see infected terrorist cells in the U.S. activated to go out and spread the disease.  Other enemies seeing how this virus shut us down; will develop more deadly diseases and unleash them in the U.S.  Bio-warfare will become more prevalent in the future.

The problem with biowarfare is that containing it is a problem.  If it kills too quickly it burns itself out.  If it’s super contagious it will exit US borders and then the whole world is very mad.  The last time the world was that mad (and threatened) the US dropped two nukes and participated prolonged firebombing campaigns of civilian populations.  No one wants the world screaming for their heads on pikes.

Terrorists however, would welcome such a response.  Being hated is what they do best and they’d love to watch the world burn.  Their problem is that they don’t have biowarfare divisions. 

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10 minutes ago, Destino said:

Terrorists however, would welcome such a response.  Being hated is what they do best and they’d love to watch the world burn.  Their problem is that they don’t have biowarfare divisions. 

True, but I could see some people selling them stuff just to make money out of it...

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Possible topic of discussion:  A proposal to discuss:  


Proposed:  We cannot begin opening up parts of our normal economy, until after we reach the point where it's safe for people to go to the doctor/hospital for non-emergency health care.  


Is it safe to, say, open up the restaurants, when it's not safe for people to have non-life-threatening medical procedures?  


(Although maybe a different take:  Open up medical offices, if they aren't inside hospitals.  Is that a good plan?)


Or do we need to demand that the hospitals must be back to normal, first?  (Do they have to have normal levels of PPE, first?)

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