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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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'I need help': MyPillow CEO 'offers stock' to recover over $40 million he lost 'trying to overturn the election'


MyPillow Chief Executive Officer and election denier Mike Lindell is asking the public to buy stock in his business, Lindell TV, to gain back the millions he spent in an effort to overturn the 2020 election.


Former GOP prosecutor Ro Filipkowski shared a clip of Lindell's recent Right Side Broadcasting (RSB) Network interview via Twitter, writing, "Mike Lindell announces that he has spent over $40 million trying to overturn the election and he needs help. So, he says he is going to allow people to 'buy stock' in Lindell TV: 'I want every person out there to have a little piece of the pie.'"


Lindell said, "For the next couple weeks — could be for two to four weeks — we're offering stock to the public," adding "This is gonna be amazing!"


The RSB host interrupted the conspiracy theorist, saying to viewers, "Hang on a second, he spent over 40 million dollars," before the Lindell continued, "I spent over $40 million, and I need help. We need help making our voice bigger. I can't tell the details. The lawyer says, 'I will only let you tell this much.'"


The CEO's offer comes after CNN reported last month he was ordered to pay $5 million to software developer Robert Zeidman, who sued the voter fraud conspiracy theorist over his 2020 election false claim.


Click on the link for the full article

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19 hours ago, China said:

God taking aim, unfortunately they canceled the show:




BUSTED: Real Reason Trump Canceled Iowa Rally Was Attendance


This is going to be debated in Trump world for at least a couple of news cycles: 1. Did Donald Trump cancel his Des Moines rally on May 13, 2023 because of a dreadful tornado on the way or 2. Did he cancel it because there were about 300 people there? Trumpty Dumpty doesn’t even turn on his phone for numbers like that. He demands quadruple and quintuple digits for breakfast, for heaven’s sake. You think he’s going to lift a ketchup bottle, even, with no audience?


Click on the link for the full story

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Woo.  The lawsuit filed against Rudy Giuliani by a woman formerly employed by him is a doozy.  He's drinking all day, popping Viagra like Tic-Tacs, coercing her to work naked and have sex with him, and - get this - selling pardons for $2 million each and splitting the proceeds with Donald Trump. She claims she has the tapes to back stuff up.  Full complaint linked below in the tweet. The depravity is stunning...



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On zoom calls, Rudy would tell the woman, Noelle Dunphy, to wear a bikini, get naked, or wear American flag short shorts that he bought for her. 


And a Trump-like tidbit... While receiving oral sex, Rudy would comment on how much the woman reminded him of his daughter.

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I’m somewhat hesitant to buy this story coming out now. Not saying she shouldn’t be believed, but it be pretty convenient for team Rudy/Trump to have this salacious story out then discredited to sow doubts for other allegations.


If the tapes are real and support these claims, whoa.

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38 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


On zoom calls, Rudy would tell the woman, Noelle Dunphy, to wear a bikini, get naked, or wear American flag short shorts that he bought for her. 


And a Trump-like tidbit... While receiving oral sex, Rudy would comment on how much the woman reminded him of his daughter.



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26 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

I'm shocked that the people who see Trump as the picture of health and masculinity can believe this.




Called it. Now lets see how long it takes to spread like wildfire on Twitter and right wing media.

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