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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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RNC warning to Trump: If you run for president, we stop paying your legal bills, says official


Republican leaders who worry that Donald Trump could hurt their midterm chances by announcing a presidential run too soon are hoping he'll be dissuaded from doing so by the prospect of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal payments, according to an RNC official.


Since October 2021, the Republican National Committee has paid nearly $2 million to law firms representing Trump as part of his defense against personal litigation and government investigations.


But an RNC official told ABC News that as soon as Trump would announce he is running for president, the payments would stop because the party has a "neutrality policy" that prohibits it from taking sides in the presidential primary.


According to the book "Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show," by ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl, in the final days of Trump's presidency, Trump told McDaniel he was leaving the GOP and creating his own political party -- only to back down after McDaniel made it clear to Trump that the party would stop paying his legal bills for his post-election challenges and take other steps that would cost him financially.


According to the RNC's most recent financial disclosure to the Federal Elections Commission, from October 2021 through June of this year, the RNC paid at least $1.73 million to three law firms representing Trump, including firms that are defending him in investigations into his personal family business in New York. Last month alone, the RNC paid $50,000 to a law firm representing Trump in June.


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2 hours ago, Dan T. said:


Maybe because the head of the Claremont Institute - home of ultra right-wing nut jobs including insurrectionist lawyer John Eastman - just gave an address saying we need Donald Trump to run again because he is a "manly man."  Seriously, he called Donald Trump a "manly man."




That makes sense.  Thanks.

Edited by The Almighty Buzz
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Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Now Posts Videos of Himself Shooting Rivals


The aftermath of the 2020 election launched lawyer Lin Wood to the top of Trumpworld. Wood, once a famed defamation lawyer, reinvented himself as a dogged investigator of election fraud, setting out to prove Donald Trump had been robbed.


Those efforts didn’t succeed, but Wood became a MAGA star anyway. He embraced QAnon, and brought down the house at a far-right convention with his conspiratorial ravings about the British royal family and the Rothschilds. Wood’s South Carolina plantation became a hub for Trump activists looking to invalidate the election. Wood amassed a following of his own, and infuriated Republican officials when he urged them not to vote in the Georgia special elections because of his fears of voter fraud.


Two years after the election, though, Wood has broken with nearly all of his one-time allies. He saw satanic symbols in their messages, and released secret audio tapes of their conversations. His former law partners are suing him, and he’s facing an investigation from the Georgia Bar. He flirted with the flat-Earth movement.


Now Wood’s taking his alienation from the right a step further. On Saturday, Wood posted edited movie clips on social media that showed the lawyer fatally shooting or holding at gunpoint his political rivals, including MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.


“Hilarious!!!” Wood said in a post introducing the videos on the social media app Telegram, where he has more than 500,000 followers.


The edited clips, taken from three Clint Eastwood movies, were created by “Buck Nasty,” an anonymous Telegram user whose activity closely follows Wood’s various vendettas. Wood, in a text message, insisted to The Daily Beast that he didn’t create the videos himself.


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5 hours ago, The Almighty Buzz said:

I just looked at who started this thread.  We really had a poster with the screen name Bozo the kKklown?  I feel like I would have noticed that before. 

That was BenningRoadSkin.  His name "got changed" after he was banned, which was long before the pic in his avatar was even taken. 

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7 hours ago, The Almighty Buzz said:


That article is over 4 years old.  Why is he tweeting it now?


Or, maybe because of Josh Hawley's forthcoming book:


Josh Hawley is writing book on masculinity. Senator’s ‘Manhood’ goes on sale next May.


Missouri U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley is writing a book called “Manhood: The Masculine Virtues Americans Need,” building off a speech he gave at a conservative conference claiming the political left is waging a war on masculinity.


“The American Founders believed that a republic depends on certain masculine virtues,” the book’s description on Amazon says. “Senator Josh Hawley thinks they were right. In a bold new book, he calls on American men to stand up and embrace their God-given responsibility as husbands, fathers, and citizens.”


His office did not respond to a request for comment.


The book’s announcement comes after Hawley was mocked by the U.S. House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, which showed a video of him running out of the U.S. Senate chamber as lawmakers, reporters and staff were being evacuated.


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Somehow, this is true.  I truly couldn’t believe it.  She’s still a skank ass skank and I shed no tears but, if this doesn’t perfectly illustrate the inevitable outcome of getting mixed up with Trump (wives, offspring, America) I don’t know what does.



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Betsy DeVos Is Still on Donald Trump’s Side


After President Donald Trump incited a riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos responded with an understandable degree of outrage. By her own account, she had conversations with colleagues about convening the cabinet and using the 25th Amendment to remove the president from office. She even broached the possibility with Vice President Mike Pence—who shot the idea down. When these conversations went nowhere, DeVos submitted her resignation.


It is, historically speaking, highly unusual for a president’s education secretary to lead a behind-the-scenes effort to remove him from office, and you might be forgiven for assuming that this would have really been the end of DeVos’ relationship with Trump. But if you’ve been paying attention to Republican politics over the last six years—or really just over the last year-and-a-half—then you probably have a decent idea of how that’s going. 


On Saturday, the New York Times published a letter that DeVos recently sent to Trump, asking him to support Tudor Dixon, her preferred candidate for governor of Michigan. Supporters of Dixon’s rivals have sought to steer Trump away by tying her to DeVos. But in the letter, DeVos—whose wealthy family has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into conservative politics over the years—rejected the notion that “my family and I are working against you,” calling it “fake news.”


“Our family has supported you and we are in fact working together,” she continued, noting the candidates they both endorsed.


DeVos’ letter is clarifying. She and other intra-party critics might have their differences with Trump—on policy and on tone. They might be pining for the days when they can hitch their wagons to someone else. But for now, they still can’t afford to cut ties so easily.


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6 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Basically the premise of the whole league is a participation trophy.

Is it true they can't play in PGA tournaments if they sign with this league? I kinda hate the golfing world so it's funny to see it being torn in half but if it just means the other half is a giant white nationalist party funded by Saudis I'm no longer sure how I feel about it. 

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33 minutes ago, CobraCommander said:

Is it true they can't play in PGA tournaments if they sign with this league? 

That is true.


LIV Golf is basically Greg Norman’s revenge tour against the PGA.  He’d been trying in some capacity for a long time, and now the Saudis have given him a blank check to do so.


I try not be a hypocrite about this stuff, as I wear Nikes and eat at Chick-Fil-A and so on, even though they have business practices that don’t align with my beliefs.


So to me this isn’t even about moral code.  Professional sports is and has been accepting of money from anyone who will hand it over for a long time.  I don’t really get the folks being righteous and making it about these golfers having no morals.  A lot of the folks making these statements have never been offered generational money to do anything, so it’s easy to point fingers.


That said, it’s exhibition golf.  They can pretend to be serious all they want - but nobody is really buying it.  Of course the guys who play there are going to pretend they are fierce competitors but really they just took the money and ran.  You can’t be serious as a competitor and play in a 48 man field, mostly comprised of has beens, playing 54 holes with no cut, where everyone gets paid no matter what happens.  Greg has applied to have LIV events eligible to receive OWGR points but I don’t see it happening, because no matter what it’s exhibition golf.


As far as white nationalist ties, I never heard anything about that until they opted to play at Trumps club, and of course Trumpers are gonna Trump and worship him and do their whole Let’s Go Brandon schtick.  

Bold move by Greg who wants golf fans to take this league seriously, basically cutting that pool in half by partnering with perhaps the most polarizing figure alive.



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Trump wanted to build a family mausoleum on his golf course complete with 'imposing obelisks.' After officials called the plans 'overwhelming and garish,' his ex-wife was laid to rest in a modest grave instead.


Though Donald Trump's 2007 plans to build a mausoleum with four obelisks on his golf course in New Jersey were rejected by city officials who called the design "garish," he ultimately managed to use his property as a family gravesite.


More than 15 years ago, Trump began planning a family cemetery on the Bedminster, New Jersey, property. The size and design of the project has changed over the years, but this month his first wife, Ivana, became the first person known to be buried on the property.


Originally, Trump's plans for the mausoleum — where he would eventually be interred — included a 19-foot-high, classical-style stone structure to be built at Trump National Golf Club, which features two courses, the news site NJ.com reported in 2012.


The mausoleum would have included "four imposing obelisks surrounding its exterior and a small altar and six vaults inside," according to NJ.com. But after encountering opposition from city officials who called the design "overwhelming and garish," Trump floated the idea of redesigning the structure as a "mausoleum/chapel," The Washington Post reported.


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