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Harvey Weinstein, Fired Amongst Sexual Harassment Allegations

Spaceman Spiff

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1 hour ago, USS Redskins said:

its political because he gave millions to POLITICIANS who kept their mouths shut and their wallets open. 


I don't care who he gave money to. If you tell me Jerry Sandusky was a big Republican donor, I wouldn't go out and start saying Rick Santorum is a child molester enabler. I'd be focus on the actual issue on hand. Heck, I'm sure Sandusky went to church and gave them money as well. It's not where my mind goes cause I'm not looking to score political points.

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Just now, Cooked Crack said:

I don't care who he gave money to. If you tell me Jerry Sandusky was a big Republican donor, I wouldn't go out and start saying Rick Santorum is a child molester enabler. I'd be focus on the actual issue on hand. Heck, I'm sure Sandusky went to church and gave them money as well. It's not where my mind goes cause I'm not looking to score political points.

I really think THAT was the talk on right wing media the last 48 hours. "The Democrats really look bad now," etc. Its insane.

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1 hour ago, Larry said:


OT, but on the topic of money and politics?  


If I ever run for office, my policy on donations is going to be "I'll take money from anybody". And I will happily say so. 


Their money isn't going to get me to change my positions. If they think otherwise, then they're suckers, and I'll take their money, anyway. 


But if the KKK or NAMBLA or twa wants to send me a check?  It's going to my bank, without me even reading who it's from. 

Larry is channeling Clay Davis.




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4 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

I really think THAT was the talk on right wing media the last 48 hours. "The Democrats really look bad now," etc. Its insane.

Must be. I was reading that the Times was going to publish this like 2 weeks back. My mind never went to wondering what politicians he donated to. Like if he gave money to veterans groups would we think those organizations are tainted? Unless there is some quid pro quo, I'm not interested in this angle.

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15 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I'm sure Republican donors are all squeaky clean.




Specifically, the relationships between media moguls and politicians is a threat to our democracy.  Obama and Bush and Clintons daughters interning at these media outlets, the ones we depend on for our news, is just disgusting.  Absolutely filthy.  Roger and Rupert stroking the GOP while Harvey and Turner massages the Dems.


When people accuse the media of having a left wing bias and fox news of having a lean right, maybe its because its true.


Now we are stuck with everything labeled as fake news, even the real stuff.  As Americans this should sincerely piss us off, even more than the sexual abuse (though both should piss us off, dont get me wrong)

29 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


This is fun, in a fuel tanker train wreck sort of way

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So Ben Affleck is now apologizing for groping women on TV after being called out.


Also read yesterday that reporters are digging into Louis C.K., who is rumored to be a pervert and harasser as well. 


I wonder if the floodgates have been opened and a lot of these assholes are about to be held accountable for their actions.

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One can only hope.


Personally, I've been sexually harassed in every industry where I have worked. Retail, bar, government contracting. In every instance I either swept it under the rug, or faced it directly, without going to management. Because I would have been called into question and not the man. Especially as a self employed proposal person. 

4 minutes ago, Springfield said:

It’s a fine line between courtship and rape



No it's not.

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I dont need the countdown clock every time there's a scandal.  The media decides what is an appropriate timeframe for somebody to release a statement, and if you exceed it, all hell breaks loose.


Frankly, the statements never mean anything anyway.  They never address the real question of "what did you know and when did you know it".


And along those lines, you know half of male Hollywood is hoping their name doesnt come up.  Affleck and Damon are already on the defensive for being so cozy with this guy.

Edited by justice98
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42 minutes ago, zoony said:


Now we are stuck with everything labeled as fake news, even the real stuff.  As Americans this should sincerely piss us off, even more than the sexual abuse (though both should piss us off, dont get me wrong)



Donald Trump is the only person to blame for whining "fake news" at any news that is unfavorable to him.  Not the networks.  Not the correspondents.  Donald Trump.  I see he did it again just 30 seconds into a photo op with Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.


He's a coward and the worst kind of bully - one who can dish out it to an obnoxious level out but can't take it.  You reap what you sow, you sunburned ham loaf.

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1 minute ago, Dan T. said:

May God give all of Trump's victims the courage to come forward.  All the beauty contestants, the 13 year old girl from the late 1980s, the others who did come forward during the election but were shouted down.


They came forward last year and he got elected President, despite being on tape confessing to harassing and assaulting women. Conservative americans, particularly conservative men, do not care about this.

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21 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


Donald Trump is the only person to blame for whining "fake news" at any news that is unfavorable to him.  Not the networks.  Not the correspondents.  Donald Trump.  I see he did it again just 30 seconds into a photo op with Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.


Don't even give him that credit.


The fake news stuff is just Trump pandering to his base. 



*Just realized this is the Weinstein thread. Sorry. Like T-Shile, I only know who that guy is because of Entourage. 

Edited by Mooka
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34 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


Donald Trump is the only person to blame for whining "fake news" at any news that is unfavorable to him.  Not the networks.  Not the correspondents.  Donald Trump.  I see he did it again just 30 seconds into a photo op with Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

If you mean the specific phrase "fake news"... maybe.  If you mean labeling every critical story appearing in the media as politically motivated deception, not even close.  That's a system Trump inherited.  One that took many years to build.  

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12 minutes ago, Destino said:

If you mean the specific phrase "fake news"... maybe.  If you mean labeling every critical story appearing in the media as politically motivated deception, not even close.  That's a system Trump inherited.  One that took many years to build.  


What he's done is even more insidious.  He co-opted the then emerging "fake news" phrase, which at the time was being used to describe the very real phenomena of fake news stories being planted by the Russians and others to influence the election.  It was a succinct description of a very real thing happening. He essentially hijacked the phrase to render it meaningless.  


But back on track with the thread.  Like Weinstein, evidence, including his own words on tape, points to Donald Trump being a serial sexual predator.

Edited by Dan T.
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1 hour ago, justice98 said:

And along those lines, you know half of male Hollywood is hoping their name doesnt come up.  Affleck and Damon are already on the defensive for being so cozy with this guy.

So is Meryl Streep, but everyone just took her word for it.  It's not just men that turn a blind eye to guys like Weinstein... or refuse to tolerate guys like Polanski.  


i don't believe any of these clowns with big careers claiming total ignorance to the ugliness happening around them.  

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7 minutes ago, Destino said:

So is Meryl Streep, but everyone just took her word for it.  It's not just men that turn a blind eye to guys like Weinstein... or refuse to tolerate guys like Polanski.  


i don't believe any of these clowns with big careers claiming total ignorance to the ugliness happening around them.  

I agree completely.



But I also think we need to think about the power dynamic as well. 

46 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Conservative americans, particularly conservative men, do not care about this.


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34 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

I agree completely.


But I also think we need to think about the power dynamic as well. 

Discussing the power dynamic is important, but I think The discussion needs to focus on how that power works and what exists to control it.  What is in place that stops these guys from retaliating by colluding with friends to negatively impact careers?  Nothing.  What is in place that stops these guys from bribing or intimidating the press?  Nothing.  What stops the media from taking bribes?  Nothing.  What stops these guys from paying off victims and having them sigh non disclosure agreements?  Nothing.  


And those that don't play ball, are threatened by lawyers.  Lawyers that use the US legal system as a tool of intimidation against victims.  


The US system of laws allows the corruption that makes it possible for guys like Weinstein to use their wealth and power to hide their crimes.  We don't even call it corruption because it's legal.  There is nothing stopping the rich and powerful from using their wealth and power to cover up their crimes.  


I dont think that's an accident.  

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52 minutes ago, justice98 said:

Rob Schneider now saying he was sexually harassed by a director.  

What is the point on all these people coming out with their own victim stories now and not even name the person who did it? 


If seems like "feel sorry for me while i assist in creating  the next Weinstein". 

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