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General Mass Shooting Thread (originally Las Vegas Strip)

The Sisko

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9 hours ago, thinwhiteduke said:

School and govt provide nothing valuable.  They just take your time,money and dumb you down to accept your slavery willingly. 

 govt built road proves govt is needed?. No one getting rich off your taxes, sitting in a office in a suit, built that road. The people can organize and do that without authority..and do it without red tape and overspending as well. Govt is not a function by and for the people. It's a ruling entity out for its own device. It's not needed in its current form. Govt is exactly why things are screwed up and always  will be. Govts job is to keep you struggling  and not independently thriving. Govt and money are why debt and homelessness  exist. 

Spoken like someone who’s never lived or been to a developing country where the rule of law doesn’t apply. Gov’t isn’t perfect but pretty good compared to what else is in most of the world.


also spoken like someone who’s never spent any time ministering to the homeless. Leading cause and continuation of homelessness is mental illness. Sound familiar?

Edited by Elessar78
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16 hours ago, thinwhiteduke said:

You don't even know how to process what I said beyond your surface level thought.

 School dumbs down children. That was it's purpose from the get go.

  I say so called children because  15,16,17 year olds were quite capable of taking care of themselves until the industrial.age and law makers started cutting off their ability to think for themselves and live on their own. 


 You just say the words math and science like that's supposed to mean it was meaningful?  Again, you can learn that pretty fast. It doesn't take 12 years, 8 hours a day and if you actually did any real research, you'd learn that you leaned  a pretty  dumbed down version of math. There's easier ways to teach much more effecient ways to do math. Most everything  you learn in school is useless. It's only function is to teach people to comply with authority  and follow orders. Not every kid learns the exact same way and school is a ineffective  cookie cutter antiquated institution that's no different then a prison. School doesn't teach you to think for yourself. It just trains you to be an order following laborer.


Kids were able to take care of themselves before the Industrial Age? So slave labor was taking care of themselves? do You know what life expectancy was before the Industrial Age? Child mortality rates? Disease rates? Yep we sure screwed them kids up by passing child labor laws. 


How old are you? What is your education level? 

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From the article:


"The Secret Service has had previous encounters with the female in the vicinity of the White House resulting in numerous arrests for a variety of criminal violations," the Secret Service said in a news release. "The female was again charged today with numerous criminal violations and transported to the Metropolitan Police Department."


According to the police report regarding this incident, Ford struck the security barrier at around 2:45 p.m. Afterwards, she continued to try to accelerate the vehicle as officers eventually pulled her out through the driver's side window and placed her in handcuffs.


It was later determined in the investigation that an officer saw the suspect with a pistol in her hand pointed in the opposite direction of the officers while she was still behind the steering wheel, the police report said. After she failed to comply with demands to drop the weapon, officers forcibly removed the gun from her.


Ford is facing eight charges that include unlawful entry, carrying a pistol without a license, possession of unregistered firearm, aggravated assault on police officer, assault with a dangerous weapon-car, destruction of government property and contempt of court.


She is scheduled to appear in D.C. Superior Court Saturday afternoon.


Prior police reports from D.C. also show Ford was arrested three times last year in the area of the White House.


There a number of infuriating things that come to mind about this situation.

On the other hand, I suppose she's 'lucky' she hasn't been shot dead yet.

Edited by visionary
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7 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Theres “white privilege” and then there’s “blond lady privilege”.


"Ford is facing eight charges that include unlawful entry, carrying a pistol without a license, possession of unregistered firearm, aggravated assault on police officer, assault with a dangerous weapon-car, destruction of government property and contempt of court.


After she failed to comply with demands to drop the weapon, officers forcibly removed the gun from her."


How is the last sentence possible? ****, many have been shot dead for the crime of driving dangerously near police.






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22 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


Don’t forget that they also began their process of gun proliferation into our schools.


Oh and they FINALLY agree to some of the regulations on guns we’ve been wanting for YEARS!! Which the NRA will write loopholes into and then immediately begin defunding and weakening once signed into law.


Can you imagine if ANY other lobbyist group for an industry product acted like the NRA. Selling memberships to citizens for Big Pharma so they could then set their citizen army out to defend them. Imagine seeing baby boomers wearing “Big Pharma” hats all droning the industry talking points in the exact same way that the NRA drones do?

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All bull**** aside, I genuinely wonder whether the repeated concussive effects of firing weapons might have some undesirable physiological effects. They have documented how troops exposed to IEDs are changed by it, I just wonder whether or not small scale incremental damage is done by firing hundreds and thousands of rounds, because there sure seems to be something unheimlich going on with the 2nd amusement crowd.

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Citizens were told if you see something say something. They did. Nothing was done. Teachers are told don't worry about carrying the school resource officer is armed. He did nothing. Meanwhile, the only group being blamed right now is the NRA????




futhermore the most liberal county in florida made incarcerating or institutionalizing threats in schools more difficult

The liberal sheriff's people did not respond well(and prevented timely medical response) according to both other law officers and EMS


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Just now, LD0506 said:



Amazing people excusing inaction by trained and armed first responders DENY people in the schools a weapon to defend themselves or stop a shooting.


Would they support even guns with rubber bullets, tear gas or tazers?

How about batons?

I ain't even gonna ask about bladed or pointy weapons.



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1 hour ago, twa said:


Amazing people excusing inaction by trained and armed first responders DENY people in the schools a weapon to defend themselves or stop a shooting.


Would they support even guns with rubber bullets, tear gas or tazers?

How about batons?

I ain't even gonna ask about bladed or pointy weapons.




These look promising





That's where the Extended Range Electronic Projectile, or XREP, comes in. Unlike Taser's conventional stun gun, which shoots tethered probes up to 35 feet to deliver an incapacitating jolt, the company's new XREP is a 12-gauge wireless projectile that can be fired up to 100 feet from any pump-action shotgun. It sails through the air like a normal slug yet induces muscle paralysis on impact. "It takes everything that's a Taser and puts it in a slug-like device," Heal says.


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Just now, AsburySkinsFan said:

How about the ONLY real solution to these shootings?

Restrict arms sales.

Proliferation will only guarantee more deaths.

Only those who are more devoted to a convoluted sense of a god given right would be so willing to accept the innocent deaths as a price worth paying.


How long will your "only real solution" take even if you pass it?

Meanwhile you oppose addressing the very threat you assert exists.

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22 hours ago, Corcaigh said:


"Ford is facing eight charges that include unlawful entry, carrying a pistol without a license, possession of unregistered firearm, aggravated assault on police officer, assault with a dangerous weapon-car, destruction of government property and contempt of court.


After she failed to comply with demands to drop the weapon, officers forcibly removed the gun from her."


How is the last sentence possible? ****, many have been shot dead for the crime of driving dangerously near police.






True, but I'd like it if a group out there existed to celebrate this reaction by police.  This is what we want them to do whenever possible, even when people involved, for example, do not have blonde hair.  I say give these cops an award.  Celebrate them as being so badass they didn't even need a gun.  Call it something overly grand like "American Super Cop Award."  


There's a lot of people out there that would be absolutely enraged by it.  They'd label it, without a trace of irony, as dangerous.  Probably issue a tired rant about and it being further evidence of our nation growing too soft.  They want disobedience and stupidity to be met with violence and gunshots.  It validates their own hatred and inclinations towards violence.  

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10 minutes ago, Destino said:

True, but I'd like it if a group out there existed to celebrate this reaction by police.  This is what we want them to do whenever possible, even when people involved, for example, do not have blonde hair.  I say give these cops an award.  Celebrate them as being so badass they didn't even need a gun.  Call it something overly grand like "American Super Cop Award."  


There's a lot of people out there that would be absolutely enraged by it.  They'd label it, without a trace of irony, as dangerous.  Probably issue a tired rant about and it being further evidence of our nation growing too soft.  They want disobedience and stupidity to be met with violence and gunshots.  It validates their own hatred and inclinations towards violence.  


I agree. There have been stories discussed here about police choosing to shoot the mentally ill armed with a blade (or a pizza cutter in one case) when they could have backed off, retreated to their squad car etc. But there were many here who said that if you are armed and refuse to follow instructions you should expect to be shot as you may be a danger to others. They equated deescalation by police with retreating and weakness

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