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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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with some respect to her, rojas has quite a way to go before i'd use her as an important front but maybe she's perfect for their target group...not to expand the base but to continue to solidify it...the trumpy parallels certainly exists, which is not to say they're equivalent....a lot of variance in degree and malevolence.


i will say anecdotally that around here in 3d, it's discussions with bernie supporters more than any other group (except trumpsters) where arguments tend to feature aggressive posturing, topical ignorance (inc of science), skewed/false information presented as fact, and more often deteriorate into more annoyance/upset than with any other candidate's supporters (i don't mean on my end, much---i'm a veteran of human affairs---but among the peeps in these dialogues)


and yet to be fair rojas totally eclipses anyone serving as a trump mouthpiece


the worst of bernie world is still well ahead of the best of trump world for me, though i'd rather it be a more warren/klob/pete/joe world in our current context.....or even a bill kristol/george will/rick wilson etc. world....cuz any of that would be way better than trumpland afaic

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Generally I think Bernie is more reasonable than his supporters. He made a mistake in hiring clowns like Gray and David Sirota, people whose style only appeals to those already decided on Bernie. 


I am sick of personality cults and blatant dishonesty. Sirota pretended to be an independent journalist while he was on Bernie's payroll. Not that his "journalism" was ever anything but Bernie cheerleading, but the total lack of shame about doing something incredibly dishonest is a problem. 

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I'm just barely scratching the surface into my research on Mayor Pete. I'm inspired by the fact that an openly gay man is running for President. Immediately I noticed how his mannerisms, voice inflection and speech tonality mirrored that of Obama's. He had the same delivery cadence.


Someone did point out to me, subsequently, of NLP (neuro linguistic programing). I only read so far with that. But others have continued to show how Buttigieg was mirroring the same tempo, tone and delivery as Obama. 




Switching gears though back to the black voter block, take it if you like, leave it also. Two videos concerning black business endorsements from South Carolina that the Buttigieg campaign fumbled rather poorly. 


1: https://youtu.be/lztaGK2QnUY



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Also gotta say, the more I hear about Bloomberg, the less favorably I think of him.  


Now, I have to tell myself.  At this stage in the election, most of what I'm gonna hear about (any candidate), comes from his opponents.  


Many politicians work very hard not to pin themselves down with firm, specific, commitments to absolute positions.  And work very hard to hang absolute positions on their opponents.  


But so far, what I know about Bloomberg is that he's really good at running anti-Trump ads.  (Which is good.  But come on, how easy a target is that?)  And what his opponents say about him.  


Somehow, I don't see Bloomberg being willing to settle for a Veep spot.  I don't see anybody spending that kind of cash for "a bucket of warm spit".  But he might be really good at it.  "Guy who really pisses off Trump" could be a really useful role in this election.  

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I wish Bernie had the will or power to get his peopl in line. I like Bernie the person, and will obviously support him if he gets the nom, but i'm immediately suspect of people who i have a pretty good feeling will sit home or vote trump if he doesnt get the nom.


If he cant get a handle on them now, he damn sure wont do it if they deliver him the presidency

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7 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:

I wish Bernie had the will or power to get his peopl in line. I like Bernie the person, and will obviously support him if he gets the nom, but i'm immediately suspect of people who i have a pretty good feeling will sit home or vote trump if he doesnt get the nom.


If he cant get a handle on them now, he damn sure wont do it if they deliver him the presidency



the sit it outs will do it again


that's just one reason why record turnout is a huge need for dems (i think....)

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20 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

don't make youtube videos a common occurrence in your posts


Thanks for the heads up before I posted again. 

21 hours ago, bearrock said:

I may not agree with all of your points (as I understand them), but thank you for taking the time to expound on it more.


I appreciate it, man.

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1 hour ago, PF Chang said:

Generally I think Bernie is more reasonable than his supporters. He made a mistake in hiring clowns like Gray and David Sirota, people whose style only appeals to those already decided on Bernie. 


I am sick of personality cults and blatant dishonesty. Sirota pretended to be an independent journalist while he was on Bernie's payroll. Not that his "journalism" was ever anything but Bernie cheerleading, but the total lack of shame about doing something incredibly dishonest is a problem. 


Isn't a big factor in a candidate - and in a President - who he surrounds himself with?  If they can't get that part right, their prospects for success are bleak.

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Been trying to get a handle on Buttigieg's ties with the intelligence community. Couple of op-eds swung me over to citations from grayzone articles, not a publication I'm familiar with besides googling and wiki'ing them.




Yet some of Mayor Pete’s most troubling endorsements come from outside of the military-intelligence apparatus. 

Buttigieg, for example, lists Fernando Cutz as an endorser. For the first 16 months of the Trump administration, Cutz was the national security council director for South America, where he led US policy on Venezuela and was credited with outlining regime-change plans for the president.


The publication of a list of 218 endorsements from “foreign policy and national security professionals” by Buttigieg’s campaign deepened the mystery of the mayor’s rise.




Buttigieg has reaped the rewards of his dedication to the Beltway playbook. He recently became the top recipient of donationsfrom staff members of the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and the Justice Department – key cogs in the national security state’s permanent bureaucracy.

His Harvard social network has been a critical factor in his rise as well, with college buddies occupying key campaign roles as outside policy advisors and strategists. Among his closest friends from school is today the senior advisor of a specialized unit of the State Department focused on fomenting regime change abroad.

That friend, Nathaniel “Nat” Myers, was Buttigieg’s traveling partner on a trip to Somaliland, where the two buddies claimed to have been tourists in a July 2008 article they wrote for The New York Times.



I believe this is the NYT article referenced in the video, but it is behind a paywall so I can't actually verify it.


I wanted to try and track it down and link it for clarity sake. I wanted to actually see how Buttigieg's writing prose stood juxtaposed to his current oration method. 



All of this material was covered in a video I came across on political on youtube, but I removed from this post and will not embed here. I can hyperlink if need be.

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Two new polls out.  Though I am still skeptical of the change poll because I suspect it skews young.  I still don’t get the Steyer popularity.






2 hours ago, bearrock said:

How does early voting work in caucus?  Is each day like a mini-caucus?  I thought the entire point of a caucus system was the movement of votes after the initial round.  Or is that an Iowa only thing?

In Nevada they are doing something new where people vote their top 3 candidates.  But I’m not sure how the votes are factored in or how people know if they messed up so they can correct the situation before it’s over.  Supposedly a lot of ballots were done wrong and tossed out the first day or so because people did not pick 3 candidates.

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