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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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1- First, the Trump campaign declares they won’t participate if the debate is not in person, no doubt imagining that throwing a tantrum will get a reaction.  That fails and the debate commission tells him no.  Biden declares he’ll do a town hall on prime time on his own if Trump doesn’t want to debate.  
2- Trump then demands the debate, and the third, be moved back a week.  Biden says no, as the schedule has been set for a while and there’s no good reason to change it.  

3- Trump’s press secretary then declares Biden canceled the debate because he’s afraid to debate Trump (lol).  The internet is full of news stories showing otherwise and this goes over as well as when he declared stimulus negotiations over.  
4- Now Trump declares that he’ll be there, in person, which takes us all back to square one.

This all happened in one day.  Trump’s campaign negotiates like toddlers.

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12 minutes ago, visionary said:


The reason is because President super spreader can’t be trusted on testing now that he’s refused to say when his last negative test was.  No one has any reason to believe he won’t show up contagious, and just lie about it, if it served his interest to do so.

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Biden should not do a ****ing town hall. Jesus Christ. Who the **** gave him that advice. In addition to town halls being mostly stupid, he give way to trump just doing the same thing. 

show up and do the debate. If trump doesn’t show then **** him, answer the questions uninterrupted for once. How hard is that. 

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6 minutes ago, tshile said:

Biden should not do a ****ing town hall. Jesus Christ. Who the **** gave him that advice. In addition to town halls being mostly stupid, he give way to trump just doing the same thing. 

show up and do the debate. If trump doesn’t show then **** him, answer the questions uninterrupted for once. How hard is that. 

I don't know. I thought Biden killed it in his last town hall. It's probably his best format as he gets to talk directly to people.

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7 minutes ago, tshile said:

Biden should not do a ****ing town hall. Jesus Christ. Who the **** gave him that advice. In addition to town halls being mostly stupid, he give way to trump just doing the same thing. 

show up and do the debate. If trump doesn’t show then **** him, answer the questions uninterrupted for once. How hard is that. 

I thought debate #2 IS a town hall...


So basically, he's doing exactly what you are saying he should do.

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As a voter I like town halls better than debates. The questions are better, I like seeing the candidates engage with other voters and it’s just a better format. 

biden will nail this. Trump’s last town hall went so well that afterwards he said the people in the audience were planted there specifically to ask him tough questions. 

if trump doesn’t want to participate, Biden will gladly handle the event solo. Trump can do his own and it will be another disaster because he’s incapable of speaking to regular people  

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27 minutes ago, tshile said:

Biden should not do a ****ing town hall. Jesus Christ. Who the **** gave him that advice. In addition to town halls being mostly stupid, he give way to trump just doing the same thing. 

show up and do the debate. If trump doesn’t show then **** him, answer the questions uninterrupted for once. How hard is that. 


I feel like Trump doing a town hall would be a potential disaster. He's so completely inept at and incapable of connecting with people and feeling empathy that he just comes off as either callous and/or creepy. Joe is in his element in a town hall though. So if Trump wants to be a crybaby and refuse to do a virtual debate, a town hall style thing would probably be the best thing for Joe to do.

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1 minute ago, mistertim said:


I feel like Trump doing a town hall would be a potential disaster. He's so completely inept at and incapable of connecting with people and feeling empathy that he just comes off as either callous and/or creepy. Joe is in his element in a town hall though. So if Trump wants to be a crybaby and refuse to do a virtual debate, a town hall style thing would probably be the best thing for Joe to do.

I’m not a fan of town halls. I get others are. They feel like a terribly fake version of what they pretend to be.  I actually forgot they were done as actual presidential debates anyways. I don’t know why. I remember them now I just forgot. Anyways, so from the mindset of going from a debate to a town hall I made that post. 

It was supposed to be a town hall so whatever. And it sounds like everyone here likes town halls so it doesn’t really matter anyways. 


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11 minutes ago, tshile said:

I’m not a fan of town halls. I get others are. They feel like a terribly fake version of what they pretend to be.  I actually forgot they were done as actual presidential debates anyways. I don’t know why. I remember them now I just forgot. Anyways, so from the mindset of going from a debate to a town hall I made that post. 

It was supposed to be a town hall so whatever. And it sounds like everyone here likes town halls so it doesn’t really matter anyways. 



I'm not necessarily a huge fan of them in general either because I still see a decent amount of it as fake; I don't exactly tune into them on the edge of my seat. But I do prefer it to the more scripted bull**** that passes for more standard "debates" nowadays.


Honestly most debates nowadays are **** anyway. Tons of talking in circles without answering the questions as well as moderators not challenging direct and obvious lies. It's been that way for a while but Trump and Pence have taken it to a whole new level. I'd really start watching more of them again if the candidates were only asked yes or no questions and only had 20 seconds seconds to answer yes or no + give a very brief explanation and after 20 seconds their mic would automatically be cut off. And if they didn't answer the yes or no question at all the moderator would say "The candidate declined to answer the question" and move on.


Also a lie detector with an electric lead hooked up to it so whenever a candidate lied they'd get an electric shock. I'd absolutely watch that ****. 

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7 minutes ago, Califan007 said:


Do you remember Trump's town hall debacle? lol...


Dude, you just KNOW that many on Trump's team are secretly really glad that he's not doing this next debate. They know the contrast in that setting would be even worse than during the first debate most likely. I just wonder whether Trump will back out of backing out and finally agree to the virtual debate. I'm guessing not because any situation where he can't just yell over his opponent will basically be unacceptable to him. 


Also cracks me up how Trump's campaign is saying Biden is backing out when Trump himself literally just backed out.  :ols:


You just can't even make this **** up. 

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58 minutes ago, tshile said:

I’m not a fan of town halls. I get others are. They feel like a terribly fake version of what they pretend to be.  I actually forgot they were done as actual presidential debates anyways. I don’t know why. I remember them now I just forgot. Anyways, so from the mindset of going from a debate to a town hall I made that post. 

It was supposed to be a town hall so whatever. And it sounds like everyone here likes town halls so it doesn’t really matter anyways. 


I think the first town hall was the Perot-Papa Bush- Clinton debate and has been a part of the debate cycle ever since.  


Having Town Halls as part of the debate cycle is a good thing.  It's good to see the candidates interacting with actual voters.   


Trump is cold and doesn't give a **** and Biden is warm and empathetic.  

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