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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

No Excuses

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39 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

Agreed.  There is ALOT of blame that should fall on the police and elected officials.  


The dumbass judge who issued the injunction forcing the city to allow the protest to take place downtown over the cities concerns about safety deserves a ton of blame for this.





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4 minutes ago, lavar1156 said:

McCaulife looks like a buffoon. His plan was to wait for something bad to happen then react. Dude needs to go.

Of course he is gone.  VA allows only one term.  He has been one of the least popular VA governors of the last decade or so. This may lead to a Repiblican governor.

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Right, it is a Democrat's fault that these white supremacists are violent and open carrying, which is the law.


The permit could have curtailed carrying of any type of weapon including arms, bats, shovels, and so on. 


The guys driving the cars that struck people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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12 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Can't hurt the fee fees of scumbag racists.


That is some real chicken **** right there.  Not to mention a violation of the photographer's rights guaranteed under freedom of speech if that's a public area where the subjects of the photograph can have no expectation of privacy.

5 minutes ago, lavar1156 said:

Not a villain. Just incompetent.


What do you think he should have done differently?

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Absolute madness. I'm sorry but the GOP just has to ****ing die.


Anyone who thinks this is a deviation, some kind of exception, needs to read up on their history. This is just an amplification of the racism that's been the GOP's stock in trade for a loooong time.


Whose ****ing "blood and soil" ***holes? Native Americans? The slaves who built the White House?


Sick of this ****. The only way forward is to own the past. This country was founded as a racial settler state, and there is still THAT blood in the soil. 

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31 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


The dumbass judge who issued the injunction forcing the city to allow the protest to take place downtown over the cities concerns about safety deserves a ton of blame for this.





Now that is a great person to lay blame at. 100% agree.

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I want to circle back around to the judge, Glenn Conrad, who issued the injunction to allow the protest to take place in Emancipation park.


Emancipation park is a one block area right off the Downtown Mall that's only a short walk to the middle of the UVA campus: 




The city wanted to move the protest to McIntyre Park:




It's a much bigger area that's away from downtown and UVA's campus.  It's perfectly reasonable that the city sought to move the protest there.


Conrad's decision in favor of a Right Wing blogger directly led to the outbreak of violence and unlawful assembly.  He's a Dubya appointee whose wife is a delegate for the VA GoP.  It should have been so ****ing obvious that the protesters were looking to incite violence at the downtown location and that the city's safety concerns were real.  His judgement was compromised and as far as I'm concerned, he's either sympathetic to these Right Wingers or he's incompetent.  Either way he bears blame for what followed.

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Just now, stevemcqueen1 said:

Donald J Trump can rot in Hell.  If he was on fire I wouldn't piss on him to put it out.



Often, when I think of Don & any number of his Special Friends, my mind goes to a solid in-patient tx program of what I would call "The Bolton Method" in tribute to Ramsey. It's hard to convert service dogs to a more assertive type of intervention, but it's worth the effort.

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