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Newsweek: Alex Jones and Other Conservatives Call For Civil War Against Liberals


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18 hours ago, visionary said:



This is incorrect, silicone valley is catering to the almighty dollar.  Always has.  Its nothing but greed


All of the 911 truther garbage on youtube was never a problem. Been out there for 15 plus years.   But all of a sudden they are catering to conservatives?  


Theyre indiscriminate whores.

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Sitting in my Trump friend's shop, he hates Alex Jones, getting a kick out of the John Oliver piece on him.


"This can only be found on comets... and trace amounts of blueberries."


I am so glad this happened, it is scary how far he got before this happened.

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4 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

Sometimes doing the right thing has a negative impact on your self or business.  But it's still worth doing.


Which right thing though? Selectively not banning white nationalists and or alt-right people who violate your TOS (even though you claim they don't)? Like Jack has claimed about Alex Jones?


Or grassroot movements to force these nazi trolls off and back under the little hateful rock they belong?


Edited by The Evil Genius
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2 hours ago, tshile said:

You know what the best boycott of twitter is?


probably not one that’s involves tweeting and a hashtag 


Buy you can correct the course of a vehicle that has gone off kilter. You don't just always have to completely stop driving to do it. .


Twitter is/was an effective social media platform. They've went off course when they failed to enforce their TOS against white nationalists in fear of MAGAts abandoning their platform.

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Yeah and honestly, I think their little boycott is actually creative and probably will work.


I just can't resist taking shots at twitter.


It's been a **** show from the start. It was crashed one day, early on, because their devs made the unique ID's for tweets ints and ran out of space (numbers) for that data type :rofl89:


sorry, i know that's super nerdy, but it's the truth. i just can't help myself. the entire thing lends itself to being mocked endlessly for good reason.

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3 minutes ago, tshile said:

Yeah and honestly, I think their little boycott is actually creative and probably will work.


I just can't resist taking shots at twitter.


It's been a **** show from the start. It was crashed one day, early on, because their devs made the unique ID's for tweets ints and ran out of space (numbers) for that data type :rofl89:


sorry, i know that's super nerdy, but it's the truth. i just can't help myself. the entire thing lends itself to being mocked endlessly for good reason.


The entire thing is basically group sms.


I do like its brevity.  But that leads to pet peeves, like tweets that say `click this link to read my thoughts on facebook`  **** you john keim.  Put your thoughts on twitter.  Dont link to another social media platform.  The worst is people tweeting to link to their instagram.  Nonstop

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5 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

Sometimes doing the right thing has a negative impact on your self or business.  But it's still worth doing.

My father said never make a decision that you can't live with.  Lose lose scenarios get a different perspective when you look at it that way.

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It just amazes me how with all these techie hotshot millionaires and billionaires out there no one has really pushed a "twitter but we ban white supremecists and keep your info safe" site.


Though I suspect that kind of site would be woefully unprofitable.


So I guess my pondering answers itself.

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10 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

It just amazes me how with all these techie hotshot millionaires and billionaires out there no one has really pushed a "twitter but we ban white supremecists and keep your info safe" site.


Though I suspect that kind of site would be woefully unprofitable.


So I guess my pondering answers itself.


Not because the model is unpopular, it's jus that twitter is so dominant and putting extra emphasis on security requires extra resources.  Even if open source, you'd have to hire people that already know how to do it, you cant be learning security while in process of making it live. 


Think right now people also know if twitter finally takes the stance of taking security seriously, any rival would be moot and eventually absorbed.  Twitter has also been begging people to use MFA for years now, MFA should jus be mandatory where we can do it.


If the posting systems could be federated where one post shows on both systems but one side could block what posts come in, that'd be cool, but twitter would never allow that.

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33 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

It just amazes me how with all these techie hotshot millionaires and billionaires out there no one has really pushed a "twitter but we ban white supremecists and keep your info safe" site.


Though I suspect that kind of site would be woefully unprofitable.


So I guess my pondering answers itself.


Add to that, employers would be able to connect directly to it and see if a potential employee is an active member. 

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Twitter suspended the InfoWars account for a week today. 


Their days are numbered on major social platforms. You really can’t survive as a brand if major social media platforms delist you. See: Milo Younnopolis.

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FCC shuts down Alex Jones’s flagship radio station



The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’s flagship radio station.


The Austin American-Statesman reported Wednesday that the pirate radio station, Liberty Radio, was hit with a $15,000 fine and at least temporarily pulled from the airwaves.


The newspaper reported that a lawsuit filed in federal court in Austin alleged that Liberty Radio had functioned without a license since at least 2013, and had been transmitting from a tower at an Austin apartment complex.


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On 8/25/2018 at 2:55 PM, Cooked Crack said:




I think this goes to prove that 98% of his audience were people who simply enjoyed train wrecks and never took him seriously.  I know i enjoyed his channel, the same way i do other conspiracy channels.


Problem is that gives him capital to continue the crazy

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