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Have you ever smoked Weed before???


Have you ever smoked Weed before??? Do you still?  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever smoked weed before???

    • Yes, and I liked it
    • Yes, but I didn't like it
    • No, but I'm open to trying it at some point
    • No, and I'm never going to

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Nextdoor snitch tries to call 311 on legal pot, actual 311 responds


It’s been a little more than a week since New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed a law legalizing recreational marijuana use in the state, a move with massive ramifications on everything from New York’s prison population, to its medical infrastructure, to its suddenly thriving demand for the production of bright green neon signs. And also, as it turns out, its Nextdoor ecosystem, as noted in a post highlighted today on Twitter by ACLU engineer Steve Wozniak, featuring a resident of Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood who said they’d repeatedly tried to call 311 on people smoking pot (legally) in the area’s parks.


(For those who live outside larger cities, 311 is the number often assigned to non-emergency municipal services; not so much calling the cops on someone as calling the garbagemen.)


But when one cries “311" out into the ether, they can’t be surprised when a different 311 comes slamming back, carrying with it all the amber energy that such a demand merits. Which is to say that some other Brooklyn resident, feeling a tad annoyed about this intrusion on their now completely legal rights to get high in peace, decided to hire 311 singer and guitarist Nick Hexum (via Cameo) to respond to this demand for 311-shaped justice. “Someone’s a tattletale,” Hexum notes in the video (which Wozniak also posted in a later tweet), adding that he’s “a little too familiar” with Nextdoor drama himself. Then, after advising all involved to “live and let live,” he plays a snippet of a pretty acoustic version of “Freak Out,” because when you pay $150 for a Nick Hexum Cameo, you’d better believe you get the whole damn show.


Click on the link for the full story


Edited by China
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My dealer, who is a pretty hot single chick, just gave me a 1/2 oz of the weed "Dream Queen" and a 1/2 oz of the weed "Puntang".


She said I can always come pick it up at her place.


I would.


Not just pick it up at her place.  I'm saying I would hit that Dream Queen Puntang.


Nah dawgs...I'm back.  Sucked being without a significant stash for a while.  Damn damn damn.  Weed 4 lyfe.

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I Got High to See if Weed Would Help Me Work Out


Weed, a peaceful and chill substance, might seem opposed to a task that requires energy and initiative. However: It also makes mundane stuff more fun.



Dear Swole Woman,

I hate working out but I love ingesting marijuana (in moderation). But for some reason, I can’t shake the feeling that exercising while high is cheating somehow. Where do you come down on this question? Is it OK to get high before working out? Is it dangerous? Am I going to fall in the lake while on my run? And if it is OK, can you recommend any particular strains to accompany my workout? 


This question arrived at a perfect confluence of events: legalization of cannabis in New York (let the restorative justice roll forever onward), and in the weeks just before 4/20. Therefore, not only am I able to answer this question scientifically and journalistically, but practically, with my own experience. That’s right: It was time for me to try having a little weed and lifting weights.


I have never been a huge weed person, and if I have some of anyone’s weed at a party, I’m extremely likely to get accidentally too high, become paranoid that everything I have ever done is embarrassing and stupid, and leave. For this reason, you will probably never see me burning down a whole joint. I far prefer a very mid, gentle experience at home. I like my little vape. I like to have a couple baby hits and just watch TV and drink water and eat ice cream and say the stupid thoughts that come to my head to a very limited audience I can trust. I enjoy these little pleasures.


Now, weed after working out is an unequivocal recommend: It makes you hungry, thirsty, and relaxed; eating, drinking water, and sleeping are incredible for recovery. But the first (reasonable) question, that the letter-writer didn’t ask but we should nonetheless address, might be “Isn’t getting high to work out at best just a waste of perfectly good weed?” How is weed, a peaceful and chill substance, not fundamentally opposed to working out, a task that requires energy and initiative?


Well, first, people who like weed find that it can make working out a better experience. A 2019 Nature survey found that about 70 percent of 600 cannabis users said cannabis made working out more enjoyable. Eight out of 10 cannabis users use weed before or after working out, and that it “helps them enjoy exercise more” (people who used weed worked out more for more time overall than people who didn’t) and improves their recovery.


“While many assume the former impedes the latter,” continued a press release, “the data suggest otherwise.”


Click on the link for the full article

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14 hours ago, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:

My dealer, who is a pretty hot single chick, just gave me a 1/2 oz of the weed "Dream Queen" and a 1/2 oz of the weed "Puntang".


She said I can always come pick it up at her place.


I would.


Not just pick it up at her place.  I'm saying I would hit that Dream Queen Puntang.


Nah dawgs...I'm back.  Sucked being without a significant stash for a while.  Damn damn damn.  Weed 4 lyfe.







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Kamala ‘the Cop’ the Best Hope for Legal Weed?


For decades, anti-drug advocates have warned that peer pressure is a one-way ticket to reefer madness. Now, advocates on Capitol Hill and in the burgeoning cannabis industry hope their increasingly successful legalization campaign can go nationwide with a similar strategy, aimed squarely at pushing President Joe Biden to just say “yes.”


“What we know is that President Biden has extended to Vice President Harris the same measure of respect that he had with President Obama—whenever there’s a decision to be made, the last person in the room with the president is the vice president,” said Steve Hawkins, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. “I would expect that the president would be hearing from Vice President Harris on this, getting her input, understanding why she has been a supporter of legalization, and I think at that point, she would be incredibly important in delivering that message.”


As a senator, Harris was the sponsor of the Senate version of the MORE Act, which would have removed cannabis from the list of scheduled substances under the Controlled Substances Act and would have eliminated criminal penalties for growing, selling or possession of it. The act, seen in the pro-cannabis community as a model for sensible legalization, would also have expunged convictions for federal cannabis offenses—and is the exact kind of bill that legalization advocates hope Harris might advocate for within the administration.


“Vice President Harris has a track record already, even before she ran for president,” said Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus and a longtime supporter of federal legalization. “The stars are aligned within the administration.”


The possibility of fully legalizing the use, possession and sale of cannabis coast to coast has never seemed so close. Polling shows that seven out of 10 Americans believe that marijuana use should be fully legal, an all-time high, and 17 states across the country have legalized recreational cannabis, including four states—New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, and Virginia—that have done so since Biden’s inauguration.


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the first member of the party’s congressional leadership to have come out in favor of legalization, promised last week that he would introduce a bill legalizing recreational cannabis “soon,” telling Politico that legislation to that effect is in the works with Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Ron Wyden (D-OR).


Click on the link for the full article

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On 4/14/2021 at 11:18 PM, China said:

Weed, a peaceful and chill substance, might seem opposed to a task that requires energy and initiative. However: It also makes mundane stuff more fun.

Working out. Running. Cycling. Yard work. 

also just everything. Like drinking a beer or watching a movie. Everything. 

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Anyone doing anything special for 420? 

My Wife and I are thinking of watching a playlist of the best episodes of comedy sitcoms where people get stoned. 

There are a couple New Girl episodes, South Park, Big Bang Theory, The Mayor, and some other ones. 

It’s a little different than watching your usual favorite stoner movie for the hundredth time. 

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16 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:

It's been a little while since I smoked but tonight is video game night so maybe I'll go ahead and light one up and smash some peanut butter sammiches later.

Before you start turn the oven to 400. Get a triscuit. Put some peanut butter on it. Sprinkle a bit of your stash. 10 minutes in the oven. Enjoy. 

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6 minutes ago, tshile said:

Before you start turn the oven to 400. Get a triscuit. Put some peanut butter on it. Sprinkle a bit of your stash. 10 minutes in the oven. Enjoy. 

And I just thought PB & j needed to be toasted. 

I have learned something today. 

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