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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Incitement to Genocide Rising Under the Waves


One of the abiding features of early 21st century American politics is that a lot of change on the right happens in the subterranean world of what we used to call “the Crazy.” In the pre-Trump years it’s not that any of this was really hidden. It wasn’t subterranean in that sense. But it was off the radar of most of conventional journalism and the mainstream political discourse because it wasn’t serious. It wasn’t real. It was just crazy antics on the margins. But as we’ve tried to chronicle for decades now, that was never the case. That was the real GOP politics. It controlled and drove the presentable mainstream leaders — the Boehners, Ryans, McConnells and more. The ascension of Donald Trump was in many ways a simple inversion of this dynamic, putting “the Crazy” in formal and open leadership of the party.


Something has happened as recently as the last four to six weeks that follows this pattern, is important and dangerous and is still mostly coasting under the radar of “proper” U.S. political discourse and reporting.


Let’s start with this tweet from three weeks ago from Ben Collins, a reporter on the far right beat at NBCNews …




Whether same sex couples should be able to marry to whether transgender athletes should be allowed to compete with the gender that matches their gender identity and a million other issues in between obviously covers a vast stretch of cultural territory. But you have to step back to see the real picture. The new equation is that anything that doesn’t amount to a staunch defense of sexual and gender traditionalism is just some form of pedophilia and “grooming” children for pedophiles. That is the governing equation that has exploded across the right really just over the last two months. While it’s true that claims about predation on children have been a staple of anti-gay politics for generations, what we are seeing here is still genuinely new.


You may have seen this story today about the Michigan Republican who sent out fundraising texts with a faux appointment confirmation for “your child’s gender reassignment surgery.” Perhaps you saw this viral video of a speech by Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow (D) lashing out at a Republican colleague who accused her of “grooming and sexualizing” children in a fundraising email. (Michigan, amirite?) Or maybe you remember high flying degenerate Marjorie Taylor Greene calling Democrats “the party of pedophiles … the party of princess predators from Disney … the party of teachers … trying to transition their elementary school age children.” These aren’t just a few random weeds popping up on your lawn. They’re part of a vast welling up from the deep recesses of the earth that you just heven’t fully seen yet.


This isn’t just from the far right. It’s become normalized within the mainstream GOP. That’s what that whole “soft on child porn” thing was about during the confirmation hearings for Justice-to-be Ketanji Brown Jackson. That’s what’s driving state legislatures and members of Congress all of a sudden to start accusing virtually everyone of “grooming” through every channel of communication. It is a very rapid turn of events by which the most outlandish and genocide-friendly features of the Pizzagate and QAnon movements suddenly became totally ubiquitous and mainstream among Republican officeholders from Capitol Hill all the way down to the local level. It turns out the Democratic Party really is run by a conspiracy of pedophiles and child sex traffickers. And now you don’t have to go to 4Chan or 8chan to hear that. You can just open the emails from your Republican senator or Member of the House of Representatives.


Click on the link for the rest

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2 minutes ago, Destino said:

Every accusation is an admission.  This guy showing up in drag isn’t the least bit surprising.  

Somebody dressed him.  He's (in a chair) *hiccup* . 

Smart people see what's behind the curtain.  And some of us are just ****in' weirded out.

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California MAGA Candidate Claims God Will Commit Voter Fraud on Her Behalf to Help Her Win


On Thursday, Rachel Hamm, a Republican candidate for secretary of state in California, claimed in an interview that God will commit voter fraud on her behalf to cancel out Democrats if they try to steal the election from her.


“I would pray that I win,” said Hamm. “One thing that I have been doing is praying that if anyone tries to steal a vote, that God would send the angels to steal the vote back. To make it an honest vote.”




Hamm previously announced her run for secretary of state after claiming that Jesus appeared to her son in her closet and handed her a scroll commanding her to run for the office. 


Click on the link for more


She's got the crazy eyes.


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House Republicans demand Twitter’s board preserve all records about Musk’s bid to buy the company


A group of 18 House Republicans is asking Twitter’s board to preserve all records related to Elon Musk’s offer to buy the company, setting up a potential congressional probe should the party win back the majority this fall.


In letters shared exclusively with CNBC, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee asked Twitter Board Chairman Bret Taylor and other members of the board to preserve any messages from official or personal accounts, including through encryption software, that relate to Twitter’s consideration of Musk’s offer.


“As Congress continues to examine Big Tech and how to best protect Americans’ free speech rights, this letter serves as a formal request that you preserve all records and materials relating to Musk’s offer to purchase Twitter, including Twitter’s consideration and response to this offer, and Twitter’s evaluation of its shareholder interests with respect to Musk’s offer,” said the letter, led by ranking member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.


“You should construe this preservation notice as an instruction to take all reasonable steps to prevent the destruction or alteration, whether intentionally or negligently, of all documents, communications, and other information, including electronic information and metadata, that is or may be potentially responsive to this congressional inquiry,” the letter continued.

The request signals that should Republicans take back the majority in the House in the 2022 midterm elections, they may launch an investigation into Twitter, especially if the company declines to take the offer from Musk, who’s CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Under Republican control, the House Judiciary Committee could decide to subpoena records about the board’s internal deliberations.


Click on the link for the full article

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Continually reminded of George Carlin saying…think of how dumb the most average person you know is and then realize half of the population is dumber than them.


It definitely seems to be getting worse at warp speed and I’m not sure we have enough sane people to beat back the crazies.  Well, we do, but not when you add all the bull**** rules like electoral college and redistricting that tilt the playing field.  

DeSantis is worse than Trump because he’s actually not a blubbering idiot.  He knows full well what he’s doing and is moving full speed ahead.  He’s much more organized and intelligent (despite being a horrible ****ing person) and if he gets the nom in 24 against….uh….Uhhh….he’s going to win in a landslide.  Biden will get absolutely roasted and the bench is what, Hillary?  Please.  We saw that movie already.


At this point we’re better off if Trump runs again.

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8 hours ago, China said:

Just another in the long list of "this open bigotry isn't new". 

But I will point out that the birth of the "religious right" as a political power, began with Anita Bryant and the phrase "they can't reproduce, so they must recruit". And the claim that we must immediately pass laws making it illegal for homosexuals to live or work in any place where there might be children. Because all of the gays were out to convert your child into being their sex objects. 

And anybody who thinks that the notion that gay genocide is a new concept, does not remember the Reagan administration's response to AIDS. 

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21 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

163 million  a year tax break and a billion in debt passed onto taxpayers from Disney.


They must be laughing so hard at DeSantis.


Will Disney's loss of special tax district in Florida mean taxpayers are stuck with the bill?


Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a law Friday stripping Disney of its special self-governing tax district, known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District, surrounding Walt Disney World. 


The Republican-led legislature passed the bill earlier this week amid an intense political battle with Democrats, after Disney decried the state's new "Parental Rights in Education" law, which critics branded the "Don't Say Gay" bill.


But the political battle appears far from over. 


Opponents claim that removing the Reedy Creek municipality will leave local taxpayers on the hook for the district's outstanding debts and cost of upkeep when it goes into effect in June 2023 — to the tune of $163 million per year.


Orange County Tax Collector Scott Randolph, a Democrat and the former ranking member of the Florida House finance and tax committee, claims that if Reedy Creek ceases to exist, the residents of his county and neighboring Osceola will have to take on its tens of millions in bond payments and operational expenses currently paid by Disney, but will be left without the ability to collect revenue because the taxing authority will no longer exist.


Randolph told FOX Business that could mean an increase in property taxes of 25% if Orange County has to absorb all of it. 


Click on the link for the full article

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Fine acknowledges that the local entities where Reedy Creek lies will pick up the Reedy Creek's debt once the district is dissolved, but says those local governments can create Municipal Service Taxing Units (MSTU) that would also "pick up the revenue that would be going to pay for the debt." He insists that "There's no impact to taxpayers."


So they gonna use magic to "pick up the revenue"? Sounds like it'll impact some taxpayers for sure. 


mickey mouse fantasia GIF by Disney

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31 minutes ago, China said:


Will Disney's loss of special tax district in Florida mean taxpayers are stuck with the bill?


Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a law Friday stripping Disney of its special self-governing tax district, known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District, surrounding Walt Disney World. 


The Republican-led legislature passed the bill earlier this week amid an intense political battle with Democrats, after Disney decried the state's new "Parental Rights in Education" law, which critics branded the "Don't Say Gay" bill.


But the political battle appears far from over. 


Opponents claim that removing the Reedy Creek municipality will leave local taxpayers on the hook for the district's outstanding debts and cost of upkeep when it goes into effect in June 2023 — to the tune of $163 million per year.


Orange County Tax Collector Scott Randolph, a Democrat and the former ranking member of the Florida House finance and tax committee, claims that if Reedy Creek ceases to exist, the residents of his county and neighboring Osceola will have to take on its tens of millions in bond payments and operational expenses currently paid by Disney, but will be left without the ability to collect revenue because the taxing authority will no longer exist.


Randolph told FOX Business that could mean an increase in property taxes of 25% if Orange County has to absorb all of it. 


Click on the link for the full article


I'm thinking that property owners in those two counties will vote Democrat right on down the line. And they better start in 2022 before this law takes effect.


Democrats, start your campaigns!

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