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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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2 hours ago, PeterMP said:


There's nothing wrong with questioning it or having concerns.  But this "a Leader that is clearly in cognitive decline" isn't a question or voicing a concern.  It is making a declarative statement.

The man is 79, so of course there's concerns.  87 year old Diane Feinstein denied a report she was losing it.


When it's Dems, the gop pounces but ignores their own elderly members. Prime example is their master, Trump. The guy is in mental decline and will be even older than Joe was in 20; if he wins.

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

but the bigger problem is the effective tax rate of the rich. And there’s way more to gain by fixing that first 


You can start this by properly funding the IRS, people love to cut their budget because it reduces their ability to work on complex audits. My Dad was an SES at the IRS and my mon was 15 in charge of tax exempt orgs. They've had a 2-1 or something similar in place for almost thirty years, you can replace 1 person for every two that leave. 


The Effects of Increased Funding for the IRS (Source)



The IRS's ROIs ramp up over three years as staff become trained and fully productive, arrive at the peak level, and then stay there. In recent years, peak ROIs have ranged from 5 to 9. That is, a $1 increase in spending on the IRS's enforcement activities results in $5 to $9 of increased revenues



I agree completely with your entire post.

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3 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

The man is 79, so of course there's concerns.  87 year old Diane Feinstein denied a report she was losing it.


When it's Dems, the gop pounces but ignores their own elderly members. Prime example is their master, Trump. The guy is in mental decline and will be even older than Joe was in 20; if he wins.


It's a mess. The selfishness of the super seniors in congress is terrible. I get Biden is old...and not in congress anymore. But do I think that our President shouldn't be over 75? or over 70? yes. Same with anyone in congress. I'd go a step further. Anyone running can't spend more than half their term over 70. So, if you're running for senate and you're 67. Fine. But you can't run again at 73. 


Don Young just died...Feinstein is 88, Grassley is 88, Shelby is 87. Inhofe is 87, Leahy is 81. I think I read the average ave of the Senate is like 65 years old. Make decisions that could impact children and young adults for decades after their lawmakers pass away. 

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6 hours ago, Larry said:

Bumper sticker I saw once:  "Thank God we don't get all the government we pay for". 

But more seriously, yes, I believe that America is a better place when we have socialist things like interstate highways, sewage treatment plants, public education, and Social Security. 

Totally agree...even down to the local stuff.  I'm pretty fond of traffic lights and my garbage getting picked up.  B)


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I wish I wasn't so tired because I could write pages about wasteful military spending.  We have 11 active aircraft carriers right now I believe.  What do you think would be a reasonable expectation for how many should be deployable?  You won't like what the actual answer is.  And we just keep getting further behind because of the way the cycle is.

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One issue with the waste argument is the it is assumed that you can simply spend less, and what is cut will be waste, and efficiency will go up. 

that’s very idealistic. No impossible but very idealistic. 

it’s entirely possible the cuts are done wrong and efficiency actually goes down. Or doesn’t change at all. And in either case that’s bad because you’re losing stuff you want/need for no benefit. 

I absolutely agree that being more efficient is better and should be the goal; constantly. 

But one thing I never hear discussed is what acceptable waste is. And how you can expect a body that has a certain amount  of unacceptable waste, to fix it by simply giving them less money. 

One idea I’ve always had is that instead of penalizing people for not spending all their budget, by giving them less money in the next budget, they should be rewarded for accomplishing their goals with less money. 

the “we need to spend the rest of this before the end of the month” bull**** is a easy source of waste to target and it seems to exist at every level of government. 

Edited by tshile
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1 hour ago, tshile said:

One issue with the waste argument is the it is assumed that you can simply spend less, and what is cut will be waste, and efficiency will go up. 

that’s very idealistic. No impossible but very idealistic. 

it’s entirely possible the cuts are done wrong and efficiency actually goes down. Or doesn’t change at all. And in either case that’s bad because you’re losing stuff you want/need for no benefit. 

I absolutely agree that being more efficient is better and should be the goal; constantly. 

But one thing I never hear discussed is what acceptable waste is. And how you can expect a body that has a certain amount  of unacceptable waste, to fix it by simply giving them less money. 

One idea I’ve always had is that instead of penalizing people for not spending all their budget, by giving them less money in the next budget, they should be rewarded for accomplishing their goals with less money. 

the “we need to spend the rest of this before the end of the month” bull**** is a easy source of waste to target and it seems to exist at every level of government. 


Well said

I'd agree that you cannot just say "here's less money so efficiency will just fall from the sky like rain". That's facile, and bassackwards IMO. Doing some serious, objective auditing of your systems wherein you identify exactly what results you need and design to reach that goal will result in savings, but also you get back towards that optimal value over cost point, but it begins with the value goal in order to achieve whatever savings are there to be had. Quite frequently reallocation within the structure can yield benefits that are in no way tied to a set dollar figure, but often that means encouraging personnel to speak up and then actually listening to them, and no large bureaucracy likes that.



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county passed the new budget. Of course they cut taxes. And now we don’t get the teacher pay raises we need. 

we’re not even getting applicants and when we do they’re not accepting the jobs. 

vacancies are filled by using “full time substitute teachers” which are not teachers. They’re babysitters. We need substitutes, not disparaging them, but there’s a difference between a teacher and a substitute. 

We have a crisis in our education system here because teachers are leaving for jobs in Loudoun and Fairfax. Because they pay upwards of 20% more. 

huge shortage of bus drivers. They’re running double routes. Takes my son an hour to get home from a school a mile away. 

derp ****ing derp. 

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4 hours ago, Jabbyrwock said:


They probably finally figured out pi and e were trans...(cendental).


Sorry to take this in a (sort of) OT direction but is the Feigenbaum constant a transcendental number?

Edited by mistertim
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