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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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A very good article about the John Birch Society, its founder, and how it's radicalized the Republican Party. What isn't mentioned is the moneyed influence by the Koch brothers' father who was also a co-founder, a role the brothers carry on today. This article really sums up what I've been saying for a long time.  Some introductory words following the link. 





If you’re looking for the roots of today’s bizarre conspiracy-and-anger-driven politics, you need to look further back than the presidency of Donald Trump or even the rise of social media or talk radio — back to the accusatory, inflammatory, wild-eyed rhetoric of the John Birch Society in the 1960s and 1970s.


It’s beginning to fade into history, but the John Birch Society was once the most formidable anticommunist organization of the Cold War era. Named for an American army captain killed by Chinese communists, it was founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, a North Carolina-born candy magnate. (His company created the caramel “Sugar Daddy” on a stick.) Most Americans learned of the society after March 20, 1961, when it was widely reported that Welch had called former President Eisenhower a communist.


It was an outrageous and ludicrous assertion, but Welch was just getting started in weaving his tapestry of paranoia. He saw communist conspiracies lurking in colleges, high schools and the government.


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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

Lots of Dems guilty of this too..but it will likely be the neocon maga turds who kill this.



Been saying this for ages, but it has a snowball’s chance in hell. I’d guess about half the members of Congress saw the ability to insider trade as one of the perks that pushed them into “public service”.

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2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

Lots of Dems guilty of this too..but it will likely be the neocon maga turds who kill this.



I keep reflecting on a line from a book. 

The book is by Donald Westlake, I think. Who writes what I call "comedy crime" stories. A lot of them have been made into movies. 

In this one, the main character is "the Top Cop in the City of New York". Supposedly, the person who holds the highest position in NYPD which a cop can rise to, without being a political appointee. 

And he's partnered with an FBI agent. And they're working a case that might involve a lot of corruption in the department(s). 

Cop is on his way home. Long drive, way outside the city, country road. And he's being followed. 

So he's not surprised when the chase car that's been following him for miles, closes the gap with him, as they approach a blind curve. Which is blocked by an "accident". And lots of people with ski masks jump out of the cars with machine guns. 

And one person. Unarmed. Unmasked. Approaches his car, and speaks to him. The person suggests that perhaps it might be wise if cop's investigation were to hit a dead end, and stop. 

And the person slowly removes an envelope from his jacket. Tosses it into cop's car. And the Bad Guys get back in their cars and drive off. 

Cop opens the envelope, which contains $50,000 in cash. 

Cop puts the car in gear, and continues driving home. The fact that Bad Guys intercepted him here demonstrates that they know where he lives. (A message which they clearly intended to deliver.)


He arrives home. Puts the envelope in the glove box. Goes inside, says hi to the wife and kids. And tells them nothing. 

And he calls the FBI guy, and tells him the whole story. To warn him that he might be about to receive a message as well, and not to go and try to shoot it out with them. 

And when he gets to the end of his story, FBI blurts out "and you didn't keep the money?"  

Cop sighs. And patiently explains that no, he's not keeping the money. But he doesn't feel like driving all the way back downtown and spending the night being questioned by IAD. He'll do the paperwork and things in the morning. 

He was just telling the FBI about it, in case the Ski Mask guys come back and kill him in his sleep, then he doesn't want his wife being interrogated about the $50,000 cash in the glove box, that she doesn't know about. 

And he hangs up the phone and he sighs. "And you didn't keep the money?" Where does the FBI get these people?  What do they teach them, about non-FBI cops?  Where do they get these kids fresh out of college, overflowing with book knowledge, but with no clue about the real world?  

You don't get to be the Top Cop in the City of New York by taking bribes from strangers.  

I'm absolutely certain that every politician learns how to steal LONG before they make it to national office. 

They have family members do it for them. 

Heck, even Donald Trump knew that. And he, and his family, are idiots. 

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One of my best friends is watching YouTube almost exclusively these days. She's getting lots of misinformation about the vaccines and is passing it on to me. I'm humoring her and not paying attention because this crap is nothing but conspiracy theories. 


It's a shame. BTW, she's unvaxxed because of her health concerns so she says. She is masked and practices social distancing. So she's not a complete dolt.



Edited to delete duplicate post.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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32 minutes ago, Llevron said:

I feel like this can go in many threads but the 'conspiracy nutters' thing works best for me. 





I saw an "article" about this and thought it had to be a joke. But this idiot is for real. This is validation of the old adage: 


Better stay quiet and let people think you are stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. 


I almost posted this in the Covid Vaccine thread. Can see it there, here and probably several other threads.  Multi purpose idiot. 

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6 hours ago, Fresh8686 said:

Christian fascist traitors saying the quiet part out loud. I hate these people. 





In fairness, they do believe in religious freedom, as long as it's thier religion and you condemn all other faiths, religions, and beliefs and pretty much anyone not exactly like them. And now despite all thier aggression and hate they have managed to position themselves in thier own minds as victims. All of them are bottom feeders.  

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This morning I had a bizarre conversation with a typically outlandish far-right dude at work. Full-time Fox News zombie. He was saying that the U.S. has stopped ALL oil exports (Texas, Dakotas, Louisiana, offshore, etc.), that Biden shut it all down, and that is why gas prices are high. He was getting quite animated to boot so I had to start steering the conversation into other safer areas. I don't keep up with oil news but is someone able to explain what this is about?


I can't find anything except Keystone.


Last I checked, oil is nearly a quarter of Texas' economy.

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1 hour ago, Metalhead said:

This morning I had a bizarre conversation with a typically outlandish far-right dude at work. Full-time Fox News zombie. He was saying that the U.S. has stopped ALL oil exports (Texas, Dakotas, Louisiana, offshore, etc.), that Biden shut it all down, and that is why gas prices are high. He was getting quite animated to boot so I had to start steering the conversation into other safer areas. I don't keep up with oil news but is someone able to explain what this is about?


I can't find anything except Keystone.


Last I checked, oil is nearly a quarter of Texas' economy.



Not really sure what this guy is talking about. There seems to be some chatter about stopping oil exports unless something changed in the last month i don't think it's happening.

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2 hours ago, mrcunning15 said:



Not really sure what this guy is talking about. There seems to be some chatter about stopping oil exports unless something changed in the last month i don't think it's happening.


Thanks, that's it. He must have gotten it all mixed up in his head during his excitement and world-ending doom of $3.30 gas.

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Mo Brooks Is the Jan. 6 Congressman Who Can’t Keep His Mouth Shut


Facing a lawsuit for his Jan. 6 attack speech, Rep. Mo Brooks has put himself in a bind of his own creation: He potentially violated his oath—or misused congressional resources.



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They could all stand up with their hands on the Bible, pass around the Constitution to blow their noses in and say "we did it, we'll do it again, and **** you for trying to stop us"

So far there is nothing that shows me otherwise. 



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