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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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On 8/21/2020 at 1:23 PM, alwaysaskin said:

Navalny isn’t making it out of the hospital, if the poison doesn’t get him, he’ll have a pillow related accident 


...and I know a primary suspect:




Edited by Dan T.
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German Doctors Confirm Navalny was poisoned.


BERLIN — Alexei Navalny, the prominent Russian opposition figure and Kremlin critic, was poisoned, Berlin’s Charité Hospital said in a statement Monday, citing clinical results confirmed by independent laboratories.


Although the exact substance that poisoned Navalny is not yet known, it is believed to be a nerve inhibitor, Charité’s statement said. The hospital added that Navalny remains in an artificially induced coma but that “there is no acute danger to his life.”



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How Russian intelligence officers interfered in the 2016 election


With less than 100 days before the presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials are warning that Russia and other adversaries are once again interfering in our democratic process. In 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his intelligence agencies to create chaos in our system using a combination of social media manipulation, propaganda, and other dirty tricks. President Trump's Justice Department currently has at least two open cases against Russian citizens for disrupting the 2016 presidential and congressional elections. As we first reported last November, 12 Russian military officers are still at large, charged with breaking into the Democratic Party's computers in 2016, stealing compromising information and selectively releasing it to undermine specific candidates. There's no evidence of similar operations against Republicans in 2016. With the 2020 elections just around the corner, a cautionary tale: "The Russian Hack."


Robert Anderson: The Russians never left. I can guarantee you in 2016 after this all hit the news, they never left. They didn't stop doing what they're doing.


Bill Whitaker: This wasn't just a one-time thing?


Robert Anderson: No way. Russia doesn't do it that way.


Click on the link for the full story

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On 8/21/2020 at 1:58 PM, Fresh8686 said:

I hope I live to see the day Putin has his Qaddafi like moment. Where he's deposed and dragged from a drain pipe he's been hiding in, to face the music, like the smirking little **** ****roach he is.



You spelled "Trump" wrong.

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5 hours ago, visionary said:


That's all we could muster?  Are you ****ing kidding me?


1)  I see "deeply concerned", and immediately wonder if Susan Collins wrote it.  


2)  Observing that even our "deeply concerned" statement has to try to alter the narrative bu labeling the conclusion as "preliminary"  


This wasn't a condemnation.  It was damage control.  Of a Russian assassination.  



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