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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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Trump comes from a world where you simply lie about things, and if that doesn't work, you use pay off money.  He wasn't prepared for a an institution where there might be consequences for his actions, I am sure you can 10x for his children who came up in the same system but even worse because their dad built his entire empire based on fraudulence, so that is the model of person his kids are likely emulating. 


Manafort lying constantly might hurt his own individual testimony potentially, but then Mueller's team can turn around and build a case that all this constant lying is being done in order to cover up something really big.  You don't lie like this to the FBI for the fun of it, you don't do it to "pwn" someone.  If this entire investigation was over peanuts in the first place, there'd be no reason to not just cooperate and move on with your life.  This isn't a case of being "perjury-trapped" the way the right wing wants to suggest, this is a case of a man lying, lying about his lies, and then throwing on some more lies for good measure because he very well told Trump behind closed doors that he will do his best to not cooperate with the investigation.  Manafort is attempting to play the long game, and is counting on Trump swooping in during the bottom of the 9th with a pinch hitting pardon.

Edited by NoCalMike
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6 hours ago, Dan T. said:

So yeah, there was collusion. Duh.


Historically, Trump's biggest tell is that the louder and more often he denies or complains about something the more likely it is to be true. So Trump has been screaming to us that there was lots of collusion since the beginning. 

Edited by mistertim
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So what are the odds that Whitaker has already met with Mueller and been briefed on everything Mueller knows that Whitaker didn't know BEFORE becoming the AAG... therefore being convinced that if he continues to insulate Trump as the AAG, he's on the hook for a prison term also?


(If all that makes sense.)

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31 minutes ago, Chachie said:

So what are the odds that Whitaker has already met with Mueller and been briefed on everything Mueller knows that Whitaker didn't know BEFORE becoming the AAG... therefore being convinced that if he continues to insulate Trump as the AAG, he's on the hook for a prison term also?


(If all that makes sense.)


I guess it depends on what sort of action Whitaker wanted to take to insulate Trump. I'm sure there are some things that could potentially be seen as obstruction of justice. However, who's going to investigate and potentially bring a charge? Whitaker ultimately has the final say on whether x, y, or z gets investigated so he could also squash any potential probe against himself. Is that a blatant, 4 alarm "you must recuse" moment? Obviously...but we already know he has no problem with not recusing himself from an investigation where he has incredibly obvious conflicts of interest.


Can ethics people in the DoJ actually force the AG to recuse himself in certain situations?

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yeah it would be sweet irony if Trump's stooge had full intent to hamper the investigation..........until he was briefed on everything going on, and his own culpability if he decides to try and obstruct it finishing out properly, and has already decided he ain't touching it with a 100 ft pole. 

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14 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

yeah it would be sweet irony if Trump's stooge had full intent to hamper the investigation..........until he was briefed on everything going on, and his own culpability if he decides to try and obstruct it finishing out properly, and has already decided he ain't touching it with a 100 ft pole. 



Right? If Mueller has dead-to-rights, unassailable proof of collusion then Whitaker would only be writing his own conviction by hampering the investigation regardless of his power over it. Why? Because that info is already set up to release if Mueller gets sh**canned.

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8 minutes ago, Chachie said:



Right? If Mueller has dead-to-rights, unassailable proof of collusion then Whitaker would only be writing his own conviction by hampering the investigation regardless of his power over it. Why? Because that info is already set up to release if Mueller gets sh**canned.


Yeah I have a feeling Mueller and his team have this stuff covered six ways from Sunday. They knew what kind of person Trump is and what kind of **** he'd probably try to do in an effort to hamstring any investigation into himself. Hell, even if it were Jesus Christ as POTUS, Mueller is apparently such a meticulous and careful dude that he'd probably still make sure all his bases were covered in case JC got an itchy trigger finger.


One unforeseen issue (well, unforeseen to Trump at least) that arises when you're a completely amoral person who will throw anyone at all under the bus in a moment's notice if it's in your own interest and surround yourself with people who seek to emulate you, is that....well....eventually one of them is going to throw you under the bus also. Of course, Trump is such a narcissistic buffoon that he seems incapable of imagining such a thing and appears genuinely perplexed when it happens.

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2 minutes ago, mistertim said:


One unforeseen issue (well, unforeseen to Trump at least) that arises when you're a completely amoral person who will throw anyone at all under the bus in a moment's notice if it's in your own interest and surround yourself with people who seek to emulate you, is that....well....eventually one of them is going to throw you under the bus also. Of course, Trump is such a narcissistic buffoon that he seems incapable of imagining such a thing and appears genuinely perplexed when it happens.



Yeah, it would seem pretty plainly evident that eventually anyone and everyone would turn on him as soon as things get too hot for them. Nobody (in the white collar world anyway) sees prison time as an honorable shield to fall on no matter how loyal they claim to be. That stuff might work for mobsters but not politicians, lawyers, and crooked employees. They're gonna crack every time.


Jeff Sessions knew from the very start to remove himself. He could see the future.

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Trump made a huge deal about Cohen flipping. I don't seem to remember Trump making a big deal about Manafort, if at all. Am I wrong? Which would then explain these recent developments. So in conversations through lawyers, Trump get inside information in exchange for a pardon. Mueller has played this beautifully. 

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13 minutes ago, Busch1724 said:

Trump made a huge deal about Cohen flipping. I don't seem to remember Trump making a big deal about Manafort, if at all. Am I wrong? Which would then explain these recent developments. So in conversations through lawyers, Trump get inside information in exchange for a pardon. Mueller has played this beautifully. 


That's a good point. Trump has made some comments hemming and hawing about how meanie-pants they've been to Manafort but IIRC Trump and his toadies haven't made any sort of concerted effort to disparage him or cast doubt on him. With Cohen they came out of the gates swinging...calling him a liar and every other name under the sun as soon as they found out he had flipped. Then again, as his personal lawyer and consigliere for many years, Cohen probably has MUCH more/worse dirt on Trump than Manafort does. 

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