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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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2 hours ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

The Russians have always done this. The only bond they share is support Russia.

THats why left leaning journalists like Glenn Greenwald are being outed.


We had the Red Scare in this country based on a fantasy and people being scared of anything that wasn't Capitalism. This is actually the real thing, except it was for a foreign country, and it worked.



Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason. ~John Harington

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5 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

All of this deep state nonsense was once reserved for the Alex Jones style nutbags of the world.


Easy to see that conspiracy lunacy is spreading into our politics now, and its almost entirely a reflection of how insane the GOP base is.


Another result of gerrymandering and people putting party before country. One of these lunatics wins a primary in a safe seat and they make it to Congress. 

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I never thought I would see the day when the elected officials in congress and the senate would be, in unison, agreeing with Russia that the media, FBI and past Administrations all need to be "purged". What kind of **** is this really? There is really no coming back from this.  

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I do hope you are right but i'm worried that the world these people (all people, not republicans) live in allows for them to have their own set of facts and truths. And once that has become the norm in a place a corrupted as politics, where people have power, bad intentions and a insatiable greed, they will use this world of lies to their full advantage. Even if all they can do its discredit the other. Which is fully what I expect to happen until this country crumbles under its own debt and mismanagement. 


But I hope you are right. I don't what to be around for what happens if you are wrong. 

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Don't underestimate the results of the Women's March, and the elections this year. People are mobilizing in a good way. 


We need more women in elective offices. We will see more women running, especially Democrats. Maybe women can refocus attention on humans rather than obscene wealth.

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the "regular"portion of the gop seems increasingly to be headed to preservation of party control over all else, fair or foul....integrity and honesty are on life-support in our culture...and given the notable uptick of pro-trump/anti-mueller and the deep state shtick (plus the reliving of all the clinton-hating memes for the zillionth time) from even normally mainstream goper talking heads, mueller's team is going to have a very very hard lift to make even solid matters of evidence stick to any major trump satellite per collusion...

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

Putin warned the US against meddling in their elections today. Go ahead and read that twice it wont change anything. 

It took me 3 times.  :silly: 

But to LSF's point, we've gotta get better policies in place for human survival, if we look at the really big picture.  The planet cannot sustain population growth at its current level, with its current climate infrastructure.  It simply cannot.  The items beneath that we all consider important...poverty, healthcare, local tax efficiency...are just the smallest pieces of that big picture. 

And I'll just say it, I trust a room of ethnically and "generationally" diverse women to handle that stuff a whole lot more than I do a room of "any kind" of men.  B)  

(Well, gay men might be fun, as long as it didn't turn into Project Runway when a bill about a clothing and textile manufacturing revival in the South comes up.) :ols:


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What a ****ing crock, on us interfering in Russia's elections. 


And there's corroborating evidence from other sources about Flynn, which is why he's impersonating a songbird. He won't lie because it obviates his plea agreement. 


Trump is cooked. His lawyers know it. Trump won't wear hubris well.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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Without getting too far into the weeds: This looks like a really convoluted scheme that could allow the Kremlin to claim the DNC hack was carried out by rogue actors, and/or to turn it around on America. I'll explain why, but it's a dizzying story. 2/


-The jailed hacker's name is Konstantin Kozlovsky -Kozlovsky says he worked under the direction of his FSB handler (Dmitry Dokuchaev), who worked under the direction of a sr FSB officer (Sergei Mikhailov) -Dokuchaev & Mikhailov are facing charges of treason right now 3/


Dokuchaev & Mikhailov are charged w/ providing info to US intelligence agencies. So, it could be said that they were 'working for the Americans.' So if Kozlovsky hacked the DNC under their orders, it could be said that he was working for the Americans 4/


At the very least, it could be said that Dokuchaev & Mikhailov had 'gone rogue' and were no longer carrying out the wishes of the FSB. So if Kozlovsky carried out the hack under their orders, it could be said that he was working for rogue agents, not under FSB orders. 5/


There are also other reasons that this story doesn't sit right (timing; relationship btw Dokuchaev & Kozlovsky has been called into question; the fact that Kozlovsky is posting details about his work for the FSB on Facebook from a Russian prison. And he's still alive). 6/


I could be wrong. However, I'm pretty confident in saying that we're not getting anything close to the full story here. Way too convenient. Plus, a convoluted plot like this is exactly the kind of plot that Putin would carry out. -X-


Another reason to raise an eyebrow at Kozlovsky's claim re. hacking the DNC: He also claimed to have created an "astoundingly powerful hacking tool" that appears to not actually exist. https://www.buzzfeed.com/janelytvynenko/russian-hacker-dnc-confession?utm_term=.sdJPKYemr#.khEagod7p 

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