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3 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Contrition for insinuating that I had an axe to grind racially about this case.  Which I clearly demonstrated to be false.  


A rare treasure, no doubt.  But I think you might be capable of it.

Well if you felt that I insinuated that you had an axe to grind I will apologize whether you can guess or not.  I didn't mean to insinuate that and don't think I did.  Now I did agree with someone who asked if you were stupid for making some comment about kids being kids or something to that effect.  And I don't apologize for that.  I stand by it.


So now that you have gotten what you want, what right wing news is it you think has me spooled up?

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1 hour ago, Kilmer17 said:

If we could only aply this logic more often.....


"Hate crime" is such a stupid concept.  A crime is a crime.  It should be WORSE because the criminal hated the victims color, rather than the victims team jersey (if that was the motivating factor).


Believe it or not, agree with you about hate crime designation. That's a penalty on thought and you can't police thoughts, at least not yet. 


The problem is when crimes are not prosecuted and if convicted, not punished.


In part, this was because in the South, if a white defendant and white jury with a black victim, the white defendant would walk or not even be charged.


So the thinking is that if additional penalties apply, people would be less likely to offend.

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1 minute ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Well if you felt that I insinuated that you had an axe to grind I will apologize whether you can guess or not.  I didn't mean to insinuate that and don't think I did.  Now I did agree with someone who asked if you were stupid for making some comment about kids being kids or something to that effect.  And I don't apologize for that.  I stand by it.


So now that you have gotten what you want, what right wing news is it you think has me spooled up?


Nah...I was wrong about you.  Not capable of it...not strong enough and lacking courage.


Thanks for playing though!

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30 minutes ago, Springfield said:


So... should white people feel guilty about being born a certain way?


Pretty much right? Don't feel guilty or repress how you were born (celebrate yourself) if you are LGBTQHABCDEFG... but not W. ;)

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10 minutes ago, jschuck12001 said:

What the hell is white privilege, do you think when white people are born the doctor hands us a check and says "thanks for being white".


Everyone has to work their ass off to get ahead in this world and if you do you will be successful regardless of race.



That's white privilege because you don't even recognize that people of color are routinely discriminated against just by being born. Whites are ahead of the curve in every category. I have white privilege and I recognize that.


Same with male privilege. Males are ahead of the curve in every category. I'm female so am behind males and I experience that discrimination.


That's why it's called discrimination.

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13 minutes ago, jschuck12001 said:

What the hell is white privilege, do you think when white people are born the doctor hands us a check and says "thanks for being white".


Everyone has to work their ass off to get ahead in this world and if you do you will be successful regardless of race.



Really? This post is so tone deaf. 

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13 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

Want it to know why Trump won?   


Pretty clear to me why he won....


White on minority hate crimes don't move the needle for apparently most of America (as in White America) like the idea of scary Muslims, Mexicans, Gays, Blacks and Jews sneaking into their houses at night and eating their kids.

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Just now, Mr. Sinister said:


Pretty clear to me why he won....


White on minority hate crimes don't move the needle for apparently most of America (as in White America) like the idea of scary Muslims, Mexicans, Gays, Blacks and Jews sneaking into their houses at night and eating their kids.

I hope that the Dems continue to believe this myth for the rest of time.  They will never regain any power.

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5 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Pretty clear to me why he won....


White on minority hate crimes don't move the needle for apparently most of America (as in White America) like the idea of scary Muslims, Mexicans, Gays, Blacks and Jews sneaking into their houses at night and eating their kids.

Yes, we plan to establish the Greater Reich here in the US.





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5 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

I hope that the Dems continue to believe this myth for the rest of time.  They will never regain any power.


I think it was very clear during the election the type of people that DT catered to and told them what they wanted to hear to gain their support.  Hint, it wasn't minorities.  And it truly showed everyone just how far we have not progressed as far as racial harmony.  

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7 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

I hope that the Dems continue to believe this myth for the rest of time.  They will never regain any power.


Eh, someone will have to clean up the next Republican recession. I don't see any signs they're moving away from the genius ideology of tax cuts for the wealthy + same level of spending, just on different things. 

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12 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Yes, we plan to establish the Greater Reich here in the US.




I wish this was sarcasm too....




" But now his tone changed as he began to tell the audience of more than 200 people, mostly young men, what they had been waiting to hear. He railed against Jews and, with a smile, quoted Nazi propaganda in the original German. America, he said, belonged to white people, whom he called the “children of the sun,” a race of conquerors and creators who had been marginalized but now, in the era of President-elect Donald J. Trump, were “awakening to their own identity.”

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53 minutes ago, Springfield said:


So... should white people feel guilty about being born a certain way?


Cause that's at the center of what you're getting at.  The fact of the matter is that most white people go through life simply incoherent that they have a privilege.  That doesn't make them bad people, it doesn't make them inconsiderate or full of hate.


We shouldn't aim to have white people treated the same as minorities.  We should aim to have minorities treated the same as white people.


Whats funny about this is that you pretty much lead yourself to the answer of your own question. Which I can totally dig! You just dont see it the same way because of...factors....I guess. 


"Should white people feel guilty?" No man. Not at all. What would that solve? 


"The fact of the matter is that most white people go through life simply incoherent that they have a privilege." Thats exactly the point! 


"We should aim to have minorities treated the same as white people." And the only way to do that is to recognize that there is a difference in treatment (Hint: The Privilege) and work to correct it. 


So you answered your own question. Who in their right mind (key point) would ask you to cry fake tears about something you have no control over individually when the real solution is simply admitting that we have a problem and working together to fix it? 



Damn....I feel like we could be friends all of a sudden lol

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I have and enjoy white privilege but I have no control over it. I have no control over how a stranger will view me or give me the benefit of the doubt. 


Dont blame me for my white privilege. Its not my fault strangers like me. 


Blame the strangers who view me as being non threatening. Blame society. Blame the criminals who dress like criminals, act like criminals and who commit crimes that further the negative stereotype of the "violent black male".  


I personally have nothing to do with my white privilege ......... (other than my skins, normal hair cut, dressing in professional clothes, no tattoos or piercings, smile at strangers, positive body language, generally being a nice guy, etc = reinforces stereotype that allows "white privilege" to exist)


Every race or demographic contributes to how we perceive race in this country. imo POC are equally responsible for "white privilege" as white people are. POC give ME the "white privilege". POC view me as friendly and non-threatening. All I can do is try and make sure I am consciously examining myself for any unconscious bias I may be applying when I interact w a POC. Its hard. I have many many interactions w POC everyday. This stuff is so deeply embedded in our sub-conscious. White, black, brown, its all in our sub-conscious and overt consciousness. 



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5 minutes ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:


Blame the strangers who view me as being non threatening. Blame society. Blame the criminals who dress like criminals, act like criminals and who commit crimes that further the negative stereotype of the "violent black male".  


I personally have nothing to do with my white privilege ......... (other than my skins, normal hair cut, dressing in professional clothes, no tattoos or piercings, smile at strangers, positive body language, generally being a nice guy, etc = reinforces stereotype that allows "white privilege" to exist)



I think you've missed a real opportunity to talk about saggy pants here. 

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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:


That's white privilege because you don't even recognize that people of color are routinely discriminated against just by being born. Whites are ahead of the curve in every category. I have white privilege and I recognize that.


Same with male privilege. Males are ahead of the curve in every category. I'm female so am behind males and I experience that discrimination.


That's why it's called discrimination.

This has got to be one of the biggest pant loads I've seen here. And I've seen many.

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27 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Damn....I feel like we could be friends all of a sudden lol


Let's be friends, I'm down to be friends with everyone.  The world needs more friends.



Funny thing.  Most of my friends in high school, years back, were minorities.  Lots of asians, few Spanish people, some black people.  Good mix of races.


We openely joked about how, if we got into trouble doing dumb **** (we did a lot of dumb ****), then they'd point to me as the ring leader.  Being the only white guy in the group, I could be held as the person who made the minorities do bad stuff.  Plus the police would handle me more favorably.  Luckily, we never got caught.  We did all this without any hate or sadness.  We knew what it was and we joked about it.

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15 minutes ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:

POC give ME the "white privilege". 


This is simply untrue. When a white male with a criminal record is still more likely to get a job than a black male with no criminal record, you can't blame POC for that result. https://csgjusticecenter.org/reentry/posts/researchers-examine-effects-of-a-criminal-record-on-prospects-for-employment/. It isn't POC that are willfully corrupting the police departments where they work, and creating a culture where human rights for POC are nonexistent. http://peopleslawoffice.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Chicago-Police-Torture-a-Legal-and-Political-History.pdf .


People need to be held responsible for their own prejudices. I can't walk down the street, see a white male, and automatically think he is a racist asshole. I don't know him, no matter how he's dressed or what he's currently doing. But if I do look at all white males this way, that is my failing and not the fault of the white male walking down the street. I shouldn't hold him responsible for what Richard Spencer and Donald Trump say. Likewise, every black male shouldn't have to bear the responsibility of young, dumb black people in Chicago. 


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1 hour ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Pretty clear to me why he won....


White on minority hate crimes don't move the needle for apparently most of America (as in White America) like the idea of scary Muslims, Mexicans, Gays, Blacks and Jews sneaking into their houses at night and eating their kids.


1 hour ago, Kilmer17 said:

I hope that the Dems continue to believe this myth for the rest of time.  They will never regain any power.


Admiring the way people can respond to the fact that Trump just got elected President based on a campaign of protecting "Americans" from Muslims and Mexicans, with "Hey, it worked."  


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19 minutes ago, Larry said:



Admiring the way people can respond to the fact that Trump just got elected President based on a campaign of protecting "Americans" from Muslims and Mexicans, with "Hey, it worked."  


Yep.  Those are facts.  That's why he won.  Carry on

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