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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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The connection of why pulling out of the Iran deal is so dumb as it relates to North Korea is incredibly important.  This reeks of the entire agenda being whatever President Black Guy That Made Fun of Me did, must be undone as the only real motivation for anything.  

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14 minutes ago, Hersh said:

The connection of why pulling out of the Iran deal is so dumb as it relates to North Korea is incredibly important.  This reeks of the entire agenda being whatever President Black Guy That Made Fun of Me did, must be undone as the only real motivation for anything.  

That is it at its core.


Orbiting around it is a gop that very much does not like iran.


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6 hours ago, Llevron said:

He is so obviously insecure that it kind if makes me uncomfortable. I mean, I'm usually uncomfortable when I think about him. But I feel embarrassed for him and all of his supporters. That's a new one for me. 

No doubt, he spent last night retweeting every Rightwingnut's praise of him. He begs for praise, he needs people to like him. To think that this whole embarassment could have been prevented if he had gotten some therapy when he was a child. Poor fella never matured past adolescence. But neither have his supporters which is why they love him, because he's saying and doing the exact things they would say and do.


Which by the way, is the problem. His supporters expect no more from the President that they do of themselves.

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Interesting comment from Macron, though France was perhaps the harshest critic (before signing on) of the deal before it was done.  I think partly due to pressure from Saudi.

That said this may not mean getting rid of the deal, but developing some sort other method to counter.





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Tucker is a moron...actually I take that back. He knows ecactly what he's doing. When you host a show like his on a network like that EVERY segment gets to be your own strawman argument. Bring on the most absurd people and pretend that they are the norm. Shout down every argument with aburdities and pretend you've won. Ignore every fact check and pretend you're always right.

Meanwhile the lemmings 


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10 hours ago, visionary said:


Tillerson knows he's talking about the Middle East, right?


There hasn't been regional stability there ever.


Iran being compliant is all people should have reasonably hoped for.  If someone expected this deal to magically make the Middle East into some stable group of loving countries...uh...so listen, I got this huge oil reserve to sell you, but I accept cash payments up-front only.

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