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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Just a point of order.  The original travel ban was for 90 days, and Trump said this time would be used to "figure out what the hell is going on.”  That was January 28th.  Is there any reason the administration has been unable to figure out what the hell is going on in the intervening seven and a half months?

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3 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

What kind of word salad is that?

Note on previous post. The U.S. Air Force is riddled with Christian Extremists, from the general staff right through to the academy.


It's not really what he said if you were referring to my post. I'm just making fun of Trump attempting to use go down the sovereignty road. 

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5 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Yeah, guys, let's not attack SHS on her looks.  There are a million things to attack her on, looks shouldn't be one of them.


4 hours ago, Larry said:

Maybe we should stop trying to defend an offensive practice by pointing at the other side.  



5 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Oh of course, but we have to remember that there are plenty of people who won't examine the record and see the massive difference in activity, and basically just equate conduct.


If we can rise above, we should.


Besides, with SHS, looks are not even the low hanging fruit.  There are about a million legit things to jump on that are also low hanging fruit with her.


It's just a lazy criticism; even after setting aside the hollow and mostly unfair nature of the attack, it's just lazy.  She can be conclusively established as a moronic propaganda spewer with her words from a single press conference, why even drag anything else into it?


Etc., etc......



Yeah, un huh, I hear ya, I get your points and I understand, etc., etc.,



Still thought it was pretty damn funny though

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8 hours ago, Hersh said:

"We must respect the sovereignty of other nations...unless we choose to bomb the every living **** out of them, in which case everyone else must respect us and our right as a sovereign nation to do that." -Trump


"Or if we decide to give someone else weapons so they can bomb the **** out of them"


 Cause we love doing that right now.


I think we call that "letting other people lead" or something


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