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Game Day Thread - Vikes at Redskins


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27 minutes ago, Vanguard said:


It's a four o'clock.

And eff the Cowboys

cool..Thank you Van and F' the cowboys : )

19 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

The only way the Cowboys don't win the NFC East is if they lose the rest of their division games and the Redskins end the season with an 8-game winning streak lol...Hey, could happen.

and it could!!

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Well the Thanksgiving game will be the telling factor. If Dallas wins it, I doubt we win the East.

Right now Dallas is riding high but they have to lose eventually; question is to who. Pitt isn't what they were, they're trending down, and the Ravens might give the Cowboys problems, but Dallas will not get far in the paloffs simply because of their youth; nerves will begin getting the best of them pretty soon; it always happens every time they play good ball, they fall apart at the most in-opportune times.

But we have a good shot at the paloffs, as long as we keep our cool, just play good enough to win, and for god's sakes please start looking for a different DC.

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15 hours ago, clskinsfan said:

If ZERO points allowed in the second half is mediocrity. I will take that mediocrity every week please.


15 hours ago, SWFLSkins said:


I would like to play the stone cold Vikes at home every week to. 


Hope you saw this clskinsfan......I think it was relevant to the convo.... We are about to face some uptick in competition that I don't think affords Barry the luxury of playing chicken to end the games. 

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16 hours ago, jschuck12001 said:

Your extremely condescending when you debate with others, as if your opinion is the law.  You need to lighten up Francis.



      16 hours ago, ConnSKINS26 said:

Your view of this is very myopic. 


Ok, had some time to let the adrenaline go out and reread. And my conclusion is that everyone deserved ever word.

The condescension some of you (not really meaning you jschuck - but you inserted yourself here). display - like the very comment above from connskins26 that started it all, is beyond belief. You are so sure you are right that no matter what happens - several of you take a very narrow view of what you see. You look at a single play or drive and say "See, I told you he sucks!". Talk about myopic! Then connskins26 says some BS about process over result. Well these are the same people that if we lose no matter how well anyone plays they say "but we lost!, That's all the counts!"

The team is 5-1-1 in the last 7 games. And it's not just because of the offense. In those 7 games - The d has held the opp to a total of 52 pts in the second half and we have been close in each one of those games going into the second half! In the 5 wins, that number is 15 pts and NO TDs! That's 3 pts a game in 5 gms! How is that looking at things myopically? Detroit was a bad gm - but really it was one bad drive - I agree a drive that was horrible. Bad play calling poor execution (that last TD pass was inches from being batted down though like Balt). Cinn is a very good football team. Yet even then when the STs missed a chance to win, the D got the ball back and gave the Off a chance to win!

We are no where near a finished product. But these guys are playing hard for Barry. And for the first time since Pettibone, when guys come off the bench, they are ready to play. He is just in the middle of his second year. He has 5 (maybe more) new starters from last year due to injury and I would say missing at least 2 maybe 3 players to really implement all of what he wants to do. Yet guys keep coming off the bench and making plays.

We may get torched next week, the next week after that. Maybe even the rest of the season - if that happens then we will see that it was short lived. But for right now it looks like Barry has the guys playing decent football - not great by any means but decent. Need more consistency. Today was the season in itself - 3 very good Qs and 1 really bad one. But they are getting better.

It seems some of you just cannot admit that maybe, just maybe the guy is pretty damn good coach. Sorry if the way I said it offended you and others but I really get tired of the constant trashing of the coaches and this team - even when we are winning!

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1 hour ago, SWFLSkins said:

Hope you saw this clskinsfan......I think it was relevant to the convo.... We are about to face some uptick in competition that I don't think affords Barry the luxury of playing chicken to end the games. 

Barry's defense has kept teams out of the end zone in the 2nd half in 5 of the last 7 games....not bad for a guy who never makes halftime adjustments lol...

15 2nd half points allowed in those 5 games. Had to edit this in because it's damn impressive.

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Alright guys! I made a short compilation of clips I caught from the game. Sorry for the shakiness but they were taking from 60+ yards downfield many times.



Some good shots

















Here's a Dropbox link to my pics from the game:



Raw videos (80 clips)


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15 minutes ago, zoony said:

Can someone tell me why there wasn't a 10 second run off at the end?

Someone - I think @NoCalMike posted, because there was a penalty. My thinking, was since we declined the penalty, there would be a run off still.

To me, penalty accepted or not, whichever - as it doesn't matter for my point, the door remains open for a team to get a virtual timeout if they commit a penalty first.  Line up offside, 15 men on the field, punt the ball into the stands and get a DOG; then fall on the ground - the coaches can trade 5 yds for a timeout.

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2 minutes ago, Stefanskins said:

even with the injury?

I think so, but I'm not sure. I was definitely screaming and shouting about a runoff at the time, but I'm pretty sure runoffs only occur when the clock is moving. 

The question I had in the moment, that I haven't been able to satisfactorily answer for myself, is should we have accepted the penalty? On the one hand, 4th and forever. On the other hand, they were in range for a hail marry. Backing them up gave them two downs, but moved the goal line to the edge of Bradford's range. Since they only had time for one completion (or two incompletions), I'd rather force them to complete it short (I think).

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8 minutes ago, Vilandil Tasardur said:

I think so, but I'm not sure. I was definitely screaming and shouting about a runoff at the time, but I'm pretty sure runoffs only occur when the clock is moving. 

The question I had in the moment, that I haven't been able to satisfactorily answer for myself, is should we have accepted the penalty? On the one hand, 4th and forever. On the other hand, they were in range for a hail marry. Backing them up gave them two downs, but moved the goal line to the edge of Bradford's range. Since they only had time for one completion (or two incompletions), I'd rather force them to complete it short (I think).


This is directly from the NFL rule book (I looked because I was screaming the same thing..:-) . I think this addresses the question. I bolded the part that I think applies.

Timing in Final Two Minutes of Each Half

  1. On kickoff, clock does not start until the ball has been legally touched by player of either team in the field of play. (In all other cases, clock starts with kickoff.)
  3. A team cannot buy an excess time out for a penalty. However, a fourth time out is allowed without penalty for an injured player, who must be removed immediately. A fifth time out or more is allowed for an injury and a five-yard penalty is assessed if the clock was running. Additionally, if the clock was running and the score is tied or the team in possession is losing, the ball cannot be put in play for at least 10 seconds on the fourth or more time out. The half or game can end while those 10 seconds are run off on the clock.
  6. I too wondered about taking the penalty. You give them 3rd and 27. I believe that with 11 secs the thought process is you could give them 2 plays now. If they pick up say 15 or 20 then they have 4th and 12 or 7 and more importantly they are much closer for a play to the EZ. All they need is 1 sec. You leave them at 4th and 17 and they only have one play and it really has to go to the EZ. So in effect it's 4th and 28 (They were at the 28 yard line). They have only one play. No room for error.

That's just a guess, but it's the best one I have :-)


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