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1 hour ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

What is this about a plank? 

Board of wood in the floor she was hiding the pictures of the cleanup crew she drew in each of her past lives.  They're setting the sympathy card up for when she's eventually going to kill someone.

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28 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Board of wood in the floor she was hiding the pictures of the cleanup crew she drew in each of her past lives.  They're setting the sympathy card up for when she's eventually going to kill someone.

I'm tired, I'm having a hard time understanding people lately. I thought there was something to do with a plank in the actual drawings. My mistake 

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On 10/25/2016 at 11:33 AM, Momma There Goes That Man said:

A theory is that the black hat guy that always wants to get his dick wet is actually the younger version of Ed Harris.

I'm enjoying the show.  I like the dual timeline theory, so I thought this article might interest you.  This guy is saying a popular theory is that Billy is the younger version of Ed Harris, and that episode 4 debunks it.  Anyway...



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On 10/18/2016 at 10:25 AM, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Interesting thoughts on Bernard/Charlie. I could see a swerve like that though I think the idea that Bernard is hoping for the possibility to recreate Charlie by seeing if any of the hosts, particularly Delores, can become conscious and alive. 

Regarding the kids, when Ford went into the park in Episode 2, a boy stumbled onto him. Based on their conversation it appeared to me the boy was a host. I actually thought based on their convo about their fathers being similar and Ford's strange attachment and looks at the boy, that the boy was Ford as a child, that he designed and put in the park whatever reason to be revealed. 

I kind of agree with you on the curtain being pulled back too quickly but also, I'm just not sure how much they could have stretched things out without it getting boring. There is still plenty of progress for Delores to make and mystery surrounding her that we don't know what will happen or when. Things are escalating and as long as the pacing works throughout the season and goes somewhere satisfying, I'm ok with it. I also think we will still be able to experience plenty of the park as we follow various guests throughout the season, similar to tonight with those accompanying Teddy. 

Also, i can't express enough how upset I am that this world doesn't exist. Not that I could afford $40,000 a day anyway but still. When they get ambushed in that shootout..that is a living videogame moment. I'd just die of happiness and fun. Easily worth the $40k if you had it. 

For $40k a day, you can set this up in a third world country and the locals would let you role play this **** with live bullets and sex with a robot. Although, the robot won't be a pretty one, likely one of those arm looking things that's used to assembled cars.

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1 hour ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Man in black? Because he wears all black? 

Im confused 

Its referring to "the man in black" in the article after you click the link.  But the link lists it out as: man black fan theories


6 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

Does that really say black man theories ???

Geez. Can we ...never mind. Enjoy the show. 


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**** is getting real.  Ed is getting close if Hopkins came to pay him a visit.  Seeing Marsden go into protection mode when Harris pulled out the knife was kinda freaky.  

What's the point of showing us the body clean up tech dude programming the bird?  They wouldn't have spent so much time on it if it won't be significant sometime.

Also, I might've missed something, but can the hosts kill a guest with their hands?  Because when they hijacked the explosives shipment, that one soldier was on his way to choking the jerk dude to death.  We know the guns hosts have are all blanks or paint rounds.

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It kinds supports the multiple timeline theory, in earlier version of the park guest could get seriously injured because the fail safe system isn't as stable.


There's also the weird train scene at the end where Delores was with William and the other guy but when they revealed the maze on top of the coffin it showed Delores alone. Like she's reliving something happened years ago.

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1 hour ago, youngchew said:

**** is getting real.  Ed is getting close if Hopkins came to pay him a visit.  Seeing Marsden go into protection mode when Harris pulled out the knife was kinda freaky.  

What's the point of showing us the body clean up tech dude programming the bird?  They wouldn't have spent so much time on it if it won't be significant sometime.

Also, I might've missed something, but can the hosts kill a guest with their hands?  Because when they hijacked the explosives shipment, that one soldier was on his way to choking the jerk dude to death.  We know the guns hosts have are all blanks or paint rounds.

I had the same question, I read in Reddit that they can't kill guests, but evidently, William was told in episode 2 that you can only get hurt "the right amount" and starting in the center of the park is simple and safe.  And the further you venture out the more intense the experience gets.  Logan is at the point of a more intense experience.

Also, remember William got shot by the host and said he thought they couldn't be shot and Logan responds that they can't get killed and it wouldn't be much of a game if they couldn't shoot back.



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Not sure what the end game is knowing Ed Harris is on his way to figure how to get out of there.  Are they going to let him leave or loop him at the end of the maze?  Can totally sense the ladies pulling an exmachina and using their human suckers to get out as well (just have to imagine escaping would be futile being how easy would be someone looking for them to figure out they aren't human).  Aren't they being tracked? Hopkins is making it seem like he's planning to use the hosts to stay in power, but aren't they in the middle of nowhere?  Who's to say is isn't a host, too, and part of the plot of the second movie replacing people with androids isn't the real end game?

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So many mysteries good grief it's hard to keep up with just the things you want to know. 

I feel like this episode all but confirmed the double timeline theory. It's just obvious with the differences in the park, the dialogue and the character roles. 

I feel like the conversations between William and Logan show that the most. Logan explains things almost like they are new, like how inwould explain something new or recent events, like when they do talk about Arnold. Now we also know through the Man in Black/Ford meeting that MIB had a hand in stopping Arnold somehow from destroying the park entirely. They're setting up to show what happened to Arnold in the season finale at the end of the Logan/William/Delores storyline. 

Additonally, while it was hard to tell at first because they just seemed to be different moments of awareness, there is a real difference in Delores with Bernard and MIB scenes and Delores with William. 

Also, Lawrence popping back up as a different character to me, completely proves that they are different timelines. It seems that El Lazzo or whatever is aware of the maze and will take them there or near it and MIB will remember this knowledge which is why he is drawn to find Lawrence even though he is repurposed. He wants to get back to that maze and find out what he missed out on 30 years ago, possibly by choosing to stop Arnold and not going through with what IMO Arnold wanted to do. It's also nice seeing him get pushed to that dark side. 

I saw a theory that Logan could die and that is an incident that causes them to make the park safer by also what pushes tourists and thrill seekers to it and saves it financially. In this scenario, William or his company/board with shareholders basically get the park's balls in a vice over the death and that's part of why the MIB is allows to do whatever he wants in the park. But check out the difference in the explosives used vs MIB having to get permission to light a match and cause a small blast to break out of jail. 

Im excited to see Delores go full badass and liberate this would. Won't end well for her though, she will be stuck in the world and clearly has her memory and awareness wiped clean. 

Also, I think Ford's new storyline will chase some type of mass event that will ice the bOard or allow him to take full control of the park 





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On 11/1/2016 at 5:56 PM, Renegade7 said:

Not sure what the end game is knowing Ed Harris is on his way to figure how to get out of there.  Are they going to let him leave or loop him at the end of the maze?  Can totally sense the ladies pulling an exmachina and using their human suckers to get out as well (just have to imagine escaping would be futile being how easy would be someone looking for them to figure out they aren't human).  Aren't they being tracked? Hopkins is making it seem like he's planning to use the hosts to stay in power, but aren't they in the middle of nowhere?  Who's to say is isn't a host, too, and part of the plot of the second movie replacing people with androids isn't the real end game?

I dont think the end of the maze is a "way out" in the physical sense that Delores will open a door at the end of the maze and then run free to some desert highway and be picked up by a tractor trailer with the end scene being her riding off into the sunset. They said the place where the glass wall examination rooms and repairs take place are underground and you never see any windows. The MIB talked about grabbing a shovel and digging. 

They used the word "world" a lot in the last episode. I think Westworld is its own planet. I get the feeling that Westworld takes place far into the future .. but that photo Delore's first father found of the lady in what looks like NYC looked like present day NYC Time Square. Who is that lady? What non AI character had a wife or daughter die? It would be interesting to see if that lady in the NYC photo has been replicated into an AI host. 


Momma - Further evidence your idea that Westworld is made safer, that there are at least 2 diff timelines going (I think 3) and explains the contradiction of why the hosts were able to practically choke Logan to death but we are also told they wouldnt hurt a fly. 

35 years ago in the timeline of white hat William and his new brother-in-law (before an event happened to make Westworld safer), the hosts were able to get very physical with guests but couldnt kill them. We saw William get shot and it actually hurt and left a mark. We saw Logan get his ass kicked and nearly choked to death. 

(Something happens 35 years ago that we havent seen yet, that makes them change the hosts so the guests cant get hurt at all -- either Logan dies or what ever Arnold did to try and destroy the world but he dies and the MIB says he saved Westworld form being destroyed by Arnold)

Present day with MIB in ep 1 -- host bullet fired at MIB just turns to vapor. 

I think its 100% that William and Logan narrative is taking place 35 years ago. That the MIB narrative is taking place present day. But this means that Delores was finding her self consciousness and self awareness 35 years ago and before Arnold died. That means that the conversations Delores is having with Bernard in secret took place 35 years ago. That means that Bernard is Arnold. That means that the present day Bernard that we see interacting with Dr. Ford is a clone of Arnold who "died" 35 years ago.   

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Since I have connected some dots, my mind is spinning out of control. I feel like I have the end game here. I dont know how to hide content but what I write below is my own original thought (so its probably wrong and not a spoiler anyway). 

Im trying to figure out why Dr. Ford is taking such an interest in giving Teddy a back story and why did the MIB save Teddy by using Lazo's blood? 

This is a love story. William fell in love with Delores 35 years ago during the time that Delores was realizing her self awareness and she was having secret discussions with Arnold when Arnold was still alive. Something 35 years ago happens that makes (1) delores gets rebooted and doesnt have self awareness anymore, doesnt remember anything about her love connection with William; (2) William turns to the MIB; (3) William "saves" Westworld; (4) Williams gets to do anything he wants afterwards.

The MIB (aka William) wants Delores to find her self awareness again so he can have that love connection he had w Delores 35 years ago. The MIB thinks the maze will lead him to discover how to get Delores back to being self aware (ie human). I think Dr. Ford is trying to change the narrative loop for Teddy and introducing Wyyat so that the MIB cannot trace "the steps William and Delores took 35 years ago". He is trying to disrupt a repeat of history. He is trying to disrupt the loop form 35 years ago. I have to wait and watch the future episodes to see "the steps William and Delores took 35 years ago" bc I honestly dont have any idea right now but I feel pretty confident that Dr. Ford is trying to erase the footprints that William and Delores made 35 years ago so that the present day William (MIB) cant retrace them. 

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23 minutes ago, Gamebreaker said:

I think that is very close to what the true mystery of this story is, but I don't know about Bernard being Arnold. Haven't they shown a picture of Arnold? He is white and Bernard is black. 

gosh dangit Gamebreaker i think you are right, i do vaguely remember seeing an old photo of Dr. Ford with another white guy ...... . . . well theres goes my theory re that. I still think the MIB is William wanting to help Dleores rediscover her self awareness in the MIB's hopes that he can continue his love connection w delores. 

edit - yup. dang. .. but that doesnt look like a young Dr. Ford like we saw before when HBO somehow made Anthony Hopkins look young. 


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Yeah, she has been dead on.

I have been thinking for some time now that the executive woman Bernard was banging is in fact an android.  There's been some foreshadowing of this - Bernard's comments on her having a tell(s), the fact that Ford knew her backstory in a bit too much detail.

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