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16 hours ago, NoCalMike said:


So for those of us who have watched it I want to try and brain storm on somewhere the story might end up going......



I really hope that isn't her goal, that just seems played out. Hoping she has something more creative or emotionally/ethically complex in mind with the big picture management stuff. I just don't have any ideas on what that would be yet. I want to know more about the present day world before theorizing. 

Regarding Ed Harris, I don't think there is any way you can establish a character as a hero of the show, even the secret/surprising protagonist, that rapes an innocent women after murdering her father in the first scene he is shown and it's implied he has been doing that to her for 30 years. He could have an arc where he becomes good but that can't be something in the works now.

I like the Ford theories. I think he definitely knows what is going on more than he lets on. These are his babies so to speak, I doubt he accidentally put software glitches or hiccups in their programming under the last patch by mistake. I think he is playing it out and experimenting, though to what end is hard to say. Him being an AI is fascinating


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And Angela Sarafyan is gorgeous.  Those eastern european features, man.  She'll probably be naked a lot in this show.  :)  I remember first seeing her in a StateFarm commercial LOL.  

She's got those "dead" blue eyes.  :o



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What did Jeff Wright say into the old dad robot before putting him back?  He whispered something in dad's ear that made him start crying as he walked back to his storage spot.  They appeared to be tears of joy,  maybe Wright gave him some kind of happy story about his daughter before shutting him down?

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On 10/4/2016 at 10:34 AM, youngchew said:

shoutout to Black Hole Sun on the piano, forgot to mention that. 

I meant to go back and watch.  I'm certain we'll find out next episode more about the outside world, but we don't really know when this takes place yet.  But didn't Wright say something about how they live in a time where disease has been eradicated and people can live forever???

You catch Paint it Black during the shoot out?

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WHAT IF. What if HBO is making the most massive play in TV history?

They have tons of recurring actors across TV shows. What if in 20 years it turns out HBO wasn't about individual shows but it's all one BIG show and they tie it all together in 20 years. 

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Watched the 1st episode twice. Enjoyed it more the 2nd time. Not that I picked up on much.Paused on that "map" to see if I could figure anything out. I love these HBO shows that seem so large. Only worry is they end it too soon like Rome or Carnivale because of costs.....AND it's not as popular as GoT. 

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1 hour ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:

AND it's not as popular as GoT. 

If that is their criteria, they will be canceling a lot of shows. GoT is an outlier and shouldn't influence their other shows. It is clear though, that Westworld could be the show set to take Thrones' place in 2 years as their flagship Sunday night program. 

I was listening to a podcast (The Watch) on this and they noted that people fell in love with the world of GoT. That every detail was thought out and exists for a reason and has a lore behind it, even the bread on a table in an inn. It's so fully realized with excellent characters that we can identify.

Westworld, while having very high production values and thought put into it like GoT, is more of an idea and philosophically complex rather than bringing viewers into a world of characters with a LotR esque story containing classical character archetypes. Westworld won't have the same type of characters because it is such a different story.

I wonder how long it can be fleshed out with some of those limitations. I'm not sure Ex Machina or Inception would have been nearly as great if told over 20 hours of programming. It's not a sprawling epic. Its a tightly focused story that can only go in so many directions before it either gets stale or jumps the shark,considering the majority of the stakes involved should take place within this fictionalized theme park. I'm very interested to see where they take this 

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I enjoyed the first episode.  I think this series will be great.  I'm skeptical of how many seasons they can go before it starts to get too repetitious.  I'm hoping they extend it past the walls of "Westworld".  I'll put this in spoilers for those that haven't seen the first episode yet.


So when the father/rancher finds the picture of the girl in the big city (NYC?) that was buried in the sand by the fence and obviously not located by the people running the park.  I'm hoping the AI evolves enough to eventually break out of there and infiltrate and blend into real society.  Taking it to an entirely different level.

If they keep it based strictly to the movie, I honestly can't see this making it past 2-3 seasons.  I mean Deadwood was awesome and only made it three seasons as far as westerns go.  Granted I know this isn't a traditional western, but if you have seen the movie, how many seasons can they put into it if they plan on ending it like the movie?

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1 hour ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

If that is their criteria, they will be canceling a lot of shows. GoT is an outlier and shouldn't influence their other shows. It is clear though, that Westworld could be the show set to take Thrones' place in 2 years as their flagship Sunday night program. 



These shows that are in other times cost a lot to make. So, they have a higher bar to hit for more seasons to be ordered. I read that Boardwalk Empire was "worried" about this and build a number of reusable sets to film, keeping the costs more moderate.

Season one of this show cost 100M. 1st episode took up 25% of that. Then the rest were much lower. It got great ratings too. Hopeful for a full run.

By the way, you can watch the 2nd episode early. It's online for people who are going to watch the debate.

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5 hours ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

they keep it based strictly to the movie, I honestly can't see this making it past 2-3 seasons.  I mean Deadwood was awesome and only made it three seasons as far as westerns go.  Granted I know this isn't a traditional western, but if you have seen the movie, how many seasons can they put into it if they plan on ending it like the movie?

I think it's only loosely based on the movie. I don't think they will shackle themselves by trying to stick to where that movie went and ultimately ended. 

As for your spoiler, that would be a bad idea IMO. Well at least to me, simply because I wouldn't care. I care about these characters as they are caught in this world. The strings being pulled and the layers being reveled to them while all the other storylines are going on is what intrigues me. Similar to the Truman Show. Once he was out and had t explained to him...the movie ends because that's just not as exciting or interesting 

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Violent delights have violent ends


its a line from Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence cautions Romeo that such intense passion and emotions he feels for Juliet burns itself up intensely and quickly. He counsels for more of a slow-burn love.


i think the show is twisting that line to speak more of the physical violence definition of the word as opposed to the intensity definition of Shakespeare.


nice touch.  As is the player piano rendition of Radiohead. Paranoid Android? Can't remember the exact song.

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What do we think Ford's new storyline is going to be? It appears that it will involve religion somehow. Wonder why the mystery and what he was doing so secretive there earlier in the episode. 

Also, think maybe they AI boy he was talking to was himself as a child, that he created? He seemed to have a familiarity and particular fondness toward him. Maybe he just is with all his creations. 

That Jesse James/Dharrio looking ****er just wanted to get his dick wet so bad lol. He was right, the park shows who you really are and it took all of 5 minutes for everyone to see he was an asshole. Don't like him. 

Ed Harris - I didn't love the Lawrence scene. Mostly because Lawrence didn't sell me. That was a bit of a downer. Ed Harris was awesome though and that shootout was great. That is like the greatest video game moment anyone could have. Just living Red Dead Redemption.

I can't express how much I love the video game aspect of this show. It's basically Grand Theft Auto fully realized for people to go and let loose their inner desires and frustrations of the real world. Im just not sure why any couple would allow their spouse to go and not realize they are going to cheat and not consider that cheating in the first place. 

Ed Harris and the maze. I was fairly right about him wanting to stay in this world. I wonder why the maze would be inside someone's scalp and how he would even know that to begin with. 

Marsden is 2/2 on deaths. We can do this! Every episode baby! 

What is it about Delores that makes her special compared to the others? She is obviously the first to begin retaining memories but there is more to her at this point not being revealed


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