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The "Gorilla" thread...


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There is footage online of the behavior of the gorilla. Yes, it was aggressive. Imagine the fallout if it ripped that kid limb from limb?

Exactly. That's why the zoo did the right thing.

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Totally different circumstances from the 1986 incident and today.


The gorilla in 86' didn't violently drag the child around the entrapment then prop him up between his legs.

Male gorillas have been known to perform elaborate displays when agitated. Whether the object is a branch, toy, or prey, they often slam and/or drag objects throughout their cage/domain.
The male silverback gorilla in 1986 was calm and eventually left the child alone.  
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Totally different circumstances from the 1986 incident and today.


The gorilla in 86' didn't violently drag the child around the entrapment then prop him up between his legs.

Male gorillas have been known to perform elaborate displays when agitated. Whether the object is a branch, toy, or prey, they often slam and/or drag objects throughout their cage/domain.
The male silverback gorilla in 1986 was calm and eventually left the child alone.  



I don't think the article was trying to use that as an argument for why it didn't need to be shot. They interviewed a zoo expert who said it still needed to be shot.

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So you agree with survival of the fittest ? 

Perhaps these animals are not meant to survive ? 

Perhaps some of them should have been extinct. 


Many, if not most of these animals can not survive in their natural habitat after being saved, so all we do (or at least try to do) is try to breed them to further their existence at all.


You have to accept both sides of this situation/reality.


Hell yeah, even if Hamrabe had never been in captivity there's a good chance that he would have been choked out by an anaconda or something.  Plus, apparently his sperm is stored somewhere.  Guess they had a machine for removing that too.  Doubt they have one of those in the jungle in Namibia. Think he wanted to give that up?

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Hell yeah, even if Hamrabe had never been in captivity there's a good chance that he would have been choked out by an anaconda or something. Plus, apparently his sperm is stored somewhere. Guess they had a machine for removing that too. Doubt they have one of those in the jungle in Namibia. Think he wanted to give that up?


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Has a single person in here said they shouldn't have shot the gorilla? I see people arguing for it, but I'm not sure why.

Hell, even I admit you have to shoot the gorilla, even though I hate it


I am so proud of your restraint. Didn't know you had it in ya. Ols
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Has a single person in here said they shouldn't have shot the gorilla? I see people arguing for it, but I'm not sure why.

Hell, even I admit you have to shoot the gorilla, even though I hate it

I am so proud of your restraint. Didn't know you had it in ya. Ols

Serious question. If an animal dies of old age or natural causes do you approve of using its remains by humans?

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Anyone know where you can get one of those?

pretty common, unless you need a gorilla specific one.

Do you need a gorilla specific one?

Serious question. If an animal dies of old age or natural causes do you approve of using its remains by humans?

depends I guess.

You realize that my issues are mostly with industrialized use of animals right?

If you are raising an animal for slaughter, I don't like it and think it's wrong (for me and don't want to be a part of it), but I still mostly respect it.

This also has nothing to do with this thread, unless you really want to eat that gorilla.

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so here is a better question. If that was your child would you jump in?

You never know until you are in that situation but I have to think I would. Unless I was the only parent with my other kid at the time.

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You'd have been reunited in heaven if you had.

I don't think male gorillas actually fight. I'm no Jane Goodall but I think they just like to beat their chest and act tough but really they are giant pussies. Kind of like Major Harris

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From everything I know about gorillas....and I don't know much....I think a grown up human would have a really good chance of surviving in that enclosure long enough for the staff to get him or her out. I don't think the gorilla would attack necessarily. And you could probably rope a dope for a while.


The issue never that the gorilla would intentionally the kid's his head off. The issue was that he would accidently rip the kid's head off.


Having said all that, I don't know what my instinct would be. I'm fairly certain that I would freeze for the first minute or so as I tried to process what the hell just happened.

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pretty common, unless you need a gorilla specific one.

Do you need a gorilla specific one?


I think I've told you all the story before about the time I hooked myself up the milking machine. Little did I know those things are set to 4 gallons and won't shut off before they reach that. Worst 30 months of my life.

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I think I've told you all the story before about the time I hooked myself up the milking machine. Little did I know those things are set to 4 gallons and won't shut off before they reach that. Worst 30 months of my life.

so you just want to slightly down size.
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so here is a better question. If that was your child would you jump in?

You never know until you are in that situation but I have to think I would. Unless I was the only parent with my other kid at the time.


I think I would've instinctively jumped in, and halfway down realize that we were both dead.  

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