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Zimmerman to auction gun that killed Trayvon Martin


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you can't be serious can you? The entire American prison system, was designed by the Quakers. It's to confine people. To keep unsafe people away from society. That's what every single jail and prison in America do. That's it.

First of all confinement, in and of itself, can be a punishment. If it's not done to protect the society (ie violent criminals), and it's not voluntary (rehabilitation), then by default it is a punishment.

Okay then, explain the high number of nonviolent drug offers in prison. Let's take away the dealers, so you can't argue protection of society. What about all the people in there just for possession? And if we were really interested in rehab, we would give them the choice of going to drug rehab (which is way more effective than jail.).

The answer of course is punishment. We punish these people as a means of deterrence. Deterrence is often the real key behind many incarcerations, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to deter without some means of punishment, if for nothing else then to create an example.

How is possession of any non lethal object possibly dangerous to society? Let's say possession of child porn? Not creaton, not dissemination, just simple possession. The answer is it doesn't directly harm society, it is just a means of deterrence.

Same thing for perjury, lying to a public official, etc etc. All of it is about deterrence. And the nosier the society, the more behaviors that need to be deterred (and therefore punished). It may eventually be illegal to watch porn, how do you think thats gonna happen but through deterrence/punishment. When the music industry **** a brick about Napster, they lobbied to get the justice system involved, and here is a hint, it wasn't to rehabilitate people to listen to less music.

We are absolutely punishment based society. All society requires some means of deterrence, and thru the inevitable use of punishment to establish said deterrence,or else its back to anarchy.

There is no such thing as a truely free society, a free society is an oxymoron. A justice system inherently requires some minimal means of punishment in order to deter some behaviors that may not be directly dangerous to society, but are still generally undesirable.

But we can be truer to our Quaker founding fathers by only using punishment as sparingly as possible, only enough to keep establish a deterrence of the most undesirable behaviors. That means truely preferring rehabilitation to deterrence/punsihment. Until we send more drug offenders to rehab than to jail, we ARE absolutely a punishment-based society.

But we instead have matched our increased nosiness with a preference for a quick fix of incarceration and punishment, over the sort of patience and care that rehabilitation requires. It truly concerns me that people like Koolblue13 continue to exist, because that means we are ignoring the fact that the state of thing is absolutely unsustainable. We have reached a critical mass in which our punishment based justice system is ROTTING our society much more than is rehabiliting in.

We have so abandoned the priniciple of rehabilitation over punishiment, that we now have extended the punishment beyond the incarceration period to include the rest of your ****ing life, at the total expense of rehabilitation. Having a felony means not only jailtime, it means you can't get a decent paying job in the future, it means you can't get federal loans to educate yourself (drug offenses), it means having to carry around a badge of shame so long as the public record is maintained. All of this feeds in to the cycle of poverty that leads to crime that leads us back to incarceration.

1/3 of black males will be incarcerated. Many go in for nonviolent offenses, and leave as hardened criminals, or worse yet Muslim. Do you really think that story will end well? And yet, amazingly, we still have people saying no-no really, we are not punishment based socity, we are ruining these people's lives to rehabilitate them. Wow.

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I'll be going to throw up now.  :angry:

Yeah...he got enough money to blow through about 6 months. He'll give nothing to "any cause", and the final "piece" will be in some other idiot's possession.

Count on it...<your deity here> will take care of what it should. It's just going to be slow & painful for Trayvon's parents...and that is a level of sadness that no one should know.

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  • 2 months later...

Couple of more stories about the same incident with a few more details. 





Witnesses said they overheard Zimmerman say to someone, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” Witness said Zimmerman also showed his identification card.

The man accused of punching Zimmerman could face charges. His name has not been released.

*click link for more* 


Orlando Sentinel has what seems the most info. 




Zimmerman said he was ordering food at Gators Riverside Grille Sunday evening when he walked by a table with several people and complimented a man’s Confederate flag tattoos, according to the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office.

The man, Joseph Whitmer, thanked him and asked, “aren’t you that guy?” Zimmerman said yes and pulled out his ID to prove who he was, a report shows.

Whitmer asked about the Trayvon Martin case and as Zimmerman started to explain that he fatally shot the unarmed teen in self-defense, another man walked up and asked, “You’re bragging about that?”

Zimmerman told that man he wasn’t but the man said “you better get the [expletive] out of here,” a report shows. Zimmerman told deputies he went back to his table where several of his friends were eating.

Several Witnesses told deputies a slightly different version. about what happened. Whitmer’s wife said Zimmerman approached them while they were eating and said “Hey, I like your racist tattoos,” records show.

He then told them about killing Trayvon “to brag,” a report states.

Another witness who was at Whitmer’s table said he also asked Zimmerman to leave their table. He said he had an issue after “Zimmerman came to his table and proceeded to brag about how he was the one who killed Trayvon Martin,” an incident report states.




*Click Link For More* 

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"Zimmerman said he was ordering food at Gators Riverside Grille Sunday evening when he walked by a table with several people and complimented a man’s Confederate flag tattoos, according to the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office.

The man, Joseph Whitmer, thanked him and asked, “aren’t you that guy?” Zimmerman said yes and pulled out his ID to prove who he was, a report shows.
Whitmer asked about the Trayvon Martin case and as Zimmerman started to explain that he fatally shot the unarmed teen in self-defense, another man walked up and asked, “You’re bragging about that?”
Zimmerman told that man he wasn’t but the man said “you better get the [expletive] out of here,” a report shows. Zimmerman told deputies he went back to his table where several of his friends were eating.
Several Witnesses told deputies a slightly different version. about what happened. Whitmer’s wife said Zimmerman approached them while they were eating and said “Hey, I like your racist tattoos,” records show.
He then told them about killing Trayvon “to brag,” a report states.
Another witness who was at Whitmer’s table said he also asked Zimmerman to leave their table. He said he had an issue after “Zimmerman came to his table and proceeded to brag about how he was the one who killed Trayvon Martin,” an incident report states."
":I'm sorry, but this news story clearly is fabricated," said Encyclopedia Brown.  "And I can prove it."
there is no way Zimmerman has "several" friends.
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You kidding? Zimmerman is a damn celebrity. Right wingers, racists, and gun nuts raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for his legal defense to thank him for killing that dangerous black kid. He's got plenty of friends and they all suck.



Muh joke.   You wrecked muh joke.

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Y'all ever take a life or watch a murderer lose his?

It's wrong. I think our courts failed us. He should be in prison, but we're not a punishment based society.

To be fair, testimony (and FL law) proved it to be a lawful action. However, his actions, post-trial, are despicable, if you believe some of these stories to be true (I do).

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To be fair, testimony (and FL law) proved it to be a lawful action. However, his actions, post-trial, are despicable, if you believe some of these stories to be true (I do).



Slight quibble.   What he did was not "proved" to be lawful.   The state failed to meet its burden to prove that Zimmerman committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt (in no small part because there were no witnesses remaining other than Zimmerman himself).  Doesn't mean that what he did was lawful (to this date we can't even be sure what happened).   It just means that the State didn't have enough evidence to punish him.   


Yeah, it's nitpicking.  

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Slight quibble. What he did was not "proved" to be lawful. The state failed to meet its burden to prove that Zimmerman committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt (in no small part because there were no witnesses remaining other than Zimmerman himself). Doesn't mean that what he did was lawful (to this date we can't even be sure what happened). It just means that the State didn't have enough evidence to punish him.

Yeah, it's nitpicking.

That's fair.

Actually, the case turned when the state's star witness, Rachel Jentel (she was a piece of work), testified. She went a long way towards helping the defense. For those that don't remember, she was the girl on the phone with Trayvon the night Zimmerman was following him.

Another key part of the case that couldn't be proved, was whose voice (Martin's or Zimmerman's) was heard screaming on the 911 call. Both moms testified that it was their son's. But the expert couldn't definitively say whose it was.

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