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WP: Two U.S. Navy boats in Iranian custody but crew will be returned ‘promptly’


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Sounds like a non-issue.


US and Iranian version of events are the same, the sailors accidentally eventered Iranian water, were detained, questioned and released with their equipment in a pretty reasonable amount of time.  I'd expect our country to do the same thing if another nation's military accidentally entered US waters.


I'm sure someone will somehow spin this to tell us about how weak/brilliant Obama is.

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Video shows American sailor apologizing for Iran incident
A video aired Wednesday by Iranian state television shows an American sailor apologizing for entering Iranian waters, an embarrassing development for a U.S. administration trying to paint the service members' quick release as a diplomatic victory.
"It was a mistake. It was our fault. And we apologize for our mistake," said the U.S sailor, who was identified by Iran's Press TV as the commander. "It was a misunderstanding. We did not mean to go into Iranian territorial waters. It was a mistake. It was our fault. The Iranian behavior was fantastic while we were here. We thank you very much for your hospitality and your assistance."
It is not clear from the video -- which also shows the lone female sailor wearing a head covering in accordance with Islamic tradition -- that the sailor was speaking voluntarily, and U.S. officials have not yet said under what circumstances the apology was delivered. A spokesman for Secretary of State John Kerry has made it clear he has not apologized to Iran.
The sailors were released Wednesday to the American naval fleet in the Persian Gulf after being captured by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Tuesday. Iranian authorities let the 10 detained sailors go free after determining that their vessels' entry into Iranian waters Tuesday was unintentional.
Earlier Wednesday, the country's semi-official FARS News Agency, citing a statement from Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps, said the sailors were released "after they extended an apology."
The statement went on to say, "The Americans have undertaken not to repeat such mistakes."



“After it became clear that the U.S. combat vessels’ illegal entry into the Islamic Republic of Iran’s waters was the result of an unintentional action and a mistake and after they extended an apology, the decision was made to release them,” the Revolutionary Guard’s statement said.


“The Americans have undertaken not to repeat such mistakes,” it added. “The captured marines were released in international waters under the supervision of the IRGC Navy.”


But State Department spokesman John Kirby said there was “zero truth” to reports of a formal U.S. apology, citing only Kerry’s expression of thanks to Iranian officials.


“Nothing to apologize for,” Kirby wrote in a tweet.

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Iran right-wing newspapers have captured US sailors on front pages, headlines on 'release after apology'
3:43 PM


Iran reformist newspapers also have captured US sailors on front pages, headlines on 'boats diplomacy,' dialogue
5:35 PM





Some more footage and photos of arrest of the sailors, serving of food, and apology.


https://twitter.com/Hassanvand/status/687323238368735232eating food






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Damn, there was hardly any time to criticize Obama about this.



But oh, they tried...


- "The fact that [the capture] happened is a direct consequence of the weakness of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy," said Ted Cruz,


"If our sailors aren't coming home yet, they need to be now. No more bargaining. Obama's humiliatingly weak Iran policy is exposed again," said Jeb Bush


"Hey Iran, you have exactly 300 days left to push a U.S. president around. Enjoy it while you can. After that, there will be hell to pay," tweeted Joe Scarborough.




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So these guys wandered off course got picked up by Iran's version of the coast guard. The Iranians questioned them, fed them, and held them over night before releasing them and their equipment unharmed a total of 16 hours later.

What should have been done differently?

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So these guys wandered off course got picked up by Iran's version of the coast guard. The Iranians questioned them, fed them, and held them over night before releasing them and their equipment unharmed a total of 16 hours later.

What should have been done differently?


it should have been done in 30 minutes or less


or something

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  • 5 months later...


U.S. sailors divulged sensitive information while held by Iran: Navy


U.S. sailors who blundered into Iranian waters in January divulged sensitive information to their captors while held at gunpoint by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a U.S. Navy report said on Thursday.


It said some of the 10 crew members gave away capabilities of their vessels, one of them disclosing his vessel's potential speed and suggesting it was on a "presence" mission to demonstrate U.S. military power in the Gulf.


The incident, which embarrassed the United States, rattled nerves days before implementation of a U.S.-nuclear accord between Iran and world powers negotiated by the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama.


"It is clear that some, if not all, crew members provided at least some information to interrogators beyond name, rank, service number and date of birth," the report said.


The report redacted names, but the Navy last week identified the commander of the boats' task force as Captain Kyle Moses and said he had been relieved of his command. In May, the Navy fired Eric Rasch, commander of the squadron that included the sailors.


The report said two people had faced administrative action and it recommended action on six others.


The Navy report blamed the incident on poor planning, leaders who did not properly consider risks, and complacency, a lack of oversight and low morale. The sailors were traveling in two vessels to Bahrain from Kuwait.

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