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University of Minnesota student government votes against annual 9/11 rememberance citing fears of Islamophobia


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What in the hell? 


Just an FYI, this is not an old news story. These kids voted on this after the tragedies in Paris. 


“The passing of this resolution might make a space that is unsafe for students on campus even more unsafe,” said Algadi, “Islamophobia and racism fueled through that are alive and well.”
Algadi added that holding a moment of recognition over a tragedy committed by non-white perpetrators could increase racist attitudes on campus, asking, “When will we start having moments of silence for all of the times white folks have done something terrible?” - David Algadi








These are the same kids who petitioned Minnesota Dem Betty McCullom to ban our team from playing the Vikings at TCF Bank Stadium last year. 


I guess we shouldn't expect much from a state that elected Jesse Ventura, Michelle Bachman, and Al Franken. 




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Having not been in college now for 16 years (so pre 9/11)..do all or most colleges hold a campus wide observance for 9/11 (well, at least the ones that have started before 9/11 each year)?


edit..also I think the student body government is misguided in thinking that this observance would promote fear/backlash/violence. Does the Holocaust Rememberance Day that occur on most campuses spread a backlash? Or are the two not really comparable?

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Nothing to see here folks, just an extremely rare instance of some lone nut making an outrageous comment that being blown way out of proportion by the right wing media.  :)  



The much more vocal, and supported, opposition was the argument that it could spread fear of Islam, he said. They’re not allowed to applaud but they can snap to indicate agreement, he said. “Mr. Algadi’s [question], ‘Why aren’t we recognizing the millions of people who died in the war on terror?’ got a lot of snapping and general indications of support from people in forum.”


I've never been to a gathering where snapping replaced applause.  Now that I know they exist, I want to be there when the snapping rises and watch the speaker pause to allow the raucous snapping to subside. 

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Nothing to see here folks, just an extremely rare instance of some lone nut making an outrageous comment that being blown way out of proportion by the right wing media.  :)  





But I feel like getting outraged at some random bit of internet news today.  This will have to do.

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Nothing to see here folks, just an extremely rare instance of some lone nut making an outrageous comment that being blown way out of proportion by the right wing media.  :)  


I agree, but I also remember thinking the same thing about a few Mizzou students complaining about Thomas Jefferson's statue and chalked up the story to the outrage machine. A week later and... you know the rest.

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This seems like a common thread in schools nationwide. Hyper-liberalism on college campuses. Bill Maher and I believe John Oliver have mentioned it recently. I'm a liberal, and I'm pretty "common sense PC", but it's getting outrageous. It's at the point now where any little innocuous comment gets backlash and shamed on college campuses.


Relax kids. Get the stick out of your ass and let a little common sense in on occasion.

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I've never been to a gathering where snapping replaced applause.  Now that I know they exist, I want to be there when the snapping rises and watch the speaker pause to allow the raucous snapping to subside. 



Actually snapping instead of applause is how they did it at all of my kids schools.   The idea is that it moves things along better - you can show approval without drowning out the speaker and making them restart over and over.   It's not really a PC thing.  

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Actually snapping instead of applause is how they did it at all of my kids schools.   The idea is that it moves things along better - you can show approval without drowning out the speaker and making them restart over and over.   It's not really a PC thing.  

Are you sure it's not to make sure those afflicted with one-handedness are included too?

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