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Most Iconic Photo Representing the US.


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Unless you believe it was fake in which case, that photo may still accurately Describe humanity

It was a librul socialist program. That money would have been much better off spent on bombs and prisons.

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.....  And then I considered the picture of the firefighter carrying the dead or dying toddler following Oklahoma City.  Maybe the most powerful picture I've ever seen.  Still a punch to the gut every time I see it.  It works for this topic on a certain level, and maybe you can't really represent the US without allowing for pain .....



You ever been to the site and how wonderfully well they've done the OKC memorial/ museum?


The museum is like a time frame of the whole day as you walk round starting from folk rising and going into work to the awful act of McVay's destruction that followed.  Incredibly emotional as you can imagine but incredibly poignant, respective and dignified the way they've done it. You culminate in a room with all the pictures of the dead, which lead to one of the most moving experiences to something that I have no real connection to in my entire life. I had to step out as the pictures of the young kiddies who were in the day care centre got to me, and there was another lady in floods of tears who'd done the same and I naturally offered her a shoulder. It turned out she was a paramedic on call on that morning and this (2009) was the very first time she'd ever been back to those few blocks in downtown OKC. We just hugged and cried. Two strangers, one with no connection. One with EVERY connection and memory's that will haunt her for ever. Incredibly moving experience. 


Well worth the visit to anyone that happens to be passing through OKC. They've done a real fine job. 



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Well all the obvious good ones are already taken....






America celebrates youth, and compared to other countries is still relatively young.  America celebrates ideas and idealism.  America celebrates positivity, good looks and charm.  America is quick to hold up heros and make demigods out of public servants.  


America also has an ugly, dark part of it's past and has issues that it'd like to sweep under the rug.  America has also lost a lot of great men and women prematurely due to violence.  America, at times, has been strongly united and strongly divided.


I can't think of anyone else who could probably sum up all of these things and represent them better than JFK (well, perhaps his brother).  There are a lot of images of him I could have selected but for some reason this one struck me the most.

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I was thinking of the Hoover Dam (which I have been to also) I guess probably embedded in those stories is also the difficulties, injuries, and deaths that come with a great fete... which is also part of an iconic American story. All of them, include struggle and some tragedy mixed in with the triumph.


I finally visited Hoover Dam last year and was genuinely wowed at what an amazing engineering marvel it really is.  It's probably the closest thing thing the US has created that would rival the pyramids (honestly, it might outdo the pyramids-- the pyramids were just some pharaoh's ego-driven version of Jerry Jone's stadium).  In terms of working together, innovation, architecture, and engineering it would probably have to be best example of what our country is capable of accomplishing.

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If, like me, you are an Episcopalian, you probably know who this man is. If you don't, then allow me to introduce to you the Rt. Rev. Bishop Curry, currently the Bishop of North Carolina. Bishop Curry was elected over the weekend, by a wide margin, to be the next Presiding Bishop of The Protestant Episcopal Church. He blew away the other three candidates on the first ballot.


Curry, a firey, progressive and kindhearted man (who I've heard preach in person), will be the first, black Presiding Bishop (the head of the church and equal to that of The Bishop of Cantebery, one of the oldest Christian primates in the world). This is no small feat. Curry will head a church that was, and to a degree, still is, a symbol of white, male, protestant privledge in our republic. When you think of uptight, snobby, country club types that put up signs like "no Jews and no Catholics" in front of their establishments, they were usually Episcopalians. Episcopalians have a history of pledging their support to the poor, the opressed and the needy, on Sunday mornings and spending the next 6 days and 23 hours completely ignoring them.


Curry is a black man of faith, representing a southern diocese that played no small role in the Church's complacency with slavery and segregation, who will, beginning November 1, represent a church that has, gradually, become an inclusive place, making good on old promises, promises that were once hollow and are now being fulfilled. He succeeds the church's first female Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Katherine Schori. He will be at the head of a church that, after fully accepting openly gay parishoners in 1976, revised our marriage laws today to include same-sex couples. He will be the head of a church that once enjoyed immense prestige and power, a church that was basically the national church of this republic, but now sees parishes closing and many other parishes hanging on by a thread. In him, though, millions are hoping for a revival of spirits and morale, and he's just the man to do it.


Presiding Bishop Elect Michael Curry greeting his, soon to be, flock. The next head of The Episcopal Church. If this photo doesn't represent America, where its been and where many of us hope its headed, I don't know what photo does.

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Did someone say Beach Boys?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I have 15 paragraphs on Dennis Wilson that I'm sure everyone is very eager to read. Allow me to prepare myself emotionally.

Paragraph 1- worst drummer in the history of music

What were the other 14 paragraphs about?

Wow was he bad. Made Ringo look like Buddy Rich

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As the son of a WWII veteran, I'm in awe of what that generation gave to this country. So to me the American spirit is captured by this photo: Young American men* from all walks of life - rich, poor, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians -  walking into the proverbial "Valley of Death" to come to the aide of their European brethren in their time of need. 


The world today would be a much different place if they hadn't succeeded. 


*The women from that era deserve just as much praise - for their time in the military supporting the troops, back home in hospitals carrying for the wounded (my mom was one of those nurses), or in the factories keeping the country running while the men were at war. 



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That's a great choice, Goskins. My friend Ellouise and I were just talking about WWII. Last year, she introduced me to Harry Catchpole. I got a chance to interview him when he was 100 years old and he was still sharp. Harry was one of Eisenhauer's Clerks and helped type up the plans for D-Day. One of the first to ever see and read them. He also saw many of the boys go off and joined them on Omaha Beach when the Generals got there.


I mostly kept his story clean. I didn't feel like I had the right to edit. Was so glad to be able to archive this story. He was given an honor flight recently and died a little while after. Truly impressive and cool guy.

Not an iconic image... buy pretty iconic story.




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