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ESPN: Colin Kaepernick goes off on Twitter follower who called out the 49ers QB


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Colin Kaepernick goes off on Twitter follower who called out the 49ers QB

For the second straight week, a high-profile-yet-embattled NFL quarterback got into it with a fan on Twitter.



This time it was San Francisco 49ers signal-caller Colin Kaepernick. It started when he posted this Wednesday afternoon:


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If RGIII had done this it would be the lead story on ESPN.

I think Kap was totally right in his response although I suspect a better policy for all pro athletes would be to ignore the trolls and morons, very little good comes from engaging with them in any context.

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What do you mean by "here"? Are you talking about Extremeskins? 


No as in the world, here....the way that people reacted to Griffin doing the same thing Kaperduck just did is shocking. If it was wrong to do, and a big deal then one guy they like shouldn't be excused for it while the other is crucified for the same thing. Not here as in this forum, in general

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No as in the world, here....the way that people reacted to Griffin doing the same thing Kaperduck just did is shocking. If it was wrong to do, and a big deal then one guy they like shouldn't be excused for it while the other is crucified for the same thing. Not here as in this forum, in general


Okay, thanks for the clarification.  I agree.

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Interesting the mostly positive feedback he got, yet RG3 was almost universally slammed for doing the exact same thing, and yet RG3 was much more respectful than Kaepernick in his responses.


I thought the same thing. Kaepernick called the guy an idiot. He insulted him. And even if the guy deserved it, Kaepernick was disrespectful back. RG3 did not insult the guy who came after him. He just responded and this was the lead story everywhere.


I also agree with other sentiments that so many people are big and tough behind a computer. Players need to realize that and just start ignoring them. Nothing good comes from responding. Well, unless you Kaepernick apparently.

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And herein lies the problem with this fanbase lmao

It's not just this fan base, but our society in general.  It is sickening and troubling how people that are seen as being successful are allowed to get away and/or excused for behavior or transgressions that somehow are not acceptable for people who have less success. So much for all men being created equal, huh?  If it is wrong, distasteful, disgusting, rude, or in anyway no seen as acceptable by social standard for one person to do something, then it should be that way for any/everyone who does it. Period. 

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It's not just this fan base, but our society in general.  It is sickening and troubling how people that are seen as being successful are allowed to get away and/or excused for behavior or transgressions that somehow are not acceptable for people who have less success. So much for all men being created equal, huh?  If it is wrong, distasteful, disgusting, rude, or in anyway no seen as acceptable by social standard for one person to do something, then it should be that way for any/everyone who does it. Period. 



First of all I agree.  With the caveat that respect is earned and often by performance.  That said I think Kaep should study more.  He's not that good of a QB and to come back with the fact he makes so much money, or studied 2 hours is silly something like 50% of NFL players declared bankruptcy or divorced within three years of playing.    Even guys who play for a long time like Brunell go bankrupt. Kap should realize his gifts were from God and be thankful.   RG3 gets that. 


Kap's responses showed he got pissed, 3 tweets one like 20 minutes later-- it reminds me of some of the responses to the #fakewatchbusta 

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