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The Official "Marvel" Thread (Movies,Comics etc)


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Did you stay after credits

Came out at 9:45 after 7 pm start. Line for regular non three d was so long lol. Just walking by everyone as I was leaving

What a ****ing awesome movie but you don't have to ****ing put the location using the full screen. Put it at the bottom. And in smaller text. My goodness man. Just blocking everything lol

Yeah I liked the mid and post credits scenes.

And I agree about the locations haha that was unnecessary

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Really liked the movie. 


Gonna avoid spoilers. 


Thought the mid credits scene was pretty good.  The one at the end was lame, IMO.  But maybe if I knew more about it, it might have had more significance. 


The way they ended it, IMO, I was kinda disappointed.  But I also thought that it was probably more believable. 


And, like with many of the Marvel movies, I was seriously impressed with how much of each character they managed to get in.  They had like a dozen major characters, some of them were even new, and each of them had at least a few really good lines. 

Edited by Larry
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Really enjoyed it. Random thoughts

They did a great job handling so many characters.

Spiderman and Panther were both great and make me hungry for their own movies.

Antman was perfect.

That look from Falcon and Bucky was just on point.

It felt natural for Stark and yet Sooooo 180 from him in the first two movies, which is a good accomplishment. Tony's ego mixed with self pity is a nasty combination.

My favorite speech from the comics was introduced in a way that made sense, but saddened me that it didn't feel as it if had nearly the same impact and memorability.

That's one character who's rack I never expected to think was nice.....

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They did such a good job balancing everything in this one. Lots of moving pieces, but it never felt crowded IMO.


agree with the rest, Black Panther and Spider-Man were great. I wasn't all-in on Boseman as Black Panther, but he played it perfectly. Love that scene when one of Panther's Dora Milaje stepped to Widow. Black Panther's solo film is one i'm looking forward to the most right now, Ryan Coogler + Boseman are going to kill that movie


lots of potential for Holland as Spider-Man


Ant-Man was great as well, I'll really need to see his solo film


I'm definitely seeing this one again.



edit: the crowd was great in my theater. makes a big difference with a film like this 

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It was good... 15 mins too long... Panther was the badass and his scene chasing cap America and the soldier and all of them out running cars was awesome.

Spiderman was ok but the kid looked like a 6 th grader, aunt may is hotter in Spiderman 1... Jk... I think stark hit that hard in the end credits scene.

The vision is so odd with that makeup and big eyes and the young Robert Downey was almost as disturbing as weeny Steve Rogers.

Overall it was fun as hell.

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That was my thought too. I was like, who the hell is she? Obviously not aunt May, and then bam, she was.

Tomei, sign me up right now. I had all the same thoughts Stark did


Iron man whooped that ass. Went 2 on 1 and kicked both asses basically until a cheap shot at the end.

Captain America pissed me off a bit in this movie. I just felt like he was purposely being obnoxious about the whole thing. If he thinks nobody should be able to check them and they could be pawns for the UN, then eventually they could just not listen to the UN when that time comes, like he wants to do initially by not signing. But he could have played along at the start.

Also, letting the entire Avengers destroy each other practically instead of explaining the situation and rallying the troops wasn't very leader like.

Finally, did I miss or forget in another movie where is showed Cap knowing what happened to Stark's parents? That was straight out of left field for me. And how did that Slovokian dude have any idea that the Winter Soldier could have potentially killed Stark's parents and he'd be able to create this divide amongst them? He's just a regular dude right, why would he even know about what the winter soldier was doing in 1991.

I loved the movie. Including the end credit scene, even if it was a little ho-hum.


Zemo knew about Howard Stark's death from the files that Widow uploaded to the internet. What I was curious about was at the end when Zemo is talking to the CIA and he says "Was it?" in regards to their claim he went through all that and failed. Was that just in reference to what happened or was it a play to weaken the Avengers prior to a bigger player entering the fray such as Thanos?

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Finally, did I miss or forget in another movie where is showed Cap knowing what happened to Stark's parents? That was straight out of left field for me.

In Cap 2, when Zola was explaining Hydra's scheme, it was revealed that they were behind his parents death. But they didnt say it was Winter Soldier that did it, that’s why Cap said he didnt know Bucky was the actual assassin.

As for how the Zemo guy knew, I think he figured it out after Widow put Hydra's files on the net. I think they might've mentioned that. Cuz dude said something about the files being encrypted but he was able to uncover some stuff.

Edited by justice98
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That's right I remember him talking about the files that Widow put out now. I forgot about that stuff in TWS happening with Cap too.

Interesting that Stark didn't stumble upon those and try to decrypt them himself

Thanks guys.

I loved the movie. Including the end credit scene, even if it was a little ho-hum.

Zemo knew about Howard Stark's death from the files that Widow uploaded to the internet. What I was curious about was at the end when Zemo is talking to the CIA and he says "Was it?" in regards to their claim he went through all that and failed. Was that just in reference to what happened or was it a play to weaken the Avengers prior to a bigger player entering the fray such as Thanos?

i interpreted it as him believing that he both got them to fight and also likely crippled the Avengers, for whatever might next threaten them. I doubt he knows anything about Thanos, unless I misunderstood you

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Pretty good movie. I thought the fight scene was a little imbalanced though. War Machine was basically worthless while Spiderman was 2v1-ing.

Elizabeth Olsen though.... *drool*

War Machine has been useless for about 5 movies now. He's basically the head secret service member and that's it.

SpiderMan has to have a big debut. But it was noteworthy that he basically got beat to the point he couldn't continue as well while everybody else kept fighting

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War Machine has been useless for about 5 movies now. He's basically the head secret service member and that's it.

SpiderMan has to have a big debut. But it was noteworthy that he basically got beat to the point he couldn't continue as well while everybody else kept fighting

And Vision basically disappeared during the fight. Where did he go to? Loved the Star Wars reference also.

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That was a lot of work just to try get them to not be able to work together going forward.  You'd have to believe they'd reconcile if another major baddie showed up.  Overall, I liked it.  The "primary" villain's motives and efforts just felt a little too far of a stretch to help set up more of the conflict (very Batman vs Superman-esque).  The Accords had already gone into effect by the time the villain really started getting involved to try to make the divide permanent.

Pretty good movie. I thought the fight scene was a little imbalanced though. War Machine was basically worthless while Spiderman was 2v1-ing.


 That's because nobody really wanted to fight each other (outside of Black Panther and eventually Tony).

Edited by Renegade7
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And Vision basically disappeared during the fight. Where did he go to? Loved the Star Wars reference also.

Yeah Vision was mostly just trying to prevent people from Hurting each other it seemed to me, that's why he was missing for most of the fight.

Loved the Star Wars reference too. "How old is this kid Tony?" "I didn't carbon date him but he's young" lol

That was a lot of work just to try get them to not be able to work together going forward. You'd have to believe they'd reconcile if another major baddie showed up. Overall, I liked it. The "primary" villain's motives and efforts just felt a little too far of a stretch to help set up more of the conflict (very Batman vs Superman-esque). The Accords had already gone into effect by the time the villain really started getting involved to try to make the divide permanent.

Obviously there are a ton of conveniences that had to happen for the plot to work. Like how Zemo knew even after the winter soldier was captured which of the multiple prison bases he would be taken to, how he would possibly be accepted as the interrogator and how he ever knew that Iron Man would ever show up at the snow base to see the movie of TWS killing his parents. It could have just been Cap and TWS that showed up in which case, he was totally screwed

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Question with spoiler***** don't read if u haven't seen*******

So after seeing the video Iron man asks captain America if he knew that the winter soldier was responsible..... He responded yes..?

I must have missed how cap am knew that... The wife and I both were puzzled.... Can anyone elaborate?

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USS Redskins,

(I was on mobile and brain farted how easy it was to use spoiler tags... so I came back and cleaned this post up) 

There was a scene from Winter Soldier, when Rogers and Black Widow find the computerized Zola. He explains that HYDRA assasinated people, and there is a picture of Stark. I think this is why Cap said, he knew HYDRA did it but didnt realize it was specifically Bucky.


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