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DS: London Fletcher: DC Jim Haslett "Clueless" w/ video


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I'll admit it, I've been somewhat of a Haslett supporter on here, meaning that while I never thought he was a defensive guru, I didn't think that he was as awful as most on here. But after hearing Fletcher, who was the consummate pro and teammate that never missed practices or games, I have to heed his words. The guy was not only a great player for a long time, but a very smart one, and he saw first hand for four years how Haslett operated. I wouldn't necessarily believe any former Haslett players if they were to say the same things because of the "sour grapes' factor. But I wouldn't think that Fletcher has any reason to be so bitter toward Haslett and his bad mouthing of him makes me think that his comments are more than likely spot on.

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So Fletcher would change the call on the field and then when Haz asked why he made the change London would tell him "because it was dumb"? 

I knew it! Fletch was the reason we were so bad, not Haz. Haz would call the correct play and then #59 would change it. Now that #59 and Shanahan are gone we need to give Haz a 20 year extension before someone snatches him up now that we know he really WASN'T the reason we sucked.

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I, for one, am glad Fletcher came out and said this.

Its what we have been saying all along but as usual Haslett remains the DC.  5 freaking years of one of the worst D's in the league.  5 years of us yelling at our TV screens wandering why our DBs our playing 10 yards off on a 3rd and 2.  It just shows how ridiculously clueless he really is.

I can only pray we get a better coach and a GM that doesnt hire his friends.  What a mess.

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We don't have to talk in generalities.


We know who the relevant players are.  Who left the Redskins where you say that team really got a discount because he looked bad on the Redskins?


Who is the Redskins defensive player that went on and out played his contract?


Would have Andre Carter gotten a better deal if it wouldn't have been for Haslett after he got cut because he didn't appear to be a good 3-4 OLB as a Redskin even though that appeared to the league's take on him after years as a 49er?


Is that the claim?


That the single year of him playing 3-4 OLB under Haslett hurt his future earnings even though word on him coming from SF was that he wasn't a good 3-4 OLB and he got stuck trying to play 3-4 OLB again for one year under Haslett?


And if it is the 2nd, then Fletcher has an odd sense of having a career ruined.  


Fletcher got more notoriety and press here as a Redskin then when his time in Buffalo.


He made 4 pro bowls in his career.  3 with Haslett as a defensive coordinator.  


One of them after signing a new contract when he knew that Hasllett was doing to be his defensive coordinator.


But Fletcher's play wasn't demonstrably better in DC, he went from St. Louis and Buffalo to playing in the NFC East and being on the national stage.  That in and of itself explains the notoriety.  With notoriety comes recognition, which leads to Pro Bowls.  Haz's scheme didn't put him on the map or anything.  You could make the argument those Pro Bowls came in spite of Fletch probably being better suited to a 4-3 MLB.  He was just good enough that he took a bad fit and excelled at it.  Until age won out, that is.

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I agree that the media's defense of Haslett is peculiar. Shanahan didn't kiss up to the press  and they attcked him and  accused him of being the leak last season.  But the leaks  continue.  And today, the media is jumping on Fletcher and going out of their way to stand up for Haslett.  Why is Haslett still with the team? IDoes he have direct access to Snyder?  Is he the one who plays both sides behind the scenes?  hmmm

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Gotta check out the interview on 106.7 The Fan from the Junkies once it's up. Very heated, and London is not backing down. He admitted it could've been handled better, but then goes right back into it. "Are you saying he's [Haslett] a bad guy?" "Yeah." 



OH, man, here's one:


"Why did you re-sign in 2012 if you knew you were playing for an incompetent coach?" 


"I thought about it long and hard, but then they paid me 11 million dollars." 

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Gotta check out the interview on 106.7 The Fan from the Junkies once it's up. Very heated, and London is not backing down. He admitted it could've been handled better, but then goes right back into it. "Are you saying he's [Haslett] a bad guy?" "Yeah." 



OH, man, here's one:


"Why did you re-sign in 2012 if you knew you were playing for an incompetent coach?" 


"I thought about it long and hard, but then they paid me 11 million dollars." 


There's the answer to my "stupid" question.


Just as I thought, it was about the money.

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guys, fletcher said he was kidding about the 11 million, he said it twice.


he said main motivation for resigning is he thought the team would continue to be good, had just won the division, thought robert showed promise.  


fletcher is definitely not the "king of class" like i thought he was, but hes obviously insanely pissed at haslett and cant take it anymore.

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guys, fletcher said he was kidding about the 11 million, he said it twice.


he said main motivation for resigning is he thought the team would continue to be good, had just won the division, thought robert showed promise.  


fletcher is definitely not the "king of class" like i thought he was, but hes obviously insanely pissed at haslett and cant take it anymore.


Call me a skeptic but if you say it it had to of been there to start with. However quickly you back track.


Let's just say London isn't the stand-up guy I always thought he was given the weekends events.


And that's no defence of Haslett whom I've wanted gone from day one.



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guys, fletcher said he was kidding about the 11 million, he said it twice.


he said main motivation for resigning is he thought the team would continue to be good, had just won the division, thought robert showed promise.  


fletcher is definitely not the "king of class" like i thought he was, but hes obviously insanely pissed at haslett and cant take it anymore.


Just to be clear, RGIII was DRAFTED the same year as Fletcher's new contract.


He talks about the drafting of RGIII and believing what they were going to build as a reason for re-singing,.


He then seems to allude that it was a good decision because of the division title (completely ignoring last year).


But I don't understand that reasoning at all


If your DC is literally the worse DC you've EVER had (even going back to high school football (which is what he suggests at the end of the interview)), then how do you believe that something good is going to be built?


If your DC is that bad and the management (including the headcoach) either doesn't realize it or won't do something about it, how can you build something good out of it?


Doesn't that suggest incompetence all the way up the line?

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guys, fletcher said he was kidding about the 11 million, he said it twice.


he said main motivation for resigning is he thought the team would continue to be good, had just won the division, thought robert showed promise.  


fletcher is definitely not the "king of class" like i thought he was, but hes obviously insanely pissed at haslett and cant take it anymore.


He did say he was kidding after one of the hosts said, "So you did it for the money?" But it seemed more of a case where he thought, "Crap I shouldn't have said that" vs. him honestly joking. 


And let's face it ... who WOULDN'T have done it for that amount of money? 


Ah, well ... just waiting now for John Riggins to be found wearing a Nazi uniform or something. Apparently the Snyder curse is retroactive. 

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#59 should have been cut in 2012.. and was a straight liablity in 2013.... That said I have no problem with his cmments ,but how he responded to Haz's kid on twitter who said nothing bad was classless. there was no need for that... 59.. stay classy.... Maybe oneday I can tweet Fetchers kids about how bad their dad was in 2012 and 2013.

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