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DS: London Fletcher: DC Jim Haslett "Clueless" w/ video


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Carter, Philip Daniels etc. were players at the end of their careers. I doubt they cared much for Haslett ruining their career, which he really couldn't because they had already played for as long as they could.


I think the telling comment is that Haslett is a back stabber. Which their is evidence for. After Shanahan gets fired, we start having leaks about how Shanny was controlling Haslett and holding him back from calling defense like he wanted to. Their were even specifics put on the table, IE the zero blitz against Dallas on a 3rd (or 4th?) and long at the end of the game which Dez Bryant converted with ease. Apparently that was a "Shanahan" call.


Now who do you think was leaking such specific BS to the media? Jim Haslett is a piece of poop who trashed his former coach to make himself look good for his crappy job performance.


London is just stating the obvious.

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London is quite the chatter box in his retirement.


We usually don't hear a peep out of even the most vocal players. 


Right or wrong, its rare to hear coaches berated this way.  I fear it may actually help him retain his job for Allen will not want to be appear influenced by an angry former player. Heck Allen kept him last year, why not another


London should have gone after Allen and even Gruden for retaining Haz. Heck we all know Gruden couldn't wait to face Haslett and dial up a deep ball on his predictable D when in Cincy, yet retained Jim.  


The problems on our team run much much deeper than Jim Haslett. 

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Do you believe that Fletcher actually thought a team with the worse DC he's ever played for in his whole football life (not just in the NFL) was going to build something positive?


In my experience, if my boss isn't very good, I don't have high hopes for the larger entity.

iirc, he signed the deal and then we got RG3. (traded for his pick)

SO yes, maybe he did. Maybe he was that foolish.

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HASLETT IS CLUELESS. We've known this for 2 years now! You morons defending him and looking for some motive to why London stated this fact are hopeless. Get over it! Your boy is getting canned regardless of Fletcher's comments! At least London had the balls to say it on air what the silent majority agrees to! The fact that there are no players up in arms over London's comments speak to what's what. HASLETT HAS TO GO!!!

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I also would like to ask another stupid question.


London stated that he would change Haz's bad plays and get the D off the field, then he goes on to show what he calls stupid plays that Haslett ran with him on the field.


So why didn't he change them and get the D off the field?  Hindsight is 20-20.


I call BS.

>>>>>>you're  just like Haslett ...London said it's about " attention to detail"

that Haslett lacks and is clueless....those players he was showing in those videos were this years games 2014...London retired in 2013 he isn't playing in those video shots..... Now please pay attention so you understand the details friend.

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Haha some of y'all crack me up. Fletcher is a coward? a fraud? For what reason!?!? For calling out a coach who most fans can see is a problem. FYI, Fletcher doesn't play for this team...Why can he not say what he feels about it? He called out one person, put his name behind it, and backed it up the next day. How in the **** is that being a coward? 


Some of you asking "Oh why didn't he say this to the front office instead of in public?" Well who cares first of all. Second of all, who is to say he hasn't? Third, this approach is WAYYY more effective. Do you just imagine Danny boy answering the phone, listening to Fletcher complain about Haslett, and then say, "oh you know what, you are probably right, we have been wrong about Haslett all along, thank you for enlightening me and because you called to tell me that I am going to go fire him right now..."???


And why did he come back and play here? Maybe because he felt a camaraderie with the other players? Maybe he felt he could help this defense not suck and help his peers succeed. Or maybe because they paid him. Can you blame Fletch for that? 



My final vent is, we have no idea what set this off. And we probably will never know. It is likely that something behind the scenes happened that tipped Fletch past the bowling point. Maybe it was just a build up in frustration that led him to speak on something he had been biting his tongue about for a very long time.


So he came out publicly against a guy he worked very hard under while he was here...he should be applauded for coming in and doing his job without leaking stories about Haz while he was here, even though he didn't like him. That is more that many, many other players/coaches (Haz himself?) have done. 




The problems on our team run much much deeper than Jim Haslett. 


May run wider, but not much deeper. Haslett himself, combined with the entire situation of Haslett still being here, is just a slightly more shallow root than the deepest root. And it is probably the deepest root that can be fixed the most simply. Snyder isn't going anywhere. Other than that, the Allen/GM situation is the only one that is more perplexing than Haslett. Yes there are plenty of other problems, but Haz is one of the most frustrating. And the fact that he survived the last coaching purge, and seems to be above reproach, makes him one of the most evident problems. 

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omg some of you guys are killing me! This whole board has been calling for Haslett's head and the second somebody says aloud what everybody's been thinking you guys turn your back on him! Fletcher nailed it perfectly! It doesn't take a genius to see that this defense has been inept for five years. Sure he has the occasional good game but our D has been sucking more often than not. Fletcher is one of the few hardcore Redskin we've had on this team since he came here in 2007. I, for one, fully support him! Haslett is not the only problem we have but he sure is a part of it and he needs to go!

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May run wider, but not much deeper. Haslett himself, combined with the entire situation of Haslett still being here, is just a slightly more shallow root than the deepest root. And it is probably the deepest root that can be fixed the most simply. Snyder isn't going anywhere. Other than that, the Allen/GM situation is the only one that is more perplexing than Haslett. Yes there are plenty of other problems, but Haz is one of the most frustrating. And the fact that he survived the last coaching purge, and seems to be above reproach, makes him one of the most evident problems. 


i think we, as fans, tend to go all in when we find a scapegoat as if thats the only problem.


while few will argue that haslett shouldnt be let go, its doesnt mean that fletcher was right in handling it the way he did. 


fletch couldnt have come off worse between his tv tirade and his interview on the junkies. 

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Bravo Fletcher!  Haslett seems to be a snake and I wouldn't be surprised if more players come out and just confirm what Fletcher said.  Haslett should have been gone already it's as simple as that.

Give me a ****ing break.  It's about money for EVERY player.  Grow up.

Just like any other job people...money first, other items may factor in, but money is first for most people.  Especially when you know you have a limited time where you can remain in that carrier. 

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this 'fletch vs haslett' reminds me of 'shanny vs dan'.


because one has proven to be a failure, while the other is perceived as having some measure of success, it doesnt make one right and one wrong. 


i love the 'shanny was right!' posts. wtf is that? who do you think put this team together? who picked the players and coaches?


sheesh. this fanbase and boogeymen.

Fletcher said he was joking about that after he said it.



i got the impression he only said that when he realized it made him look 'bad'.



not that anyone would criticize anyone for taking a check.

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i think we, as fans, tend to go all in when we find a scapegoat as if thats the only problem.


while few will argue that haslett shouldnt be let go, its doesnt mean that fletcher was right in handling it the way he did. 


fletch couldnt have come off worse between his tv tirade and his interview on the junkies. 


I don't think anyone thinks Haslett is the only problem. But it is the problem Fletcher was closest to. It is the one he knows. I am sure he could have come out better, simply leak it anonymously through the media and he would be off scot free!

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There is nobody, I mean nobody in the media more jaded about the amount of knuckleheads in the nfl than Gary Fitzgerald

@GaryRFitzgerald: My experiences w/ London Fletcher were all positive. I interviewed him 1-on-1 several times & he was honest, insightful, helpful. #Redskins

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I'm waiting patiently to see what D Hall's take on this is. He tried his best to come off as a Haz guy this offseason. Somebody so outspoken being silent on the issue makes one wonder.

I am leaning towards Haz has back stabbed and leaked plenty to keep his job in a cutthroat business.

Why else is the media so defensive of this guy they tore down better guys over the years.

D Hall Tuesday's on Twitter should be interesting.

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There is nobody, I mean nobody in the media more jaded about the amount of knuckleheads in the nfl than Gary Fitzgerald

@GaryRFitzgerald: My experiences w/ London Fletcher were all positive. I interviewed him 1-on-1 several times & he was honest, insightful, helpful. #Redskins

He also took way too many concussions.

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There is nobody, I mean nobody in the media more jaded about the amount of knuckleheads in the nfl than Gary Fitzgerald

@GaryRFitzgerald: My experiences w/ London Fletcher were all positive. I interviewed him 1-on-1 several times & he was honest, insightful, helpful. #Redskins

Listening to the radio yesterday, it sounded like some werent surprised, as in, fletchs' reputation is better than the man himself.

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Listening to the radio yesterday, it sounded like some werent surprised, as in, fletchs' reputation is better than the man himself.

I have no doubt. London has been deified by the fanbase

I've had one on one interactions with London. He didnt strike me as a saint or the greatest guy in the world. He struck me as human. He also struck me as incredibly smart.

You also have guys like Chris Cooley, another deity, who have been outed with VERY specific information about the content of his character on this very board... So it was interesting that Cooley felt the need to lash out at London for the way he "handled" the Haslett thing

In short, we are all human, you, me, London, Cooley, Haslett, everyone. I severly dislike the deification that goes on in sports media because it is an impossible expectation for anyone.

So yah, I have no doubt that London is not Jesus Christ. That doesn't make him a bad person, and it certainly doesn't make him wrong about Haslett

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And there the myth about our 'great' leader and team 'captain' ends.


MAJOR respect lost right there.




Hahahaha, lost your respect? 2 cents worth of respect?


Fletcher gave us every ounce of what he got.  I NEVER felt cheated by Fletcher.  Dude showed up EVERY play... hurting.  


With all due respect, you can shove your "Major respect" right up the...



I wish more players (current and former) went Full Fletcher on the coaches.   When is enough, enough?

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There's one primary thing I've learned from all of this:   London Fletcher is a fraud and an all-around bad guy.


Let me say up front that I think Hazlett should, and will, be fired.  And that Fletcher was a great player and one of the rare free agent pick-ups that actually worked out.


But yesterday Fletcher was totally and completely out of line.   I don't think anything he said about Hazlett was incorrect -- it's just the way he said it.  Totally unprecedented.   Clearly there's something going on there beneath the surface.  My honest feelings are that Fletcher is trying to solidify his next career and thinks that saying something over the top like this will garner attention.   And he might be right.


But listening to radio in the past 24 hours, the one thing that stands out is that the beat writers who are around the team a lot know that London Fletcher is a fraud.  Great player, obviously.   But the whole notion that he's a great leader, a locker room guy, is just false.  We all fell for it.  I fell for it.  We all fawned over him to re-sign a contract to come back a few years ago.    The stories from Al Galdi, Chris Russell, and others is that Fletcher just was not a leader, was not a stand-up guy, was seflish, and just all-around was not the guy we all thought he was.   Al Galdi said all the hero worship of Fletcher made him sick.  


So are you saying that what Fletcher said was false?


Is your gripe about who said it?  


Or about how it was said?


When do grown men stop lying to themselves?  


We are slowly dropping into the apathy lane... then we will be in real trouble.  Yeah, the days when folks rather be doing something else on a Sunday when the Skins are playing...

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After Jim's son...who's 22 years old...accused Fletcher of trying to ruin Haslett's career.

I know a bunch of media ninny's and blowhards like Russell are making a bid deal of htis...but Has's son, an adult, made a comment about Fletcher's rant on twitter and Fletcher responded. BFD


I have to admit, when I first heard he engaged his kid on Twitter, I was thinking his son was some high school kid.  I didn't know he was that old.

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I have no doubt. London has been deified by the fanbase

I've had one on one interactions with London. He didnt strike me as a saint or the greatest guy in the world. He struck me as human. He also struck me as incredibly smart.

You also have guys like Chris Cooley, another deity, who have been outed with VERY specific information about the content of his character on this very board... So it was interesting that Cooley felt the need to lash out at London for the way he "handled" the Haslett thing

In short, we are all human, you, me, London, Cooley, Haslett, everyone. I severly dislike the deification that goes on in sports media because it is an impossible expectation for anyone.

So yah, I have no doubt that London is not Jesus Christ. That doesn't make him a bad person, and it certainly doesn't make him wrong about Haslett


Except, I wouldn't even limit it to the fanbase.  The media and the guys covering the team went a long way towards that perception of Fletcher.  But now, all the beat guys wanna come outta the woodwork saying they knew all along what Fletcher was about.  The guy was on the team for 7 years and you didn't hear any of this.  I call BS on guys like Paulsen and Russell and others that don't wanna own their role in framing the London Fletcher narrative before 2 days ago.  I'll give credit to Loverro yesterday that pointed out the media's role in all this. 

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I don't think anyone thinks Haslett is the only problem. But it is the problem Fletcher was closest to. It is the one he knows. I am sure he could have come out better, simply leak it anonymously through the media and he would be off scot free!

I hear ya.

What i'm saying is, just because haslett sucks, doesn't mean Fletcher went about pointing that out the right way (which he admitted, somewhat reluctantly).

Just like, just because Dan Snyder has a history of playing GM, doesn't give Mike shanahan a pass for the mess he created.

Dan Snyder having a reputation as a jackass doesn't mean he's wrong about the team name, but the public eats up these articles because they hate snyder.


We let our dislike of people take away objectivity and sometimes it clouds our sense of right and wrong.

Now, I'll get down from my soapbox.

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