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Lets just lay the cards out. Do you believe Griffin is still our savior?



389 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you still think Griffin is the franchise savior?

    • Yes. He will overcome these injures and bring this franchise back.
    • No. The injures will be too much. He will be gone in the next few years.

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Taco Bell

If you don't see the vast differences in Kirks final drive and RGIIIs final drive against the Vikings than I don't know what to say? Sure the end results were the same, however the circumstances surrounding said drives weren't even remotely the same.

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I still don't get the people who say RG3 for sure needs the next 7 games for us to know what we've got. And more than likely all of next season too.


The same people were willing to give Cousins a shot, but after about 2-3 games the book was closed on him and he was 100% a bust.


There's this weird double standard with RG3. I'm not saying that Cousins wasn't terrible, but it's like RG3 is always in "needs more time" mode.

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Taco Bell

If you don't see the vast differences in Kirks final drive and RGIIIs final drive against the Vikings than I don't know what to say? Sure the end results were the same, however the circumstances surrounding said drives weren't even remotely the same.


Honestly, I think it's the part in bold that matters most, and I'd think Robert would agree. In fact, I KNOW he'd agree. Here, in his own words:


"RG3 on final drive: "I put that on me. I put that on my shoulders."

— Tarik El-Bashir (@TarikCSN) November 2, 2014


It doesn't take away from the fact that he had a decent game coming back from an injury layoff. However, he had the ball in his hands with a chance to bring the team down the field and tie it up or win. I think it's reasonable to think that a franchise quarterback (no sarcastic quotes - I believe he'll get there) in that situation has a decent chance to get the job done. He failed.


I think the situations are comparable, and if you criticize one QB for failing, you have to criticize the other. Also, if you give a pass to one QB (because the defense and/or special teams put the QB in that spot of having to win the game when it already should have been won, the QB hadn't had a ton of reps recently and is still developing, the QB may not have been in pristine game shape, etc.), you have to give that same pass to the other.

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I still don't get the people who say RG3 for sure needs the next 7 games for us to know what we've got. And more than likely all of next season too.


The same people were willing to give Cousins a shot, but after about 2-3 games the book was closed on him and he was 100% a bust.


There's this weird double standard with RG3. I'm not saying that Cousins wasn't terrible, but it's like RG3 is always in "needs more time" mode.


As far as I am concerned RG3 has shown us for the last two seasons that he can not play like he used to before the injuries.That is enough right there for me atleast to be very worried about our QB position.RG3 let three drives get away from him when they was in the redzone or close to it.That is 21 points they we would had and ballgame would have been over.Some posters keep blaming the defense but those three drives that only ended up in fgs really hurt us in that game.


Another thing that really bothers me with RG3 is when they run the QB option.Instead of giving the ball to Morris he runs it everytime and loses 5 yards that puts the team in a very bad spot.He still thinks he he superman and still has the speed when we all can see that his speed is gone and he cannot run away from guys no more.RG3 is done people and he isn't going to get any better.Its time to let him go b/c he isn't going to take this team nowhere.

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Taco my man

You saved me many of typing tonight. I too noticed the double standard between both QBs and I vividly remember particular posters (including guys that have posted in this very thread) saying that KC's last drive in Phillly negated the rest of his game. Curiously, they have flipped it for RG3.

At the end of the day, it's cool because biased posters will be biased lol

RG3 was far from bad last game but (and it sucks to admit), he has to be great to justify what we gave up. It's been a minute since he's been great.

You made a good point too. For all the hype about the arm strength, his poor footwork really negates that at times. There were flashes when he was great (deep balls were the complete sexiness lol) but physical talent isn't eveything. Hope I'm very wrong tho.

At this point, we have no savior on the roster (Griff is clearly the best option tho at the moment)

Sucks...but thats just being a Redskins fan

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I'm just going to post this article I found that outlines QB records in 4th qtr comeback/game winning drive opportunities (dated 2012).   


One thing I found interesting is that Rodgers has an absolutely horrendous W/L record.  Not unlike us, he plays well enough to win, but the defense can't close out the game. But yeah, RG3 couldn't drive 80 yards to win us the game, so he sucks. 



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I hate this he has to justify what we gave up for him ... he had no control over that and to be honest it should not be a stick used to bash him with. 


Judge him on what he did, not what hapend in Dallas or Philly or the moon, what he did .


I think he needs to tune out the outside world (which is sad as he becomes tainted by cynicism) but equally the team needs to get behind him. and put their egos aside (and i am really thinking about 88 and 89 here as those seem to be the most disgruntled). 

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Let me be very clear,

The last drive of the game is ON RG3. He has to come through in clutch moments and he simply didn't. I can't say he NOT clutch though because I've seen him do it in past games. This was RG3 first game back from injury. He was obviously very tired. That's no excuse though because of the throw he missed to Garcon. He has to make that throw!! PERIOD!


The difference with Kirk/Philly game was, he helped Philly go up by 10 with his INT, that gave Philly an additional 3 points late in the game. And, Kirk Cousins played A LOT better in the 1st half against Philly than the 2nd half. Everything the Vikings did in the second half, RG3 and the offense answered. RG3 played better in the 2nd half than he did the first.


If the term "biased" or "hater" is going to be used, tag it to the ones that are saying RG3 is "garbage", RG3 is the reason we lost this/that game, RG3 in "NOT" a good QB, RG3 can't read defenses.......ALL of that nonsense! Mark Sanchez is NOT a good QB! But, some on ES will try and argue that even Sanchez is better than RG3. LOL


But, RG3 has his issues.....1) He holds the ball too long on some plays 2) He takes too many hits/sacks 3) He can be very stubborn trying to prove fans/media wrong. 4) He can help his OLINE out by getting the ball out on time. He did on the TD to DeSean and the pocket was VERY clean. 5) He has to develop much better pocket awareness. (his clock is slow at times in the pocket) and he has to feel pressure A LOT better if he's going to last in the NFL.


Again, EVERY QB make inaccurate throws sometimes. Hell Peyton Manning overthrew his WR by a mile, wide open Sunday.


That last throw by RG3 was plain UGLY! NO ONE has disputed that. It seems that even when RG3 has a B-B+ game, some will still bash him. NO MATTER what the hell he did good in the game. NO MATTER how horrible the defense played. NO MATTER why Garcon missed a bomb that went straight through his hands, that most likely would've net 3pts at least. NO MATTER how much his (RG3) presence jump started Alfred Morris and the running game again.


The term "biased" sounds ignorant when it's not applied to the right situation. Just because people won't bash RG3 and blame the game on him like they did Kirk doesn't mean they're biased. Those 2 games where TOTALLY different.


To start: 1) The Eagles had a MUCH better offense than the Vikings. 2) The Vikings offense was ranked in the lower half of the league (20's), and they scored almost 30pts on us? With a ROOKIE? At the same time the Vikings had a MUCH better defense than Philly. We scored 26 pts on them, with NO HELP from the defensive side of the ball!


The ONLY two teams that blew them out was the Patriots and Packers!  We held Dallas to 17pts with a much better offense. Then get shredded by TEDDY BRIDGEWATER????? I can tell you what this is REALLY ALL about....................


It's about the true hate and bias towards RG3. It has NOTHING to do with the REAL reason why we lost. Any fool with a pair of eyes know why the Skins lost this game. This is more so about the QB THEY ALL loved (Kirk Cousins) and endorsed, him NOT GETTING it done like they predicted! They where waiting for this day! This game! This moment, to go on their stupid rants about how bad "RG3" is!!! ALL because of the TRUE hurt they're feeling because they where WRONG about Cousins.


They could give a damn how bad the defense played etc etc. Their main and ONLY focus IS RG3! I would even venture to say, most of them was HOPING WE LOST this game so that they could go on their bash RG3 campaign. Trying to have a logical discussion with them is pointless. That's why I only responded to Taco Bell.


Notice how NONE of them mentioned ANYTHING about how bad the defense played, how RG3 made very good plays in the game etc etc. Their focus is ONLY on the bad, as it relates to RG3. Their deep seeded hate towards RG3 is beyond me. I don't understand it. I will never understand it. So if I'm biased for thinking he's a better "QB" than Kirk Cousins or Colt McCoy, then so be it.

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Griffin made some plays.

Early in the game escapes from a blown pass protection (Helu) and completes a pass to Helu for a 3rd down conversion.

Scrambled for a couple of 1st downs.

Completed 2 beautiful deep balls to DeSean and another for a TD. Those displayed his elite arm talent.

He also got sacked 5 times. But realistically what did people expect when you out up our OL up against one of the best pass rushing defenses in the league? Not all the sacks are on him and not all are on the OL and I'm sure the receivers played their part too. Until the all-22 comes out its hard to say for sure. There were 2-3 im sure that were on the OL: Trent got beat by a Griffien speed rush, Helu can't block ANYONE, Chester is pathetic.

Griffin threw an bad ball to Andre Roberts, bad decision/throw completely his fault.

Last play of the game Griffin missed the throw to Garçon, didnt set his feet and possibly could have scrambled for the first.

1st game back from a 6 week layoff? Not bad at all.

But Griffin wasn't perfect and couldn't out score the points the defense allowed so he sucks?

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I think this game showed the good RG3 and the average RG3 and the not so good RG3. At times, he looked really good, mostly in 1st qtr though. He was 6-6, 103 yards in first qtr and they were up 10-0, that was the really good RG3. Then, went 12-22, 150 yards, 1 TD, 1 iNT (worse possible time to throw it, gave Minn Offense confidence.when they had none before), 5 sacks (as already stated, you could blame RG3 for 3 or 4 of those because he held onto ball too long), 1 horrible attempt at a 2 pt conversion (wasn't even an attempt, he held onto ball and took a sack) and one (actually 2 but not counting failedHail Mary throw out of bounds) VERY bad throw to end the game. Playing 1 really good Qtr then being average the remaining game is not a "franchise" QB. He has not been "clutch" since 2012, He has actually regressed in many ways (footwork, mechanics, pocket awareness, etc).

We can go back and forth all day on why or why not he is the franchise, I think the book is still open for that. Is he there yet, absolutely not, hell, Jay Gruden has stated the Jury is still out on Robert. Can he get better, he has to. The only reason our 2nd and 3rd string QBs are even mentioned is because there isn't enough separating all 3 production wise, RG3 has all the potential and talent as anyone in the league, that in itself does not anoint him as the franchise. Like I said, I think the book is open on him, I do believe he is smart enough and capable enough, he just needs to start winning games. I will settle for continued improvement the rest of the year though.

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Trying to have a logical discussion with them is pointless. That's why I only responded to Taco Bell.


Notice how NONE of them mentioned ANYTHING about how bad the defense played, how RG3 made very good plays in the game etc etc. Their focus is ONLY on the bad, as it relates to RG3. Their deep seeded hate towards RG3 is beyond me. I don't understand it. I will never understand it. So if I'm biased for thinking he's a better "QB" than Kirk Cousins or Colt McCoy, then so be it.

Your pathetic hero-worship of Griffin is getting beyond a joke. I honestly don't think you are a Redskins fan, all you ever post on here is how amazing Griffin is, over and over again.


You might be in the wrong thread but just for your reference this one is about whether Griffin is the saviour of our team or not. Not whether the defence played badly on Sunday (it did), not even about whether Cousins is a better QB than him (it doesn't look like it).


You made some good points for and against Griffin and then go off on your usual rant about how Griffin is misunderstood by every one else except you. Trying to have a logical discussion with you IS pointless.


For the record though, as appalling a QB as Sanchez is, he did manage to beat the Texans, which is sadly more than Griffin managed.

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This forum is becoming far too black and white for me...you can't criticize any aspect of Griffin's play without being labeled a hater or someone who isn't a true fan. Let me attempt my post even though I'm sure I'll be told to not celebrate when Griffin is hoisting the Lombardi trophy...


Griffin played a pretty good game on Sunday. We were facing a good defense and our offense was repeatedly put in situations where it had to score to keep up in a shootout (by the way, why do we always seem to play these wild games vs. the Vikings? All the way back to the 80s we play some crazy, back-and-forth games with these guys). Several times Griffin responded by leading the team on scoring drives to reclaim the lead. That's encouraging. 


However, he made some pretty critical mistakes as well. He took too many sacks for me, he seems to lack awareness at the position, and made some truly awful throws. That's discouraging. When you hand your third-year QB the ball in a game against another below average team, you want to see him come up big. The expectation is that he will begin to come through in these spots. He was far more clutch as a rookie than he is a season-plus later. No matter how you boil it down, he had plays in front of him to make (the two-point conversion that would have put us up by 7 late, the scramble on 3rd-and-20, the open receiver on 4th-and-6, etc.). 


So, how all of that grades out, I certainly don't know. I am only a fan though, so I'm growing concerned that he isn't going to turn into the franchise QB we are hoping he does. Some things just seem very difficult for him. For example, on the two-pointer he should never get to the point where he's just having the ball knocked out of his hands...use that world-class athletic ability to extend the play or just lob the ball toward one of our play-makers. You have to make an attempt to score there. Just as big as the failed drive at the end, that failure contributed to the loss as well (as we would have been tied at the end, not trailing). 

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I hate this he has to justify what we gave up for him ... he had no control over that and to be honest it should not be a stick used to bash him with. 




You can't say RG3 needs to be evaluated without consideration of the price we paid to get him.  You can't just judge him in a vacuum like that.  A team only gets so many draft picks, so when it costs 4 of those picks to get one player, that one player had better be worth the price.  Sadly, it doesn't look like RG3 was worth the price we paid.  Of the 4 QBs taken in the first round in 2012, the Redskins have the worst record (although to be fair, Brandon Weedon's pretty much a bust, and the only reason his current team is winning is because he isn't playing).  The sad state of this team isn't all on RG3, but the fact that the rest of this team is so bad is the fault of the price we paid and the players we didn't get in order to trade up for RG3.  Look at Tannehill in Miami (currently 5-3) - he may not be a better QB than RG3, but his team is clearly better because they didn't have to give up so much more to draft him.  The fact that, in Year 3, people still can't be sure RG3 is a long-term franchise QB pretty much means he probably isn't.  Does anyone think Indy fans are debating on their message board whether Luck is a franchise QB?  Of course not. 

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Taco Bell

If you don't see the vast differences in Kirks final drive and RGIIIs final drive against the Vikings than I don't know what to say? Sure the end results were the same, however the circumstances surrounding said drives weren't even remotely the same.


Honestly Taylor, do you realize what you are arguing for?  You're trying to make one player's failed drive seem "better" than another, in a situation where it actually makes no difference because it's the final drive.  See, if you were discussing literally any other drive during the game, it actually would make a significant difference, but the final drive is the only one where the failed result is the same, the game is over for our team.  That's also the reason why that point exists to begin with.  And like I said, so what that Desean had the holding call, yet again, let's erase all accountability that RG3 has as a QB to overcome a penalty.  6 total downs occurred on that down and distance, and he had the opportunity to play 4th down twice, and that clearly is an advantage to the offense getting to replay a down.  So let's cut the overall positive/negative of the penalties on that drive to about 1/2 to 1/3 of whatever you think makes it so much worse or the level of difficulty or whatever. 


Thanks lupin_IV for coming in and assisting on that particular discussion.  


I think Bang hit the nail on the head. Pearls before swine I'm afraid.

And Taco Bell, I think the word you are looking for is "distinction" not "discrepancy." I hate to be that guy, but it was bugging me.


I made the discrepancy known by replacing them lol... Yea I dunno, I looked them both up and at least they are both nouns, so I didn't screw it up miserably, but I can see how discrepancy doesn't really work... and I know that sentence I just started with here has the same flaws as how I used it above, I think lol....



Taco my man

You saved me many of typing tonight. I too noticed the double standard between both QBs and I vividly remember particular posters (including guys that have posted in this very thread) saying that KC's last drive in Phillly negated the rest of his game. Curiously, they have flipped it for RG3.


You made a good point too. For all the hype about the arm strength, his poor footwork really negates that at times. There were flashes when he was great (deep balls were the complete sexiness lol) but physical talent isn't eveything. Hope I'm very wrong tho.



Thanks Brave, and the overall reason why I put this out there is just to fight the whole "history is written by the victors" aspect of a MB.  Posters can just post alot, even if it's wrong or mean spirited towards who they disagree with, and then if they end up getting proven wrong in hindsight, they can just hide or play the odds and assume whatever they said in the past will just go away.  And, getting made fun of by other posters in separate threads that I literally had to catch is something that also really annoyed me.  I'm sure I'm not the first or last but considering it was about RG3 and the points I had made in particular are falling on my side, that's the type of stuff that seems important to make note of before it's too late.  RG3's first game back was probably the right time before these sort of points would have been lost even on my end. 




Bottom line is, most of what Bang said, for example, is how I feel in relation to his long term viability as top notch franchise QB, or "savior" in this thread.  I really do think most of his flaws are "correctable."  Sometimes these things aren't correctable if the player doesn't have the work ethic to do so, like Jamarcus Russell, or Matt Leinart for example.  But that's why when you don't see week to week progress the questions mount because you wonder why because he seemed to make consistent progression his rookie year, great "system" for him or not.  He said pre-draft and pre-season that year how he would only make mistakes once before he would learn or fix them, and he actually followed through with those statements, which added to his air of being a potential generational talent. I don't hold that particular quote against him for any mistake either, that would mean I'd expect 7000 yards 70 tds a year, I just assume it means he never takes a mistake or a flaw in his game lightly and would try his hardest to address it.


But here we are in 2014 still with the see-saw of positives and negatives.  I mean bottom line, just being 1-1 in his full game starts would have changed alot of this, but being winless in his full games just keeps that narrative going from 2013.  I have no doubt he would have won that Jags game easily, but in that one he had a borderline non-contact injury.  One of his definite progressions I'd say, for sure, was his deep ball accuracy against MIN.  We might have to partially thank Desean for being a top 1-2 deep threat in the NFL, but RG3 was very consistent in hitting those against MIN, and I thought 2013 and the beginning of 2014 he had lost that slightly.  Also, he definitely is lightyears improved in protecting his body.  Even when he was tackled this game, they were softer more glancing hits that he probably took into account when he didn't slide.  


But, that footwork, that's the one thing I'd consider for a 3rd year QB to be "inexcusable" because that is something that doesn't have anything to do with reading a defense, that's something that should look the same overall if it's 7 on 7 or 11 on 11, on rollouts and stuff in particular.   I know if players are around him that is different, but you know what I mean. 


Any defense related aspect of being a QB, whether its, reading the defense pre and post snap, making the right throws based on going through progressions practiced on the play, feeling the pocket, are clearly understandably a long term process, but it seems like most agree that he's "behind where he should be" on those subjects.  


I KNOW RG3 is an extremely intelligent person and a hard worker, I do not think in the slightest that he's giving up or lost it or whatever.  I think he had just made some key mistakes in his professional career that have led him to worry too much on the field about "how" or "why" he's doing anything he does. The injury his rookie year and how it played out probably has a ton to do with it too both from the physical attributes lost as well as the excitement lost the previous season.  But, I still think that being the face of multiple companies when he sees a player drafted one spot ahead of him playing lights out every week, and then having a 3rd round QB win a SB, and then being on the team that always has drama surrounding it long before he ever showed up, has shaken his overall drive and confidence, which has led him to be stuck at a certain plateau.  Because much like lebron in finals appearances, there seems to be just too much that he's thinking about when he's on the field.  I mean, if he's not doing something right consistently, that means that he either hasn't grasped what he's supposed to do yet, or has his mind wander about "what can I do here to confirm or exceed expectations" instead of just running a play and so on.  I mean, everyone here knows to a certain extent what I mean, if you are thinking about the "what if" in a crucial moment of doing anything, your mind loses focus of what's actually going on, whether it's a speech, your own sporting endeavors, presentation, whatever.    


We still aren't even out of it this season, if Sanchez blows it and Dallas continues their mini slide, even if we lose that colts game we still could maybe win the division at 9-7, probably tough, but that's why I won't give up on RG3 anyways, I either want to lose out so we can get a top notch OL or I need RG3 to dominate, I'll take the latter of course. 

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It's about the true hate and bias towards RG3. It has NOTHING to do with the REAL reason why we lost. Any fool with a pair of eyes know why the Skins lost this game. This is more so about the QB THEY ALL loved (Kirk Cousins) and endorsed, him NOT GETTING it done like they predicted! They where waiting for this day! This game! This moment, to go on their stupid rants about how bad "RG3" is!!! ALL because of the TRUE hurt they're feeling because they where WRONG about Cousins.


They could give a damn how bad the defense played etc etc. Their main and ONLY focus IS RG3! I would even venture to say, most of them was HOPING WE LOST this game so that they could go on their bash RG3 campaign. Trying to have a logical discussion with them is pointless. That's why I only responded to Taco Bell.


Notice how NONE of them mentioned ANYTHING about how bad the defense played, how RG3 made very good plays in the game etc etc. Their focus is ONLY on the bad, as it relates to RG3. Their deep seeded hate towards RG3 is beyond me. I don't understand it. I will never understand it. So if I'm biased for thinking he's a better "QB" than Kirk Cousins or Colt McCoy, then so be it.

These are the paragraphs were you completely lose it.


What is the title of this thread? 


Trust me, 98% of ppl here are very sure the D blew the game. They were destroyed by ****ty ass Teddy Bridgewater and some made up player at RB. There are like 3-4 threads on it. THIS...THIS...THIS thread is about RG3. He played well enough to win but still had room for improvement. 


And where are these ppl blaming the game completely on RG3? I've yet to see one that put the blame 100% on him. You're just so ready to take a bullet for the dude that you are just looking for **** to cry about. 


My post wasn't even negative. The dude played ok. He had elite moments (I even mentioned how amazingly sexy the deep passes were) but he also had moments that made my eyes bleed. His footwork is still very iffy, which causes him to throw with no base (case in point the INT). He was inconsistent just like he's been since 2013. So because i said that, I'm a hater right?


No one wants the guy to fail. I'm sure a vast majority here have his damn jersey in their closet (PS I do). Dude is one of the backgrounds on my friggin Macbook. Just because i'm not gonna blow him after every game doesn't make me hate him. He needs to get better and ASAP. You sound like his mother at times

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I agree with what Brave just said.  


My initial point about RG3 and him not "getting it done" that last play is not even necessarily how I felt about RG3, it was just me pointing out the hypocrisy of posters who said as much about Kirk vs. the Eagles immediately after that game ended in relation to how they felt immediately after the Minnesota game. 


I definitely know that Haslett should be fired and we need an immense level of O-line help, and yes, they were a significant part of the loss.  Just to make that known to certain recent posters.

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You guys are talking about rust.  The one's who said that it shouldn't be an excuse for Griffin are wrong because, guess what?  It is a legitimate excuse .  While McCoy has not started, he gets to practice every day.  He still gets to throw and run and run the offense. While Griffin was out for almost 6 weeks, he was only able to resume running and throwing 2 weeks ago.  He was in a cast and walking boot for several weeks. Seriously, do a little thinking on this. I've broken 5 bones in my life and when you have a cast on, the muscles atrophy and it takes time to get it all back.  Some of you....sigh.

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You guys are talking about rust.  The one's who said that it shouldn't be an excuse for Griffin are wrong because, guess what?  It is a legitimate excuse .  While McCoy has not started, he gets to practice every day.  He still gets to throw and run and run the offense. While Griffin was out for almost 6 weeks, he was only able to resume running and throwing 2 weeks ago.  He was in a cast and walking boot for several weeks. Seriously, do a little thinking on this. I've broken 5 bones in my life and when you have a cast on, the muscles atrophy and it takes time to get it all back.  Some of you....sigh.


If you are talking about the mechanics, then that's something that has been criticized about him nearly his whole career. That has nothing to do with rust. In fact, I'm surprised he wasn't more rusty. He looked just how he did against Houston just with the addition of the RO


You go back to his rookie year and most of his picks were all due to his mechanics going to ****. 

And I'm not just trying to kill the guy. It's clear just his presence makes the offense better because Morris actually looked like an effective runner with Griff playing. 

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These are the paragraphs were you completely lose it.


What is the title of this thread? 


Trust me, 98% of ppl here are very sure the D blew the game. They were destroyed by ****ty ass Teddy Bridgewater and some made up player at RB. There are like 3-4 threads on it. THIS...THIS...THIS thread is about RG3. He played well enough to win but still had room for improvement. 


And where are these ppl blaming the game completely on RG3? I've yet to see one that put the blame 100% on him. You're just so ready to take a bullet for the dude that you are just looking for **** to cry about. 


My post wasn't even negative. The dude played ok. He had elite moments (I even mentioned how amazingly sexy the deep passes were) but he also had moments that made my eyes bleed. His footwork is still very iffy, which causes him to throw with no base (case in point the INT). He was inconsistent just like he's been since 2013. So because i said that, I'm a hater right?


No one wants the guy to fail. I'm sure a vast majority here have his damn jersey in their closet (PS I do). Dude is one of the backgrounds on my friggin Macbook. Just because i'm not gonna blow him after every game doesn't make me hate him. He needs to get better and ASAP. You sound like his mother at times

Actually NONE of what I said applied to you. I've read your position and understood as it related to RG3. Although that hasn't been your position in the past. I'm speaking ONLY to the posters that bash him all while having NO regard for the entire game. If you're speaking of the term "biased" or "hater", that term is often used around here on both sides. I was speaking in terms of posters INCLUDING you, that always refer to the others as "biased"!!! No one is excusing RG3 from ANY of his mistakes on Sunday. I know I'm not.


The problem comes when complete ignorance enters the discussion when it relates to RG3 by some. They could careless about how the TEAM failed Sunday. But more so focus ONLY on what RG3 did. That's where true bias and hate enters the discussion.


I know YOU don't hate RG3. But that doesn't excuse the ones that actually DO. So no I didn't lose anything from that paragraph. The only way ANYONE can blame that loss on RG3 is pure hate for the guy. I'm not speaking of personal hate. But hate as far as the QB, RG3!


And I have issues with his game as well. I'm not excusing the 2 mistakes he made Sunday, at all. But you don't have to have played the game like myself to SEE why the Redskins lost that game Sunday. My point was they where waiting for him to fail so they can get on their soap boxes again. Hell if WARHEAD36 gave him credit, you know others are being over the top.


And Taco Bell you're totally wrong bro. To go from 1st and 10 to 1st and 20 diminishes your chances of making a 1st down GREATLY! I'm telling you what I know for a fact my friend. There are VERY few plays that will give you 20 yards in 4 to 5 tries. It wasn't 6 plays. Especially against a good defense like that. HELL IT'S HARD ENOUGH GETTING 10 yds in 3 TRIES!!!


It totally changes play calling and EVERYTHING on offense! Hell Griffin ran for 14 yards of the 20, and was clearly gassed by it. So there's NO hypocrisy at all. They where two totally different situations ALL together.


One QB had 10 yards in 4 downs to get in field goal range. The other QB had to get 20  just for another "1st down". That situation made it next to impossible to convert the way defenses will play you in that situation. So NO it's NOT the same in NO WAY other than both had the ball on the game winning drive. That's it.


And you don't have to point out the title of the thread since you post often and should know how discussions change after the first few pages. Thinking I have something to cry about is foolish. READ my post and see where I'm crying about anything. See where I defended RG3's mistakes anywhere.


I leave my comments in the game and based on the game. I can tell that you're still hurting by YOUR Kirk Cousins endorsement too. So don't act like you've ALWAYS supported RG3. I was in fact YOU who said you can't see how I thought RG3 was the better QB between the 2.


All of that other stuff you're talking about, sounding like his mother etc, is funny to me. But, keep on quoting how many jerseys you have of his LOL! That reminds me of people that tell you how many white or black friends they have. All while really not caring for them too much, but dealing with them because you have to.


You're leaving the door open so that you can jump back on the bandwagon again when RG3 starts playing well again. Notice I said when and not if. I have his jersey too. But I brought mines in Oct. 2013. I believe in him and will continue to.

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The funny thing about that last (well, 2nd to last) drive is, for as much flak as we're giving Griffin for not making that 4th and 6 throw, he actually did a lot before then.  The plays on the drive were:


1st & 10 (WAS 20): Griffin sacked for -4 yards, Penalty on MINN for 5 yards

1st & 10 (WAS 25): Griffin complete pass to Roberts for 9 yards

2nd & 1 (WAS 34): Helu 5 yard rush

1st & 10 (WAS 39): Pass interference on DJax, 10 yard penalty

1st & 20 (WAS 29): Griffin short pass to Helu 4 yards

2nd &16 (WAS 33): Griffin sacked for -4 yards.

3rd & 20 (WAS 29): Griffin rushes for 14 yards

4th & 6 (WAS 43): Griffin incomplete pass to Reed


Griffin did take a sack at a crucial time, BUT, he completed a couple passes on the drive, and right before the 4th down ran 14 yards, a distance that under normal circumstances would have been more than enough to keep the drive alive.


In addition, I remember someone (maybe Griffin or Gruden, can't remember) saying that he might've been able to get the 1st on the rush, but that he played it conservatively.  Some might criticize him for that but weren't a bunch of us criticizing him for putting his body on the line far too often?  What is one first down in the grand scheme of things, I sure as heck know that if Baltimore '12 was done over, I bet 99% of you would have preferred what he did Sunday to what he did that day.


The mechanical breakdown on 4th down was almost certainly a fatigue issue.  Running left, throwing right, coming off a 14 yard scramble on top of playing for 3 hours straight, something he hadn't done in 6 weeks?  A mechanical breakdown was probably inevitable.


That's not to say it's ok, but it makes sense that it happened.


That's perhaps the one point of the game bringing in Colt would have made sense, have him take over for a fatigued Griffin, but McCoy likely wouldn't have put up 26 points himself, so Griffin needed the start, and you can't pull your starter once he's in, unless he's clearly injured.  


Imagine the media firestorm if Griffin and Gruden consulted with each other, decided mutually that Griffin was winded, and that Colt should take the drive, and then he does.  Even though they'd have reached that decision together with no concerns about Griffin other than conditioning, the media would still explode.


Unfortunately, that 10 yard PI killed that drive more than anything, but as many have said, it was the defense that killed the game.

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If you are talking about the mechanics, then that's something that has been criticized about him nearly his whole career. That has nothing to do with rust. In fact, I'm surprised he wasn't more rusty. He looked just how he did against Houston just with the addition of the RO

You go back to his rookie year and most of his picks were all due to his mechanics going to ****.

And I'm not just trying to kill the guy. It's clear just his presence makes the offense better because Morris actually looked like an effective runner with Griff playing.

No, I'm just talking about getting back in the groove of being on the field and playing football. We already know his mechanics need to be tweaked.

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