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Super Bowl XLIX Thread ; * Patriots Are 4x SB Champions*

Mr. Sinister

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I hope people are beginning to realize that Wilson is a game manager now.  It's not necessarily a bad thing on a team built like Seattle, but once Wilson gets paid, and that defense gets raided, his 160 yards passing per game is not going to cut it.

Wilson does make critical plays when they need them. I've seem him tuck it and make some clutch runs for first down that ended up winning games.

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Because apparently it's all about the QB no matter how much is really your defense and Running Back.


They showed that stat early in the game that said the Hawks were the first defense since the 85 Bears to lead the league in all 3 major defensive stats.  Seattle literally had the best defense in nearly 30 years.  


Russell Wilson is so lucky to walk into the situation he did, its not even funny.   #1 defense in the league, top 5 RB in the league.  

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I hope people are beginning to realize that Wilson is a game manager now.  It's not necessarily a bad thing on a team built like Seattle, but once Wilson gets paid, and that defense gets raided, his 160 yards passing per game is not going to cut it.

I wouldn't necessarily call him a game manager. He's a very talented player, he's not Aaron Rodgers by any means but he's still very good.

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You're kidding me right? Look I don't like the Seahawks at all but that defense is ridiculous. Don't let blind hatred cloud that lol.

Agreed, lol. There is a reason green bay's offense is playing the way it is. Hope we can figure their defense out tho.

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Ok here is a question: Is Wilson doing anything better than Alex Smith did on the 49ers in 2011/2012 before he got injured/replaced?  Alex Smith was straight up garbage for nearly a decade until the 49ers had a decade of stockpiling 1st round picks, then suddenly he started improving. Coincidence?


It is obvious that he is being coached up to his abilities and yes, while one of them is smart decision making, I have yet to see Wilson win a game on his shoulders when the running game has run into trouble and/or the defense gave up a ton of points.


That day will come though eventually, and he will have to prove it.  Until then 170 yards a game will do.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love if the 'Skins could be winning games like this.

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Roddy got by him for a 47 yard TD and the next longest pass in the game went 21 yards... White was their best player at 5 for 76 yards.

Not a stellar example.

Making an entire side of the field moot is not being taken out of the game. Also, Jarrett Boykin is good enough to make plays on #1 corners so I find tonight's argument extra ridiculous.

One, it's not an entire side. They've had four person sets or rbs coming out later on that side of the field. It's shutting down one receiver, that's it

Boykins skill individually is irrelevant

Whose better, Nelson or Boykin. If Nelson, then you're ecstatic their best cb is on Boykin

Who's better, Cobb or Boykin. If Cobb, then you're ecstatic their best cb is on Boykin

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Ok here is a question: Is Wilson doing anything better than Alex Smith did on the 49ers in 2011/2012 before he got injured/replaced?  Alex Smith was straight up garbage for nearly a decade until the 49ers had a decade of stockpiling 1st round picks, then suddenly he started improving. Coincidence?


It is obvious that he is being coached up to his abilities and yes, while one of them is smart decision making, I have yet to see Wilson win a game on his shoulders when the running game has run into trouble and/or the defense gave up a ton of points.


That day will come though eventually, and he will have to prove it.  Until then 170 yards a game will do.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love if the 'Skins could be winning games like this.


I really think there are at least 15 QBs who could win with this team. You put a Manning or Brady on this team and they would never lose.

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Making an entire side of the field moot is not being taken out of the game. Also, Jarrett Boykin is good enough to make plays on #1 corners so I find tonight's argument extra ridiculous.

If I'm GB though do I feel better with Sherman guarding Nelson/Cobb or Boykin? I want Sherman on Boykin so my two best players have an easier path.

As someone who claims to be the best he should want to shut down the best player on offense. There are plenty of routes to run with on the other 3/4 of the field for their better WRs to take advantage of. Let Sherman have his numbers -> sideline shutdown area. He's wasting his talents if I'm the offense, though I'll admit it will take a little creativity on offense for that to be fleshed out

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Ok here is a question: Is Wilson doing anything better than Alex Smith did on the 49ers in 2011/2012 before he got injured/replaced?  Alex Smith was straight up garbage for nearly a decade until the 49ers had a decade of stockpiling 1st round picks, then suddenly he started improving. Coincidence?


It is obvious that he is being coached up to his abilities and yes, while one of them is smart decision making, I have yet to see Wilson win a game on his shoulders when the running game has run into trouble and/or the defense gave up a ton of points.


That day will come though eventually, and he will have to prove it.  Until then 170 yards a game will do.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love if the 'Skins could be winning games like this.

Russell Wilson has been a damn good player. I'm not going to go pulling game stats but I've seen him play way better than anyone should expect a 3rd round pick too. He's surrounded by an awesome team and I've consistently said he'd fair far worse than Griffin if he would've been picked here but I won't take anything away from what he's accomplished in his short career.

So is Seattle in prevent right now?

Let's ask Alexa and NC2RH...

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Not if Polumbus can't do a better job than the guy GB has at RT now.

Polumbus was in that game. Just have to establish Griffin as a run threat so they hesitate that half second. I know Griffins camp said they don't like the read option but its damn effective with his fake and it wasnt the read option that got him hurt.

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Polumbus was in that game. Just have to establish Griffin as a run threat so they hesitate that half second. I know Griffins camp said they don't like the read option but its damn effective with his fake and it wasnt the read option that got him hurt.

I have no problem if they use RO but it should be sprinkled in like Seattle uses it, not a crutch for the offense like it has been. Also, this is predicated on Griffin making smart and safe decisions when choose to keep it

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