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Terminator Fans: Prepare to Puke


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I shall endeavour to watch them over the weekend


You've never seen Terminator? 


Stop whatever backwards euro thing you got going on, ditch work for a sick day and watch the hell out of Terminator. 


Watch only the first, breathe it in, slowly exhale. Remember to put yourself into a 1984 state of mind. Or, hop into your time machine and go back to the Reds glory dayz.


Terminator is one of the best damn sci-fi's you'll ever see. 


Pause, then go on to T2. At that point, stop. 

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I shall endeavour to watch them over the weekend,

Just for you.

My man. Terminator 1 & 2 will have you kicking yourself for not having seen them for over 25 years.

The next three....ehhhh

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T2 is the most iconic action movie of Gen X.

Side note: Some years back, when I used to smoke the reef with regularity, T2 was on TV and I was listening to music. For some reason I was listening to Nine Inch Nails and the music made the movie even more bad ass! It's like listening to Busta Rhymes while watching The Simpsons. That weed man. It's awesome.

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That weed man. It's awesome.

You said it...not me.

I agree, though. There were SO many "epic" moments in T2, much more so than T1. I mean if you sat down and counted how many "Holy crap!" Moments there were in Terminator 2....you might need THREE hands.

Hell, if you think about it, T2 to T1 is very much like Aliens to Alien. Both sequels had bigger budgets, more action, bigger explosions. They were both really good, but a lot of people felt the sequels fell short of the originals.

I lean ever so slightly towards Alien over Aliens, tho. Again it's really close.

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T2 is the most iconic action movie of Gen X.

I disagree. By saying that you dismiss Die Hard, Predator, Rambo..etc. our generation grew up with some amazing action movies.

If there were 2 movie posters that you could do for iconic of Gen x, it was the pic of the Terminator from the first movie, and Rambo.

I'm an Aliens guy myself.

Aliens is considered more of Sci Fi thriller, but that's also one of the iconic movies...oh...and Red Dawn.

I go back and think of the movie posters that I think defined our generation, it's the Terminator poster (I thi NJ it was from the first one), Rambo poster, Red Dawn with the kid holding the gun in the air (in the movie he was yelling wolverines at that moment), the poster of Predator and the one of Alien. I think those 5 pretty much summed up action/sci-fi thriller

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T2 was my favorite movie as a kid. They Should've stopped after that one.

So, is there no fate but what we make or is judgement day inevitable? The movies can't make up their mind on this.


Spoiler ahead: how did The good Arnold and the T1000s ever get sent back in time in this latest one? The machines sent a bad Arnold and the humans sent a Kyle Reese and then Skynet got shut down and John Connor got turned into a cyborg before anyone else could be sent back.

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Don't listen to those critics as I enjoyed the movie last night. It was better than T3 and Salvation(But Salvation was good to me). It's within the storyline of the Trilogy.

You're my boy DC, so I trust you. But I still can't take my eyes off that 8th story window

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Eh, maybe I'm just biased. I really like / relate to T2 because I was about the age of the kid in that movie when it came out. Like him, I didn't have a dad growing up. Also like him, a machine was the closest thing I ever had to a real dad. That's what my mom was having sex with.

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Eh, maybe I'm just biased. I really like / relate to T2 because I was about the age of the kid in that movie when it came out and like him, I didn't have a dad of my own and also like him, a machine was the closest thing I had to a dad in the sense that it's what my mom was having sex with.

That's probably it. T2 while a great movie was one of many for Gen X

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T1 got higher ratings than T2? Is that right?


Terminator 2 is better than Terminator 1 in all departments, from character developments, story-line, graphics. Possibly the best action ever made.


I know it was 1984 for T1, but they could have done a better job with Terminator walking in the factory. Even as a kid, i thought it looked bad.

Yeah, but I think the one thing T1 has over T2 was the newness of it in 1984.

T2 is definitely the better made, more polished film. However, you kind of knew where it was going, and what the terminator was capable of.

When the T-1000 was blown apart covered in liquid nitrogen, you knew it wasn't the end of him.

You weren't sure in T1. A great scene was the oil truck "finale". The oil truck is blown apart. Cameron does a great job here of playing with the audience, and giving this scene a "ending" feel. Connor is wandering through the wreckage. Reese makes his way out of his hiding place. They wander till they find each other. The music swells up. They cuddle as the wreckage burns and fade-away, finale music starts to play.

Suddenly the wreckage bursts open, and there is the terminator again, sans skin, coming after them, and the chase is on again.

I remember seeing that scene the first time, and thinking 'Damn, he is still coming after them'. :)

It was nicely done. I think the newness of T1 helps it.

Flashing forward to the future several times, I think, helps it too. :)

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I thought that the effects of T1 really had a problem. 


I'm not one to nit pick special effects.  (I really don't get the folks complaining about CGI in the later Star Wars films.  I had no problems with any of the effects at all.  In fact, the only movie other movie I can think of, where I even noticed the special effects, was 2001, where some of the spaceflight scenes were obviously simply paintings, with the camera slowly panning over them.) 


But for example, there's a scene, in the factory, where Reese and Sarah are standing on either side of a door, while the Terminator walks towards the door.  And it's just glaringly obvious that the Terminator is stop motion animated, and matted in.  I think 50's giant spider movies had better effects.. 


I probably haven't seen that movie, since I saw it in the theaters.  And those scenes still stick in my mind, as being bad.  (And I like the movie, and have seen all of the sequels, in the theaters.  I just didn't like those scenes.) 


But my overall opinion of T1 was that the movie would have been much better, if they'd simply left out most of the effects, completely. 


If I'm editing T1, the first "trim" I do is "eliminate all of the scenes from the future". 


The effects are cheesy, anyway.  I mean, our resistance fighters are fighting against a high-tech, electronic, latest technology army, by driving around in the rubble of a city, in a dune buggy with enough lights on the light bar to light up a football field?  Robot tanks rolling over an empty field which is covered in nothing but human skulls, all of them touching each other, all of them facing the camera, and all of them right side up?


And they actually hurt the story.  I don't want the audience to know that this future Reese is ranting about is real.  I want them to doubt him. 


Until the Terminator takes two shotgun shells to the chest, and gets up.  

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I thought that the effects of T1 really had a problem. 


I'm not one to nit pick special effects.  (I really don't get the folks complaining about CGI in the later Star Wars films.  I had no problems with any of the effects at all.) 


But for example, there's a scene, in the factory, where Reese and Sarah are standing on either side of a door, while the Terminator walks towards the door.  And it's just glaringly obvious that the Terminator is stop motion animated, and matted in.  





Been awhile since I've seen T1 but i remember the scene you're talking about. It was pretty bad, even for 1984. Scared the hell out of me though, the first time I saw it as a little kid.

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But for example, there's a scene, in the factory, where Reese and Sarah are standing on either side of a door, while the Terminator walks towards the door.  And it's just glaringly obvious that the Terminator is stop motion animated, and matted in. 


Which was an ode to Jason and the Argonauts. 



It was the first time in the film that the cybernetic endoskeleton was fully exposed.

Argo skeleton army - cybernetic skeleton - stop motion.


It was a brief motif. 

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I'd rate the movies as follows. I haven't seen the new one but I will when it eventually comes to on demand. I wish Hollywood would croak already and allow people to pay to stream new movies a week or two after theatre release. Hell, if I had it my way you'd able to pay to stream new movies day of release but that would never happen and most likely ensure going to the movies would be a thing of the past. Damn internet pirates giving Hollywood excuses and ruining it for the rest of us. Anyways:

T1 9/10

T2 10/10

T3 6/10

T4 6/10

I'm sure ill enjoy the new movie because I just really like the universe no matter how lame all the time travel is. Plus, lets get real here these new terminators would smoke the old Arnold model. It would be like my present day computer going up against my old pentium pc. That has always been something that makes it hard to suspend my disbelief when watching these films but since I'm able to do it I just enjoy the films for what they are. I think I heard Cameron can have access to the Terminator rights again in 2019 and man I hope that's the truth and it happens. From what I've heard the trailer for the new Terminator had a huge spoiler and revealed the plot twist and I think that significantly lowered the critics score of the movie. It has already spoiled me and I'm pissed about it, i would have much rather gone in fresh not knowing that huge plot point of the movie. I'm not saying the movie would have been scored 10/10 had that not happened, but critics scoring it 2/10? Really?

GHH IF YOU HAPPEN TO BE READING THIS STOP HERE BECAUSE SPOILERS...... I could see how someone might like the first terminator over the second, the first one is straight up regular man vs. killing machine and that adds a ton of tension to the film over the 2nd one. But man T2 might be one of if not the greatest sequel of all time. T2 is slightly better than T1 for me because everything just seems a tiny notch better.

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Everything is subjective and the movies are close enough in my opinion that i could see someone liking the first more so I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm right. But thank you nonetheless. I do agree with what a poster said above though... The story, character development, ending etc for T2 is just a little bit better IMO.

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Saw this one. It isn't the worst of the franchise. First half of the movie is actually pretty solid, but it just goes down hill to the end. Too much action, all fastly paced together, eventually builds up to being ridiculous and too over the top. Plus, as much as I like Emilia Clarke in GoT, she was terrible in this Just awful. She is a main character and her poor performance really hurt the movie. 


I like Salvation more than this one, but I like the first half of this new one more than Salvation, if that makes sense. On a scale from 1 to 10 the first two are 10s, the 3rd is a 2, Salvation a 6, the first half of this one a 7, the second half a 4.

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Saw this one. It isn't the worst of the franchise. First half of the movie is actually pretty solid, but it just goes down hill to the end. Too much action, all fastly paced together, eventually builds up to being ridiculous and too over the top. Plus, as much as I like Emilia Clarke in GoT, she was terrible in this Just awful. She is a main character and her poor performance really hurt the movie.

I like Salvation more than this one, but I like the first half of this new one more than Salvation, if that makes sense. On a scale from 1 to 10 the first two are 10s, the 3rd is a 2, Salvation a 6, the first half of this one a 7, the second half a 4.

Were you aware of the main plot twist going in having seen the trailer that released right before the movie came out that ruined things for the sole purpose of the marketing department panicing and trying to get butts in seats? Or did you go into the movie fresh? Even the director of the film wasnt happy about that trailer reveal and took some shots at the marketing department. I can already say ill probably enjoy the movie less having seen that stupid trailer, unaware they would do something that stupid. Takes the big surprise out of the movie. Ridiculous.
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Eh, maybe I'm just biased. I really like / relate to T2 because I was about the age of the kid in that movie when it came out. Like him, I didn't have a dad growing up. Also like him, a machine was the closest thing I ever had to a real dad. That's what my mom was having sex with.


I think this guy is a couple cans short of a six pack. 



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